Hunting High School

Chapter Four Hundred And Seventy Ix Again And Again

next second.

The walls of the inner castle of the black prison collapsed.

In mid-air, Alpha and the head of the Star Academy were trapped in a light gray barrier; the Heaven Mountain summoned by the head of Atlas was exiled to the sky, and it had already turned into a faint phantom; three The eight-armed giant ape was still roaring, resisting the attacks from all directions of big monsters and members of the dark council; the pure-blooded Migo glared at the rat fairy, while Zhu Si was holding one of its jointed limbs, and curiously looked at the opposite one. A kind-hearted big mouse.

The biggest difference from the previous scene is that this time, in Zheng Qing's sight, there is more gold in the sun than blood, which gives great support to ordinary wizards. The battlefield echoes with impassioned war songs, and the multi-armed titan Kotos resounds in the distance howling.

But the same as the previous scene, the sense of luminous Lu Li permeating the world is getting stronger and stronger.

The air waves rolled up when the walls of the inner castle collapsed came as promised, and the fine gravel repeated the previous action, hitting the cheeks and arms of the young wizard, wiping more fine blood on the original scars.

In the distance, a deep and clear incantation echoed vaguely between the sky and the earth:

"Heaven and Earth Mysterious Yellow..."


The colorful light, the spinning of the sky, the messy and huge flow of information, everything is like what happened before. Only this time, Zheng Qing didn't close his eyes immediately, but persisted for an extra second.

Then he saw the dazzling light of the Dharma book in his hand, and vaguely heard the sound of the branch sprouting and root system spreading of the small tree in the heart lake, as well as the overwhelmed groan of the soul.


The wizard fell on his back, bleeding from his orifices.

This time, Zheng Qing spent a longer period of time in a daze before gradually regaining consciousness—or in other words, he was forced to wake up amidst a series of violent sneezing sounds.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

"I just said that the Fizzle Refreshing Potion is very effective! Lao Yao also used it!"

"Don't talk about those things... Who knows what happened to Brother Qing? Why are there so many blood stains on his face? Where is he injured?"

"I don't know, wasn't it fine just now?"

"The pocket watch in his hand..."

A furry paw roughly lifted the eyelids of the young Gong Feisheng. The dazzling light made Zheng Qing's pupils subconsciously shrink, and a stream of heat gushed out from the bottom of his eyes, but it was not known whether it was tears or blood.

"How much is this?"

The black cat popped out a paw and shook the wizard's shoulder vigorously: "Can you understand what I'm saying? Did you see something you shouldn't see?"

Zheng Qing nodded vigorously, continued to nod his head, opened his mouth at the same time, and barely answered a number:


As soon as the words came out, Zheng Qing was taken aback first before the others responded. His voice, like a traveler who has been hungry and thirsty in the desert for a long time, is dry and weak, and even has a bit of hoarseness.

Everything was fine before!

"Do not talk!"

Seemingly aware of the confusion and panic in the wizard's eyes, the black cat patted him on the shoulder comfortingly. At the same time, a thick arm stretched out from the side, holding a transparent ampoule in his hand.

"Fizzle's energy supplement, enhanced version."

Xin Fatty broke off the cap of the ampoule, and poured the slightly viscous light red liquid medicine into Zheng Qing's mouth, half showing off and half feeling distressed, and said: "This is the last one... It's strange to say, I clearly remember that I prepared four or five of them before."

The medicine was slightly sweet, and after taking it in, a gust of hot air quickly spread to the limbs and bones. In a short time, Zheng Qing felt that his physical strength had recovered, and his mind became much clearer.

"Mirror." He said succinctly.

The black cat connected with him, stretched out its claws, and a water mirror appeared in front of Zheng Qing. The young public fee student looked at the strange but familiar face in the mirror, and saw the blood stains on his face in different shades, and a suspicion emerged in his heart.

"What happened?" He needed further confirmation.

"Just now everyone was discussing that the black cat used to be your shadow." Xiao Xiao immediately replied clearly and quickly: "Dylan has never seen it, so I had a few arguments with Mr. Black Cat...then You suddenly fell on your back without saying a word, and there was blood in your eyes."

"But it's strange that the blood stains on your face didn't come at the same time."

Dylan, who has the blood of the ancient O'Brien family, obviously has a strong authority in this matter. He stretched out his fingertips and rubbed the blood stains on Zheng Qing's cheeks, then sniffed under his nose, and lowered his eyelids , gritted his teeth, and replied word by word:

"And I'm sure, your face was clean before."

Zheng Qing pulled the corners of his mouth with great effort, showing a helpless smile: "I'm as sure about this as you are...what's the situation outside?"

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While speaking, he felt a little panic in his hands.

Lowering his head, the silver pocket watch was in his palm, and the complicated runes on the case flowed like fish swimming in the water, shining colorful lights.

"Outside? Which outside?" Xin Fatty obviously didn't understand the wizard's question.

"Where are my Dharma books?" Zheng Qing raised his head, looked at the black cat, and asked, "Where are my Dharma books?"

"How do I know!" The black cat flicked its tail uneasily, pacing up and down in the small shallow pit, its voice seemed a little anxious: "There must be something wrong... I also remember that you were holding that book of Dharma before. !"

Zheng Qing took a breath, reached into the gray cloth bag, and touched it.

At the next moment, he took out a book with a milky white cover, and the leather buckle was tightly fastened. It was similar to a pocket watch. It goes out, but it explodes like a supernova in the next second.

As if grabbing a hot iron, Zheng Qing stuffed the book back.

"It's full." He looked at the black cat, and replied in a hoarse voice: "The Dharma book is full...the pocket watch is almost me up. I'll take another look."

There was an unbelievable look in the black cat's eyes.

"This is impossible!"

It yelled, as if it wanted to spread its own voice throughout the entire battlefield: "Didn't the school solidify the various dimensions of the black prison world? Why is there a power to change the timeline! Who is playing tricks!! You are just kidding!" fire!"

No one answered its growls.

Outside the shallow pit, on the battlefield, the sound of ordinary wizards chanting spells and the wild howls of monsters charging one after another. The great wizards in the confrontation had serious expressions and turned a deaf ear to the black cat's warning. Instead, the Archdruid of the Dark Council glanced at the black cat curiously, and took a deep breath at the same time.

"It smells so good."

He sighed softly, like an old gourmet facing delicious food: "This breath of strength and wisdom... makes people seem to smell the smell of the future."

In the shallow pit, Zheng Qing struggled to stand up with the support of his companions.

Click, click.

The clear and monotonous sound of the clock hands beating once again echoed between the heaven and the earth.

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