Hunting High School

Chapter 472 Other Choices

A small Michelle skeleton stands between the wandering wizard and the mouse fairy, looking left and right, it seems a little at a loss. On its forehead, a red gemstone the size of a fingernail is shining brightly in the gray light.

Behind the skeleton is a tall and strong man in coarse linen. He is leaning on the iconic oak staff of the druids, and his entire face is hidden under the wide hood.

On the left side of the druid is a grey-white lich, with dry hair in locks, hanging down randomly from its shoulders, covering his curved shoulders and skinny flesh; The ghost shone with a healthy pearly color, but compared with the upper member of the council under the moon, this ghost was smaller in size.

At this moment, the members of these dark parliaments are all looking at the wandering wizard and the mouse fairy with probing eyes, as if they are considering which of the two great wizards is more reliable.


The Rat Immortal repeated the words that the wandering wizard just mentioned, still looking at the seemingly thick but actually very thin ruins in front of him, murmured, and replied in a very soft voice:

"A plan is always just a plan... We want to act according to the plan honestly in front of so many great fortune tellers in the school. It is simply too naive. Maybe they know more about our plan than most of the people present."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"This is not a reason for you to break the plan." The wandering wizard firmly repeated his own point of view.


A few piercing sneers came out of nowhere in the air. The wandering wizard frowned, moved his gaze to the corner of his eyes, and saw a gloomy light appearing in the corner of the ruined wall, and a light word came from that light: "... Although the old man is in ink, this judgment is a bit sharp."

The wandering wizard narrowed his eyes slightly: " are not yet a member of the Dark Council."

The implication is that the dark light has no right to speak.

"Okay, stop arguing!"

The tall and tall Druid stomped the staff in his hand, and a hoarse and rough voice sounded: "The Rat Immortal has selfish motives in advance, and we all know that, among these members of the parliament, which one has no selfish motives?  … But it's also true...following the plan honestly, those big fortune tellers at the school won't let us succeed."

"Master Seckel."

The wandering wizard nodded slightly to the druid—he could question the Rat Immortal who temporarily joined the council, but he had to respect the attitude of the druid high priest—twist the fluffy brim of his hat, and kicked the ball out very slickly :

"So, what should we do next?"

"Soldiers will block you, water will cover you with soil." Arch Druid Sekber replied word by word, raised his head, put down his hood, and revealed a face covered with thick hair, looking at the gray sky above his head:

"The parliament came to the black prison, and it didn't intend to take the spoils from the wizards in a friendly manner."



As if the sky was being torn apart, heavy and rapid impact sounded one after another, resounding through the sky. Ten thick blue-gray pillars pierced the gray barrier, and they were pulled apart forcefully, revealing a pair of huge blue-gray palms and an indifferent Great ape face.

The moment the huge 'gray snake' hovering in mid-air appeared on the face of the giant ape, it suddenly became thinner and smaller, like a frightened loach, shrank to the bottom.

It's just that the barrier supported by the huge gray snake is still hanging firmly in the air, and it seems that it will not disappear for a while.

The eyes of the giant ape passed over Migo, who was hunched over, covering the little witch, and screaming at the sky with several jointed limbs; passed over the black cat and several young students from the First University; finally landed on the collapsed prison. Room.


The broken walls and ruins collapsed under the heavy eyes, but not a trace of dust could float up. In the ruins, six figures of different heights, fat and thin looked up one after another, looking directly at the two gazes descending from the sky.


Professor Yao's thunderous voice passed through the broken barrier and resounded through the ruins, making the ears of the young wizards ringing: "...letting you stay in Phuket Island is the school's biggest mistake."

The wandering wizard took off his pointed hat, buckled it on his chest, bowed slightly to the huge face in mid-air, and replied politely in a weak but very clear voice:

"It's an honor to be entertained."

The giant ape's gaze shifted again, and landed on the fat mouse that was one person tall: "What about you? Rat Immortal? Are you giving up on the Rat Clan underground in the school?"

Before the Rat Immortal could speak in the future, outside the ruins, Migo, who was screaming up to the sky, suddenly turned his head and looked at the big fat mouse. The light spots between the folds on his forehead flickered violently:


The Rat Immortal ignored the giant ape's questioning, looked away, looked at the weird worm gently, and looked at the bewildered little witch under the worm, with an unusually soft voice:

"I know, I know, it's all my fault, it's all my has nothing to do with you. You are all innocent. It's all my fault...that's good...don't worry, I will take care of everything. "

It raised its hand and closed the corners of its eyes, and there was a hint of warmth on its ugly face.

"Buzz... Get off! Buzz!!!" The soft tentacles on the folds of Migo's forehead suddenly straightened, and the elytra on his back vibrated violently, rolling up dozens of wind blades, and slashed heavily at the big mouse in the ruins.

Several figures around the big rat avoided it, cursing and raising their hands to knock out those wind blades. On the contrary, the Rat Immortal, who was at the center of the attack, remained motionless, allowing the wind blades to slap him, cutting deep scars on its shiny fur.

Blood trickled down the messy hair and fell to the ground.

The Rat Immortal didn't care about his injuries at all, but looked at Migo who was not far away with a satisfied face: "You look as good-looking as ever when you're angry..."

The spots of light between the folds of Migo's forehead froze suddenly, and immediately, it withdrew its eyes angrily, guarded the little witch under it again, and screamed at the face of the giant ape in the sky with its fangs and claws.

The great ape was silent for a few seconds.

Then he turned to look at several other figures: "The Druid High Priest Sekeber, the Grand Lich Lin Chi, the Ghost Race Anraphael... and the magic assassin Butko. Everyone from the Dark Council came here uninvited, Are you trying to make an enemy of First University?"

"Do not."

The archdruid stepped forward, stood in front of the members of the Dark Council, and looked up at the huge face in midair: "In the war between wizards and demons, the Dark Council strictly abides by neutrality... We are here to tell this world."

"Besides wizards and demons, there are other options in this world."

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