Hunting High School

Chapter 474: The Origin Of The Dark Council

As we all know, wizard is an extremely broad concept.

In the "Wizard Code", for individuals and groups that can use magic and other natural energies, including but not limited to traditional wizards, Taoists, monks, Confucianism, bitter practitioners, priests, priests, ninjas, Yin & Yang masters, foxes Immortals, vampires, zombies, werewolves, ghosts, unnatural creatures with genetic mutations, superpowers using special equipment, etc., are all included in the category of wizards and are under the unified supervision of the Wizards Union.

But this is just the unilateral rhetoric of the Wizarding Union.

Just like when the Eastern Jin Dynasty was unified for more than a hundred years, there were still people living in Qin Dynasty in Taohuayuan, "I don't know that there is Han, regardless of Wei and Jin". Even though the Wizarding Union has indisputable dominion over the entire world, there are still some ancient organizations and individuals denying their wizarding status between the cracks of the Alliance's monitoring.

In other words, not every priest, priest, ninja, or monk feels like a wizard.

They think that they have a greater mission than wizards, and have a more civilized and glorious heritage than wizards.

Divided by modern wizard theory, these groups belong to the ultra-conservative wing of wizards—they are completely two extremes compared with wizards (extreme radicals) who do not hesitate to become liches in order to grow further.

Under normal circumstances, as long as they are still obedient to the alliance, willing to abide by the provisions of the "Wizard Code", and accept the assignment of the alliance that may only happen once in a hundred years, then the alliance will not be serious with these diehards on such details. Allowing them to continue their respective inheritance is the right to protect the ancient culture of the wizarding world.

But obviously, this attitude of the alliance does not satisfy these groups living in the 'cracks' of the modern world. In other words, the alliance's indifference and indifference made them even more angry.

Especially with the development of modern dimension theory, a large number of high rank wizards sprung up in the wizarding world, and within a short period of time, almost all the best "seeds" in the world were harvested, allowing those who originally lived in the cracks Groups with difficulties in inheriting and inheriting are increasingly declining, and have to choose a more extreme and conservative attitude in the face of external changes.

The above is the fundamental reason for the birth of the Dark Council—in this world, where there is light, there will be darkness. If you cannot live in the light, you can only live in the darkness—in the face of the rapidly changing reality, extreme conservatives need Report to the group to keep warm and resist the further erosion of the alliance, but to do all this, they need a force that can compete with the alliance.

High rank wizards, both in quantity and quality, far exceed the background of these ultra-conservatives. Therefore, after repeated discussions, the 'Forbidden Curse' became the only option for the Dark Parliament to bargain with the Alliance.

It's funny to think about it.

A group that is most resistant to changes in the world wants to take the ultimate achievement of the biggest change in modern magic theory (modern dimension theory) as the foundation of its life.

Hearing the answer from the High Priest Druid, Professor Yao frowned on all three faces.

"Do you have the own curse?"

He used a questioning tone, obviously doubting what the archdruid said, and directly denied: "No, it's impossible... The alliance has curbed research on forbidden spells. If you have forbidden spells, you will be backlashed by the contract."

The contract he was talking about was the famous Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Prohibited Spells.

It is a well-known fact that forbidden spells are magic that can destroy the world. In order to prevent the further spread of the forbidden spell and prevent dangerous dark wizards from mastering this terrible magic, the Wizards Union formulated the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of the Forbidden Spell.

This is a contract initiated by the Grand Wizards Conference of the Wizards Union, and many legends and even ancient wizards participated in the formulation of the contract. The treaty stipulates that in order to protect the entire universe, any organization or individual to which the contract belongs is prohibited from conducting dimensional fluctuation experiments, teaching and researching new forbidden spells, and prohibiting any unreported forbidden spell experiments.

The druid high priest smiled slightly: "The contract is a document that restricts the parties who have signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Forbidden Curses... It is a pity that the Dark Council did not ratify and sign this treaty."

"You are playing with fire." Professor Yao warned with a gloomy expression.

"To protect our beliefs and heritage, and for a greater cause." The Druid High Priest replied with a serious expression, "We have no choice."



"Is there still such an operation?"

Xin Fatty turned his head and looked at his companions with astonishment on his face: "Does this mean that the Dark Council can cast a forbidden curse at any time to destroy Buji Island? This is too scary!"

The five forgiven hunters who hunted down Nikita in the Silent Forest - Zhang Jixin, Xin Fatty, Dylan, Lan Que, and Xiao Xiao - were taken captive by the Rat Fairy and the wandering wizard, and were taken into the black prison .

Unfortunately, as soon as they enter the black prison, they will face a battlefield where more than a dozen great wizards are confronting each other.

Fortunately, after they entered the black prison, they met the forgiving captain and a certain black cat that once shined at the school hunting party, which was very beneficial for them to quickly understand the situation on the scene and understand their own situation .

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

At this moment, these unfortunate and fortunate young wizards are huddling on the edge of the ruins after the prison cell collapsed, trying their best to weaken their sense of existence, lest the great wizards and big demons above their heads sneezed and sprayed them into flesh foam .

There is no way to escape.

On the one hand, although the members of the Dark Parliament did not control the personal freedom of the young wizards, they did not allow them to leave, but only told them to "stay where they are and don't run around." Warnings are always very convincing.

On the other hand, the young wizards had no better escape plan. Compared with this ruined area, the rest of the battlefield seemed more dangerous.

The raindrops of spells were still dazzlingly colorful in the sun, and the violent fluctuations of magic power came and went, and every step they took outside had to bear the common attack from both warring parties.

On the contrary, because of the confrontation between the great wizards, this slightly narrow ruin is actually calmer than other places, and it is relatively safer to stay in place.

But as the saying goes, risks and benefits are always proportional.

Exposure to such a huge risk is not only good for sharpening the will of young wizards, but also can hear many secrets that are rarely heard in ordinary times from the gossip conversations of big bosses.

For example, the Dark Council has a forbidden spell.

"If they blow up Phuket Island, will we not have to take the final exam?" Zhang Jixin looked at the great wizards who were confronting melancholy, and echoed absent-mindedly.

Dylan curled his lips: "I don't think they have the guts to blow up Phuket Island... After staying in the dark for a long time, not only will their vision become smaller, but their courage will also become smaller."

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