Hunting High School

Chapter 473 Disagreement


Accompanied by the announcement of the archdruid, the gray barrier covering the ruins shattered. The golden-red sunlight re-applied on the broken blue bricks and scorched ground, and six huge figures rose from the ground, covering the sunlight and leaving a thick shadow among the ruins.

It was like a signal.

Captain Misty laughed wildly, turned into a gray-white giant snake, and pounced on the nearest Dean of Atlas. The other big sea monsters and the two liches also agreed to do it together.

"You have crossed the line!"

Sun Qi, the dean of Star Academy, punched Captain Flying Bingshan and shouted sharply: "The two black goats are still on the battlefield! They are the enemies of our world!"

Regardless of the wizard or the demon, although the nature of life is different, the magic road they embark on is the same. They all see the big from the small. They cast their real bodies at the stage of advanced great wizards. After the breakthrough legend, they transcend the dimensions to evolve the world and become ancient wizards. They started to reduce and empty, constantly throw away everything they obtained from the universe, hide themselves, and obtain new ideas from other dimensions to feed back to this universe, so as to promote the continuous expansion and enlargement of the universe.

And the outer gods who walked on the road to the starry sky are greedily grabbing everything—from matter to energy to spirit—their magic road is to see the small by taking everything and devouring everything. their own power. They are not even afraid to show their real bodies in front of ordinary life, allowing their huge, star-like 'information' to spread throughout the universe.

This is also the original reason for "not looking directly at the gods" in many ancient legends, because the endless knowledge revealed by those outer gods can drive the most rational brain crazy and distort the simplest life.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The 'practitioner' of the two paths is easily distinguished.

Because the outer gods on the road to the starry sky will expand their "self-concept" to the point where it cannot be added due to continuous plundering of ideas, the real body of the outer gods in the legendary Realm has already surpassed ordinary planets, top outer gods, such as Azathoth , 'His body is composed of all the bright stars and stars visible in the universe, but his appearance is shrouded in darkness', there is no other place to accommodate their existence except the vast and endless universe.

This is why they have formed an indissoluble bond with words like 'starry sky'.

On the contrary, the real bodies of orthodox wizards, no matter how huge they are, will be controlled within a certain range, and they can also be hidden in the special Minor World through secret methods.

The roads are so different—it can be called the opposite—that the contradictions between the practitioners on the two avenues cannot be reconciled.

In comparison, the blood feud between wizards and demons is nothing more than the difference between eating and not eating. It cannot be tolerated under the general moral view, but it can be compromised in the face of greater reason. Just like ordinary people tolerated cannibalism in times of famine, it is not new that the cannibals and the eaten people live in harmony under the same sun in history.

Ordinary wizards and ordinary monsters may not be aware of the subtleties.

But for great wizards or great monsters, they can have this tacit understanding that cannot be resorted to. But today, on the battlefield of Hell, Captain Misty broke this tacit agreement.

"Hahahaha, crossing the boundary? Who set the boundary for us!"

Captain Misty laughed, his huge figure covered almost half of the sky, and the aura that emanated from his body made many wizards on the battlefield weak. His voice was like thunder, and every word hit the minds of the great wizards: " This is war! An all-consuming war!!"

The sound waves spread in all directions like a hurricane.

Above the head, the endless brilliance scattered by the two suns also became distorted under this madness.

In the distance, the great wizards on the battlefield of the Black Prison Outer Fort also heard this announcement, and they all angrily denounced the Krakens for their insanity. dissatisfaction.


When the monsters re-attacked.

In front of the ruins, the members of the Dark Council who had just appeared did not act immediately.

They just looked at the entire battlefield with scrutiny eyes, observed how far the war between wizards and demons had progressed, and analyzed the damage of the entire Hell Castle—of course, and more importantly, spying on the inner castle. The reality of the guards, and whether the fruit of the ancient tree in the inner castle is ready to be picked.

The other three deans went all out to contain the attack of the four sea monsters and the two grand liches.

Only Dean Yao was left, facing the dark parliamentarians who came suddenly. Fortunately, he has three heads and four hands, so he won't mess up his hands and feet when facing the six members of the Dark Council.

Of course, it's best if you don't do it.

"Other options."

Professor Yao's indifferent face showed a hint of thought, his eyes slid over the Mouse Immortal and Migo, and then glanced at the two black goat cubs that were almost glued to each other not far away, with a little more thought in his eyes: "You guys What do you want to do?"

It seems that he guessed the professor's uneasiness.

The druid high priest Sekber waved his hand, pointed at the Migo, and denied, "It was just an accident. We didn't plan to set foot in the starry sky... You can rest assured that the school or the alliance."

"But it is said that there are beings from the starry sky in the Dark Council." Professor Yao still showed enough caution.

"The vast majority of the members of the Dark Council are the existence of Life in the cracks of this world." The Druid High Priest did not directly answer the professor's questioning, but sighed heavily:

"There are also many existences in the starry sky, but they have just stepped on that road. They are like weeds on the wall, they may fall into the yard, or they may float to the street. Although the past has been determined, the future is infinite after all... Who What can you fully confirm?"

"If a great wizard like you has Life in the cracks, wouldn't the wizards in the northern part of Beta Town have nowhere to stand?" Professor Yao turned his benevolent face and whispered.

"North District? Those jugglers?"

The archdruid frowned slightly, and then stretched it out: "That's right. What's the difference between the declining druid order and those magicians in the North District... If there are more choices, no one wants to be between wizards and demons." outside third parties."

"So, what did you guys choose!" Professor Yao turned his angry face and roared at Master Sekber.

The High Priest Druid turned his head slightly, and his eyes fell on a few short figures clustered together on the edge of the ruins.

"It's a forbidden spell, Professor."

He withdrew his gaze and replied with a gentle attitude: "In addition to wizards and demons, there is a third force with forbidden spells in the world... We choose to live in the cracks and not belong to wizards or demons. Adequate security."

"It will make the world a better place."

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