Hunting High School

Chapter 478: Click, Click

"It's so strange!"

"The whirlpool turned out to be Mark Brigate's clone? Or, Brigate turned out to be the whirlpool's clone? Anyway...a big lich and a sea monster?"

"I believe that before today, no one would think that there is such a relationship between them!"

Beta town.

Sanyou Bookstore.

The yellow raccoon squatted in front of the cold tea bowl, with its tail tucked around its feet, looking at the reflection in the tea, holding a small dried fish, gnawing on it with relish, and commenting at the same time: "Also, they actually condensed A true body of a Terberon... no wonder it can cast a legendary spell."

"Compared to this, although the deans of the school behave quite well, they are too rigid. Apart from desperate, they are desperate, and there is also desperate...What is the age, and they are still playing the game of sacrifice at every turn, which is too disappointing. Already!"

"Old man, the walls of the Hell Prison have're going to die."

There was an undisguised gloat in the yellow raccoon's tone. It looked back at Mr. Wu who was on the reclining chair. There were still some dregs from Xiaoyugan's body on the corner of his mouth, which made his cat's face look a little oily.

Mr. Wu was lying on his back in a chair, with an open copy of "Jin Ping Mei" covering his face, intermittent and suspicious snores came from under the book.

The beard at the corner of the yellow raccoon's mouth suddenly drooped.


It threw the leftover fishbone over, smashed it on the spine of the book "Jin Ping Mei", knocked the book off Mr. Wu's face, and woke up Mr. Wu who was taking a nap.

"What?" The gentleman opened his eyes and asked in a daze.

"I said, your fruit is going to be gone!" The flower cat growled, yelling word by word: "Those big monsters tossed out a terpyron! It brought down the inner castle wall of the black prison!!"

Mr. Wu blinked.

"Just a terpyron."

After a while, he muttered, picked up the book that fell on the floor, flipped through a few pages and covered his face again, a vague voice came from under the book: "Fruits...are just for eating...Everyone eats the same... Almost... huh, huh."

After snoring twice, the husband's intermittent voice suddenly came from under the book, as if talking in sleep:

"That city...was about to collapse...hehe...the difference is...who brought it what method it was collapsed...hehe...comparatively speaking...if the city wall was destroyed by that Tebilon Collapse...the school will probably be happy."

"After all, you have worked so hard for so long, hehe..."

The yellow raccoon held another small dried fish in its paws, hesitated for a moment, was still reluctant to throw it out, and finally cursed, bit off the fish's head, chewed and cursed at each other, and continued to look down at the live broadcast in the tea bowl.



Zheng Qing felt that the world was broken.

in various senses.

A second ago, the young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were still analyzing the conspiracy of the Dark Council. The black cat was arguing that he was a creature with an independent cat personality. The two suns above his head were still dazzling. Stuck together, Zhu Si was embraced by the Migo, and the Dharma book in Zheng Qing's hand exuded a reassuring and peaceful atmosphere.

In the next second, the walls of the inner castle of the black prison collapsed.

Overhead, Alpha and the principals of the Starry Sky Academy were blasted out of the main castle, the Heaven Mountain summoned by the Atlas principal was shattered, and the three-headed and eight-armed giant ape roared to resist the digital monsters and darkness from all directions. The attack of the members of the parliament, the pure-blooded Migo was scorched black by a spell that fell from the sky, the sun was a little more bloody, the battlefield echoed with the roar of the wizards when they retreated, and the sky and the earth were filled with light. Blame Lu Li's breath.

Zheng Qing always felt that something was wrong.

Although everything in front of him was extremely real, it also made him feel extremely illusory. The truth lies in the fact that the air waves rolled up when the walls of the inner castle collapsed were undoubtedly blown over, and the fine gravel hit his face and arms, wiping out thin blood streaks, causing pain; All this happened suddenly.

Like a tape, someone pressed the space and fast-forward keys, skipped the whole process, and directly showed the final result. This emptiness is maddening.

In the distance, a deep and clear mantra echoed faintly between the heaven and the earth:

"Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow..."


The colorful rays of light exploded in front of the young wizard, and then shrank. For a moment, Zheng Qing seemed to feel the rotation of the sky and the earth, the rising and falling of the sun and the moon, as well as the birth, growth and Nirvana of the black prison world. A huge and messy flow of information surged from all directions, blasting into the young wizard's every sense, forcing him to close his eyes subconsciously and seal off his five senses.

That is, the information received at that moment made the small tree deep in his soul twitch, thicken, and grow taller.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Why are your eyes bleeding again?"

"Black cat, think of a way!"

"It shouldn't be, why did you faint? Wasn't it fine just now?"

"The Dharma book in his hand..."

A slightly noisy and flustered sound came from his ears. At the same time, Zheng Qing felt his arm being shaken vigorously. He opened his eyes with difficulty, and his vision was a little blurred.

The wizard raised his hand and wiped his face, his palm was bright red.

The black cat's huge head came into his eyes, and the cat's eyes shone with an emotion called confusion.

"It shouldn't be," it muttered, pulling the wizard's eyelids with its furry paws, and resting its other paw on his wrist, while carefully looking at the boy's face: "How do you feel? Do your eyes hurt? How many claws did I pop out? Can you see the distant scene clearly?"

"A little doesn't hurt...three sticks."

Zheng Qing answered the black cat's question in a daze. Finally, he followed the direction pointed by the black cat's paw and looked into the distance. Then his whole body stiffened and he froze in place.

In the distance, the city wall of the inner fortress of the black prison stands quietly amidst the smoke and flames of war, and dots of light yellow ripples light up in the void from time to time, which is the scene when the defensive magic circle is in effect.

The boy opened his eyes wide and stared at the intact inner castle wall for a few seconds, then immediately struggled to stand up and looked around——

The three-headed and eight-armed giant ape was still confronting the members of the Dark Council, Zhu Si was still hiding under Migo, the hazy mountain of heaven above his head was still so dazzling, and the strange blue-black giant ape hanging in mid-air The dragon maintained a motionless posture, exuding a mottled ancient aura.

Zheng Qing raised his arm. On the arm, the fine blood streaks wiped out by the sand splashed when the city was broken were clearly visible, and the pain to the touch was real.

But he no longer knows what is true and what is false.

Click, click.

The clear and monotonous sound of beating hands echoed between the sky and the earth.

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