Hunting High School

Chapter 477: Angel And Terberon

Outside the shallow pit.

The wedge enclave on the battlefield.

The two black goats were completely entangled, forming a huge black cocoon. The dense dark green vines were wrapped around the outside like cocoon threads, exhaling a disturbing breath.

The battle between Captain Misty and the other six big monsters and the three deans of Alpha, Starry Sky, and Atlas has become fierce, but they are very careful to control the battlefield in the mid-altitude airspace—the deans are worried that they will not Carefully destroy the black prison protection circle, or smash the 'rotten eggs' produced by the black goats, causing the pollution to expand.

The demons also have the same worries, but their worries go a step further. They worry that after the battle destroys the walls of the inner castle, they will be held back by the professors of the school, and the 'allies' of the Dark Council will become the last orioles.

They do have reason to worry.

Therefore, at this moment, the "ally" in the eyes of the monsters just stayed on the edge of the battlefield in their spare time, confronting Professor Yao, and did not attack immediately—even though there was only one dean of the First University in front of them.

Professor Yao is happy to engage in a "sit-down war" with the uninvited guests of the Dark Council, as long as they can continue to maintain the "exception", he doesn't care what strange plans these uninvited guests have.

After all, the world of Hell is still the home of wizards. Although there are various accidents, the general situation is still under the control of fortune-tellers.

The battle between the bosses is gorgeous and dangerous.

In contrast, the battle between ordinary wizards and monsters is particularly bloody. Especially near the inner castle wall, because it is close to the last line of defense, the resistance of the wizards is extremely fierce.

The monsters gushing out from under the several big monster ships and the multi-armed titan Kotos were like a tide, but the defense line built by the wizards was like towering rocks, blocking the raging tide. The tide slapped on the reef and turned into a fluff of fine waves, flashing dazzling colors under the light of two rounds of scorching sun.

An ominous atmosphere filled the air.

Heart-throbbing voices can be heard everywhere on the battlefield.


On the edge of the ruins, the commotion among the young wizards in the shallow pit did not escape the attention of the other great wizards present. They don't need to pay attention deliberately, the big and small things happening on this small battlefield are clearly visible like lines in the palm of their hands.

At the same time when Zheng Qing took out that Dharma book.

The pupils of the archdruid and Professor Yao who were confronting each other shrank at the same time.


The professor sighed secretly.

The archdruid's eyes lit up, and the slender hairs on his face suddenly fluttered, like the tentacles of a jellyfish when it was preying, and scattered deep rays of light bloomed in the void.

"If I were you, I would keep quiet."

Professor Yao looked at the Druid High Priest with his indifferent face, and his tone was as calm as ever: "...Stay where you are quietly."

While speaking, four hands around him had pinched out four different spells, and four more dharma books floated in front of him, and the pages of the books were filled with rays of light, intertwined with each other, like the abyss and the mountains, with a majestic momentum fill.

On the other hand, Archdruid Sebek, who was opposite him, smiled slightly: "If I were you, I would advise your yellow-clothed bishop to be more patient with this world... instead of sacrificing himself for a disagreement."

Before the words fell, the sky suddenly darkened.

Urban, the dean of Atlas College, knelt on one knee in the void, holding an ancient parchment scroll in his hand, and the light between the sky and the earth seemed to be sucked away at this moment.

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

"The earth was void and formless, and darkness was upon the face of the deep."

"The Spirit of God moves over the waters."

"God said, let there be light, and there will be light."

Accompanied by the old wizard's low-pitched prayer, the plain linen clothes on his body peeled off in pieces, revealing a thin and clean body. Milky white light bloomed from every pore of him, flowing slowly, gathering behind the great wizard, condensing A silver-white figure bent over appeared.

He lowered his head and looked at the Blood Qi rising from the battle below, with compassion and love in his eyes: "God so loved the world that he even gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life .”

The silver-white figure raised his head, revealing a face similar to that of Dean Atlas but younger. He stood up slowly, and the white wings behind him unfolded layer by layer. The edges of the wings were wrapped by the golden sunlight falling from the sky. Another golden thunder jumped on the wings, crackling, extending in all directions, creating a magnificent view of Heavenly Mountain.

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A series of illusory angel shadows floated down from the top of the mountain, guiding the soul of the dead wizard back to peace. At the same time, there are also armored angels, roaring, forming silver-white torrents, gushing out from the mountain of heaven, like a flood that destroys the world, washing away everything unclean in the world.

Professor Yao looked at all this with a serious expression and did not make a sound to stop it. Everyone has their own Tao, and everything they do to practice their own Tao deserves the respect of others.

"Damn it!"

Captain Misty roared, like a giant white dragon, hovering in mid-air, trying to stop those angels from falling, but instead let many angels fall on it. On the body of a white dragon.

The aura on Captain Misty's body was visibly fading to the naked eye.

This is the aftermath of its attempt to confront a great wizard at its most sublime.

"Do something!"

The roar of the mist rang in the ears of every big demon: "While I hold him back! Before our subordinates die! You fucking do something!"

when! !

An illusory bell sounded from the real body of the usurper of time, Mark Briggett. reflections in reality.


A slightly unwilling sigh followed, and the captain of the whirlpool, one of the four sea monsters, jumped forward and slammed his head into the huge wall clock hanging in mid-air, with a stern look on his face: "...that fruit should be useful! "


Like the sound of an eggshell being broken, after the huge body of Captain Vortex hit the wall clock, the wall clock did not break, and the whirlpool did not hit the head, and the two merged together in a strange state, spinning, During the escape, it turned into a giant dragon with a tail and a strange appearance, like a pocket watch.

The whole body of the giant dragon is blue and black, exuding a mottled and ancient atmosphere, like an ancient bronze artifact buried deep underground for tens of thousands of years. His body constitutes the case, and his breath condenses into the dial. There are no exquisite and clear scales on the gray dial, except for a circle of mysterious rune that is constantly changing, there are only three pointers of different lengths that seem to be formed from dragon claws.


The pointer jumped lightly in his belly.

Click, click.

The clear and monotonous sound of beating hands echoed between the sky and the earth.

next second.

The walls of the inner castle of the black prison collapsed.

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