Hunting High School

Chapter Four Hundred And Eighty Fifth Long And Hard To Break Free

When the stomach was 'hammered', Zheng Qing hadn't recovered from the shock he had received before.

He obviously rushed up to prevent the bronze-colored dragon in midair from using magic to destroy the Hell Castle; he was obviously ready to pay a huge price, even self-sacrifice; he obviously wanted to do good.

But the development of the situation was completely beyond his expectation.

It is true that his attitude towards 'self-sacrifice' is not so firm, or rather, he took a bit of luck - Mr. is so powerful, even if I die, he can save me again.

But his mentality of wanting to do 'good things' is unmistakable.

It's just that this mentality collapsed with the fall of the slender red sky pillar, and with the collapse of the defensive magic circle inside the Black Prison Castle.

This is not the result he wanted.

Standing in mid-air, he saw that when the inner castle wall collapsed, a hunting team guarding the wall could not avoid it and was buried by the collapsed city wall; faces; I also saw the bewildered eyes of the big black cat in the shallow pit below and the bewildered expressions of its companions.

The sky became dark.

The earth rolled like a wave.

The whole world sank to the bottom together with the boy's mood.

Even after Atlas Dean's Paradise Mountain fell, suppressed the leylines, the two suns stopped, fixed the sky, and the world rose again from the bottom of the valley, but the boy's mood did not improve at all.

He didn't know what went wrong, and he began to doubt his own choice - obviously, if he stayed below honestly, such a thing would not happen; if the sky fell, there would be a tall man to support it, why would a little wizard want to show off? Did the words 'Forbidden Curse Seed' give him too much confidence, making him feel that he could be a hero and a protagonist?

The young wizard was lost in the confusion of thoughts.

Naturally, he also ignored the fruit that rose from the depths of the inner castle, the streamer that flew away like fireworks after it bloomed, the atmosphere that suddenly boiled up in the entire battlefield, and the battle that suddenly heated up again.

Accidents and Deaths are instantaneous.

Only suffering, long and difficult to break free.

The wizards and monsters on the battlefield tried their best for that precious moment, while the young wizards in mid-air fell into the Sea of ​​Bitterness and couldn't extricate themselves.

Then, in the depths of the Sea of ​​Bitterness, he faintly heard the clicking and beating of the watch hands.

There was also the sound of the suspected river gurgling.

His dull eyeballs rolled around.

This made him finally regain his vitality.


A fruit shot from a distance, smashed into the boy's arms, and knocked him from midair back to the shallow pit on the ground. The heavy impact and severe pain finally brought the young wizard back to his senses from the previous accident where the pillar collapsed. Immediately afterwards, he felt several malicious eyes falling on him undisguisedly, causing his whole body to tremble. aversion to cold.

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He clutched his stomach and struggled to stand up with the help of Zhang Jixin.

Spreading his hands, he held a fist-sized fruit in his palm, pale yellow mixed with blood, which looked like a peach. Without much thinking, Zheng Qing knew what was in his hand.

Xuan Huang Guo.

This is the most direct trigger for this great war, and it is also the legendary panacea that can help the great monsters purify their blood and help the great wizard break through the shackles.

Although in fact no one can say exactly what magical effect this fruit has—whether it can strengthen the body, purify the soul, or accumulate magic power and help people achieve enlightenment—few people who have taken the fruit and advanced to the legendary level The general public preaches and dispels doubts.

The only thing people can be sure of is that this fruit is really useful.

that's enough.


Without hesitation, the black cat put its head on the boy's back and roared in a low voice: "Run towards Professor Yao, before those guys have time to make a move... run!!"

Zheng Qing was still holding the fruit in his hands and froze in place.

The other hunters of the forgiveness hunting team have already reacted. Without saying a word, Zhang Jixin hugged Zheng Qing's waist, threw him back, carried him on his shoulder, and ran away, the black cat followed closely at their feet.

On the battlefield full of great wizards, Xin Fatty did not dare to release the real body of the blue titan at will, for fear of being crushed by a finger of some big guy. But this does not affect him to multiply and magnify a certain part of his body, such as turning into a pair of huge palms to resist the gravel shot from a distance, or turning into two long legs to run with the two captains of the hunting team.

Xiao Xiao hugged the tortoise shell, and covered the three of them with a pale golden protective barrier.

And Blue Bird and Dylan jumped out of the shallow pit to clear the way for Zhang Jixin the first time Zhang Jixin ran away, resisting several undead and corpse puppets that suddenly appeared.

These young people are really quick to respond.

But it must be admitted that on this battlefield, they are still too immature. And it is too naive to try to stay away from the members of the dark parliament with a black and yellow fruit.

After running out of the shallow pit, the young wizards of the forgiveness hunting team were forced to stop after advancing only more than ten meters.

The dark red barren land slowly arched one after another, revealing pale and hideous figures, which were the skeletons of the demons who had submerged in the Hell Castle. They turned their stiff necks and slowly looked at several young wizards, their empty eye sockets sparked with pale soul flames.

At the same time, the withered arms broke through the shackles of the ground, like piranhas, grabbing the ankles and calves of the wizards who were close at hand.

"Stop them."

Lin Chi, the undead Grand Lich of the Dark Council, gave clear and brief orders to the ears of every young wizard: "...grab them and get that fruit."

Is it because I helped them a lot just now? Zheng Qing lay on Zhang Jixin's shoulder, and the thought of giving up on herself flashed through her mind.

He tried to run on his own just now, but the 'magic' not only emptied the forbidden curse breath in his body, but also drained almost all the magic power, not a single drop remained, so that until now, his hands and feet feel sore, Limb weakness.

Zheng Qing has no doubts, just like his companions abandoning him, he may not even have the strength to take two steps forward.

"Go away!!"

In the ear, Zhang Jixin's roar came.

The red-faced wizard waved his fists, leaped into the air, avoided the arms that suddenly popped out from under his feet, then turned around and slammed down hard: "Damn you!!"


With the point where the fist fell as the center, the ground suddenly subsided, and a pit with a radius of several meters appeared, which looked like a small bowl. The pit was full of scattered bones.

Then, Zhang Jixin, who was carrying Zheng Qing, fell heavily to the ground.

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