Hunting High School

Chapter Four Hundred And Eighty Seventh Invisible

Zheng Qing blew it up once himself.

But it was the first time to see other people or cats explode.

To be honest, except for a moment of bewilderment when the light ball lit up, he was unexpectedly not surprised, but felt as if it should be so.

Similar to myself being blown up, what's so strange about the shadow blowing up?

It is actually not very accurate to say that it is an 'explosion' - because Zheng Qing, who is close at hand, did not feel the shock wave that passed like a hurricane, nor did he feel the high temperature, high pressure, or even suffocation that should have occurred during the explosion.

Only at that moment, the intense and extreme magic fluctuations were released crazily around a certain point. In the real line of sight, only a pale black light ball appeared, but under the spiritual perception of the wizards, they saw something like a Galaxy Cluster. Birth, thousands of suns competing for brilliance, blooming with extraordinary splendor.

According to Zheng Qing's understanding, this kind of "explosion" is more like a violent decomposition, construction and reorganization of a certain concept or rule level.

In an instant, the young wizard had a deeper understanding of the nature of the forbidden spell. The forbidden spell is not just a powerful spell that can obliterate life and subvert the world, its greater effect is to subvert the rules.

Just like the original world dollar as a hard currency, it can be used for international settlement and purchase of commodities. All countries accept this concept. Until a certain moment, all countries suddenly gave up using the US dollar and rebuilt a new trading system. This simple but profound rule change will directly lead to the collapse of the world economy, followed by the loss of life, the war of great powers, and even irreversible damage to the entire ecosystem.

Back in the battlefield of Hell, Zheng Qing faced the 'explosion' in front of him. If he realized something, only this kind of 'explosion' involving rules and concepts could truly harm or even destroy a top wizard.

Perhaps because of this realization, or perhaps because of facing an explosion of a 'Quasi-Forbidden Curse', the solid seed deep in Zheng Qing's soul shook slightly, and a little new sprout sprouted again.

It's just that the young wizard who was engrossed in the 'explosion' scene didn't notice this right away.

Because of the relatively short distance, Zheng Qing clearly saw the whole process of the 'explosion' - the druid High Priest Sebok, surrounded by the pale black light ball, opened his eyes wide, with a horrified expression, and opened his mouth, as if I wanted to say something, but no sound came out.

People can only see thousands of bright colors blooming from its body, as if it wants to compete with the black light ball. However, with the distortion of the light, the silence of the magic power, and the dimming of the colors, the figure of the Archdruid began to disappear from people's sight little by little. It seems like a watercolor painting after it has been soaked, or someone wiped it off with an eraser.

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There is no tide of magic power that erupts when you are desperate, and there is no turbulent flow of rules that stir when you are desperate. A powerful wizard disappeared into the light black ball of light in such an abrupt, aggrieved, and silent manner.

This is the first great wizard-level existence sacrificed on this battlefield since the start of the war.

From the sky of the inner castle to the edge of the outer castle; from the two suns tearing apart in the sky, to the stars watching the battle at the end of the black prison world; destroy.

And the group of young wizards who induced Death, the first great wizard.

As a result, their competition for the remaining four Xuanhuang fruits has been slightly relaxed.

Those gazes were substantial, heavy and full of pressure, and Zheng Qing even felt that he heard the clang of gold and iron when the eyes of the great wizard and the great demon made contact with each other.

He subconsciously shuddered, and immediately recovered from the daze of the great wizard's death, remembering the scroll that the black cat threw to own before the explosion.

He didn’t say a word, and immediately tore it open—anyway, the cat said that it would be torn apart later, and according to the meaning of that sentence, the time was controlled by Zheng Qing—the young public fee student felt that now was the time to tear it apart up.

To his disappointment, the scroll did not contain a certain powerful magic provided by the 'relevant department'.

Thinking about it, if the powerful magic was really banned inside, the black cat wouldn't have to blow itself up to stop the terrible wizard of the Dark Council.

There is only one line of incantation on the scroll:

"Being a ghost or a monster, I can't see my body!"

As soon as Zheng Qing glanced at these eight characters, the mantras and runes adorned around the scroll dissipated one after another, turning into a streak of light, and cast it towards the light black ball of light that was about to collapse not far away, and then scrolled and retracted, Liu Guang converges and falls back to Zheng Qing's feet.

The boy lowered his head.

Because of the two rounds of sun, one of the shadows split under the feet became thicker. A sense of understanding floated in his mind, just like he appeared in a blank space after the explosion last time, the black cat was not a living being, so after the explosion, it returned to its original origin and became a shadow of Zheng Qing again.

But I don't know if it can be restored to its original state.

Just as this thought flashed through the mind of the young wizard, the slightly thick shadow suddenly swayed left and right on the ground, twisting like water plants dancing on the bottom of the sea. At the same time, a thought squeezed into Zheng Qing's mind—— What are you waiting for? !

Cats do have nine lives.

The corners of Zheng Qing's mouth curled up slightly, and he stood up—I don't know if it was the effect of Fatty's potion, or the side effect of the shadow. He felt the magic power in his originally empty body refill, and his strength recovered a lot.

"Follow the team of other wizards and retreat to the rear of the inner castle!"

The captain of the forgiveness hunting team waved his hand and began to issue orders to the own hunters again, speaking quickly: "Don't fight, don't hesitate, start running immediately...the faster you run, the better!"

He completely forgot the previous record of leaving his teammates behind because of 'playing a hero' not long ago.

Zhang Jixin kept a straight face and said nothing; Xin Fatty sneered again and again; Xiao Xiao remained silent with his eyelids drooping; Dylan was tying a new belt on himself—he had to get a new one because of his previous transformation robe.

But Blue Bird, who was usually reticent, spoke up on behalf of everyone this time.

"And you?"

The swordsman in the blue robe spoke concisely and looked at his captain calmly.

Zheng Qing looked away a little guilty.

"I...will come later." He muttered, looking more and more unconfident: "There is something has nothing to do with you..."

"Too much nonsense." Zhang Jixin rolled his eyes.

"If you want to bring Zhu Si back, you must defeat that pure-blooded Migo." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses. As a fortune teller, his gaze has always been sharp, and he can see farther than other hunters in the team: " But in my opinion, on this battlefield, it may be safer for the little girl to follow that Migo than follow us."

The doctor said the most tangled thing in Zheng Qing's heart.

He had vaguely guessed the identity of that Migo, and even the Rat Immortal before, and it was precisely because of this that he did not act impulsively on that Migo.

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