Hunting High School

Chapter 486: Traditional Performing Arts

The huge blue palm, together with the two thick arms, swept across the ground like a heavy plow, sweeping away all the undead who came staggering and clawing.

The silent swordsman waved the three-foot green sword in his hand, like a blue butterfly dancing vigorously in the storm, chopping down the strange birds that came one after another.

There is also a noble under the moon who usually pays attention to appearance, also released his real body, turned into a giant wolf with bat wings, gliding around like a ghost, tearing apart all monsters that approached them.

The Druid High Priest of the Dark Council witnessed all this.

"remarkably brave."

He made a brief comment—for wizards who have not yet reached the registration level, it is already very rare for a great wizard to give such an evaluation.

"But not strong enough."

While speaking, the Druid High Priest raised his head, and his slightly stooped figure suddenly grew a lot bigger. He stretched out his skinny claws, and grabbed the group of young wizards who were fighting with the undead: "That's it... ...let's call it a day."

Not far away, Professor Yao's three heads looked at the archdruid in unison, his eyes were solid, and his voice was cold: "Using the big to bully the have crossed the line."

What answered him was the strange laughter of the Great Lich Lin Chikeke.

"Crossing the line?"

The Grand Lich opened his arms, and a waterfall-like gray aura poured out from under his command, just like its voice, rolling and roaring on this chaotic battlefield:

"When we touched the forbidden spell, we began to cross the boundary; when we broke into the black prison, we crossed the boundary again... We have crossed the boundary so many times, what does it matter if we cross it a few more times?"

The gray-white breath fell into the staggering sea of ​​undead below, and the originally weak undead were strengthened visible to the naked eye. Sharp bone spurs appeared all over them, and the bones became thicker and the bone pieces thicker. The fire changed from gray to light yellow in the violent jump, and many upgraded undead even appeared, such as undead knights riding wild boar corpses, undead assassins with bat wings, and so on.

Zhang Jixin, Dylan and others, who were still a little more comfortable at first, suddenly became overwhelmed. They repelled the undead knights, and there were undead assassins approaching quietly. In the pit.

And the skinny claws protruded by the druid high priest have already reached the top of their heads, like a thick layer of black cloud, pressing down heavily.

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Professor Yao stretched out an arm, trying to protect several young wizards.

"Your opponent is us."

A soft but sharp voice pierced the great wizard's soul. Anglafer, who was born in the ghost clan, blocked Professor Yao's outstretched arm. The huge soul power was like a quagmire, restraining the great wizard's efforts.

At the same time, the druid archpriest Sekber, the archlicch Lin Chi, and the magic assassin Bart Koziqi attacked the troubled president of Jiuyou Academy from all sides.

Seckberg and Lin Chi can spare some strength to deal with the flea-like young wizards, while Professor Yao needs to go all out to face the siege of three great wizards and a top magic assassin. Naturally, he has no spare power to protect Zheng. Qing et al.

Just when the huge claws fell from the sky, the professor's eyes were tearing apart, and the young wizards struggled to support themselves.

A sigh suddenly sounded:

"They're still kids and shouldn't be involved in this."

A gray 'big snake' suddenly appeared above the shallow pit, circling and circling, propping up a layer of light gray enchantment, blocking in front of the giant claw:

"They already have enough courage. As long as they are given more time, they will have the opportunity to prove their strength to us... just like we proved ourselves in the black prison."

This time, Zheng Qing finally saw clearly that the 'Big Snake' jumped out from under the cloak worn by the Rat Fairy - what kind of 'Big Snake' was it? It was clearly just a huge mouse tail.


The skinny claws firmly grasped the gray barrier that suddenly appeared, and the ear-piercing feeling seemed to pierce into the hearts of everyone who heard that voice. Zheng Qing felt like hundreds of bugs bit the itchy flesh at the tip of his heart, It gave him a strange shudder.

Only then did he recover from the Archdruid's surprise attack and took a sudden breath.

The performance of the other hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team was no better than that of the young Gong Feisheng. In the shallow pit, everyone was stiff and motionless, lest a little dust would fall, and they would come down together with the aura above their heads, killing them all. crushed to death.

Only the black cat maintained a certain degree of naturalness in the face of this terrifying aura.

"It will scare children."

It muttered and complained, shook the beard at the corner of its mouth, flicked its tail, and showed a trace of carelessness on its face, but Zheng Qing could still read a little anxiety from its tone.

The giant claw confronted the gray barrier for a moment.

The Druid High Priest looked at the Rat Immortal sternly, and then looked at the pure-blooded Migo who was quieter behind the Rat Immortal and was hissing and playing with the little witch, his eyes became a little deeper:

"Remember your promise!"

The Rat Immortal was silent for a moment.

Then he turned his head and glanced at the young wizards with a hint of guilt on his face: "I'm sorry...I can only do this...I can't..."

While murmuring, the mouse tail that was hovering above the shallow pit suddenly retracted, and correspondingly, the gray barrier covering the young wizards also suddenly disappeared.

This time, under the giant claws, there is no obstacle.

The black cat sighed heavily, opened its mouth, spit out a small scroll, and threw it to Zheng Qing's hand. A thought was roughly stuffed into Zheng Qing's head, making him dizzy:

"Tear it in a must know when."

"You guys have to find a way to deal with the troubles in the future."

"Next time, don't drag me into something like this!


Before Zheng Qing recovered, the black cat had already turned into a black lightning bolt, shot out of the shallow pit, and went straight to the druid high priest not far away.

Maybe it's the temptation to capture a few young wizards; maybe it's the druid's natural affinity with animals; maybe it's just the confidence of being a great wizard.

In short, due to various reasons, Arch Druid Sebek did not immediately evade the black cat's attack, nor did he respond appropriately immediately.

Then the black cat slapped on the body of the Great Wizard of the Dark Council.

"Damn you!"

It roared indignantly, its small body suddenly swelled up, and instantly turned into a light black ball of light—the deep light seemed to take away the color of the entire world in an instant, filling the sky with strange splendor, like the Holy Spirit appearing Wei, even a thousand suns cannot compete with it.

On the battlefield, the eyes of all the great wizards were attracted.

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