Hunting High School

Chapter 471 Unexpected Admission

The last time I saw Xiao Xiao was over Linzhong Lake in the school.

At that time, the young public welfare student was sucked into the 'Black Moon', and the fortune teller of the forgiveness hunting team was rushing towards him madly holding the book, trying to grab his team leader.

Zheng Qing thought that the two of them would never have the chance to meet before they got out of the black prison.

I never thought that fate always likes to make such bad jokes.

When Zheng Qing got out from under the black cat's belly and looked around, in the ruins of the collapsed cell, behind a section of remaining brick wall, Dr. Xiao showed his eye-catching watermelon head, and waved desperately at his captain, Pointing to the sky, and then doing the action of hugging his head.

Zheng Qing looked up in the direction of the doctor's finger.

Then he slowly opened his mouth wide.

He finally knew why the sky became gray.

Because in mid-air, a huge, gray 'long snake' was swinging meanderingly, propping up a layer of light gray barrier, covering the color of the two suns above the head.

Outside the barrier, the huge and distorted figures of the great wizards can be vaguely seen, and tens of thousands of golden birds are rushing towards them one after another, bursting golden fireworks on the barrier.

The barrier isolates those crazy birds, as well as the bright light and noise of their blooming.

Looking back and forth along the gray 'long snake', one side is a pointed 'snake tail', there is no scale on it, only gray smooth long hair, swirling on the tip of the tail and swinging flexibly, The golden birds that occasionally bumped into them were immediately bundled into rice dumplings by those long hairs.

Zheng Qing did not find the 'snake head' of the long gray snake on the other side. It bypassed the collapsed cell and disappeared into the ruins.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Damn it!"

The black cat's cursing and complaining sounded in the boy's ears: "The gods fight, and the kid suffers... I knew nothing good was going to be with you."

While complaining, it flicked its tail and tied it around Zheng Qing's waist. This time, it didn't condone the boy's struggle, but dragged him towards the outside of the gray barrier.


One person and one cat fell heavily to the ground. Circles of obscure ripples appeared on the gray barrier, and the black cat covered its head with an ugly expression. Zheng Qing carefully pulled the cat's tail tied around his waist.

"Why?!" The black cat glared at the boy with a bad temper.

Zheng Qing poked the cat's tail tightly tied, patiently, and suggested with a good attitude: "I can't get out anyway...why don't you find out what happened? You should have seen it too, Xiao Xiao Right there."

"How do you know that 'Xiao Xiao' is not a mirror demon or a painted skin?" The black cat asked back - although the attitude was still bad, the tail tied around the boy's waist was a little loose.

Zheng Qing felt excited: "Because I don't know, I'm going to see it... What if it's true? Zhu Si and Xiao Xiao are there, I won't run away alone."

"Hehe," the black cat sneered twice: "You self-righteous idiot."

Having said that, it still loosened the tail around the boy's waist. As soon as Zheng Qing's foot landed, he ran towards the cut-off wall where Xiao Xiao had been hiding before.

Behind him, the black cat scolded in a low voice: "Go around that Migo, and run on the cat's waist! Grab the talisman Jiang Yu gave you... Be careful, don't get hit on the head by the flow curse!"



Outside the gray barrier.


The four deans of the First University looked at the 'gray snake' hovering in the barrier with serious expressions, while Captain Misty showed a relieved expression on his face.

"finally come."

The sea monster looked at the great wizards, smiled happily, stretched out his five fingers, and stretched his hand forward, with a look of victory: "If I were you, I would gather my subordinates honestly and stay away from the battlefield... We just want to How many fruits do you want... After all, every wizard is very precious to the school, isn't it?"

Those who answered it were the sneers and ignorance of several great wizards.

This is not beyond Captain Misty's expectations—if he can easily repel the wizards who still occupy the ground with words, it will not be the proud first university it knows, and it will feel uneasy on the contrary—on the contrary, the wizards at this moment His persistence, on the contrary, gave the sea monster more confidence.

It is different from the attitude of indifference to the outside world.

Between the four deans, their spiritual thoughts were intertwined and they were having a heated discussion.

"The Dark Parliament appeared too early!"

"This is different from what the fortune-telling team expected. Where did something change... Is the plan still the same? If we do it now, more than half of the big monsters will be left behind!"

"The fortune-telling group didn't send out a signal, so we will only scare the snake away."

"No plan is perfect, especially when it involves forces with legendary existences and above. If you want me to say, you shouldn't listen to that guy Zhuge, what kind of puff pastry... Are you honestly unhappy with your shopping?"

"Not every wizard has the characteristics of the Star Academy. Misty just said that it is true. Every drop of wizard's blood is very precious and should not be wasted on such things."

"Stop arguing about these useless topics... Is there any news from the divination group?"

"The blue bird sent a letter, and the Outer Sect door in the main castle was confirmed to be opened, and the people from the Dark Council broke in through it... There is a deviation in the route, and the time is a bit too early."

"When we were forced to do something to that Migo, we should have expected this. We changed its cell to the main castle, isn't it because of its relationship with the mouse fairy in the Dark Council? ?”

"If you didn't do it just now, who knows what kind of monster it will turn into after it absorbs enough energy!"

"That's why I don't like fortune tellers...every time they say that they have a 'safe' plan, there will always be one or another accident."

"No one promises that this plan will be foolproof!"

"Also! The divination team reminded Dean Yao and Dean Sun that the Dark Council has kidnapped several students from Jiuyou Academy and Xingkong Academy... I hope you will remain calm."

"Ms. Gan Lin!"



When the dean of the Starry Sky Academy spoke out loudly, scolding the members of the Dark Council for not practicing martial arts, and complaining that the youngsters in the academy were restless.

Deep in the gray barrier.

among the ruins.

The wandering wizard also pulled his beard upright.

"Why didn't you follow the plan and do it in advance!" He suppressed his anger and stood in front of the mouse fairy, every wrinkle on his face seemed to be straightened: "We could have brought in more helpers!"

"Helper? Are you talking about those water ghosts who can't walk stably, or those evil spirits who sometimes fight against us when they go crazy?" The mouse fairy turned his back to the wandering wizard and waved his hands casually: "Those monsters, there are more groups and fewer groups. No problem."

"This is not the reason for you to break the plan!" The wandering wizard's attitude became more and more tough - he must maintain the authority of the Dark Council in front of other members.

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