Hunting High School

Chapter 509 Pause Button

The pocket watch was a birthday present from Mr. Zheng Qing when he was 12 years old.

Last winter, Mr. turned the hands of this pocket watch, turned back the time, and saved Su Shijun’s tail; later, on the pedestrian street in the North District of Beta Town, Mr.’s projection also used this pocket watch, which was destroyed by Zheng Qing. half a street.

until today.

On the battlefield of Hell.

slightly earlier.

When the 'Forbidden Curse Tree' in Zheng Qinghai grew frantically, in order to accommodate the ever-overflowing forbidden curse power, the young public finance student once channeled those magic powers into blood talisman bullets, magic books and pocket watches.

As the special rune gun was taken away by Fukatsu Yoshiko, the effect of the blood rune bullet was greatly reduced. Even though Jiang Yu added two spare talisman guns to him afterwards, Zheng Qing was worried that the guns would explode if he fired them casually, so he never dared to use those blood talisman bullets recklessly.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

And the magic power introduced into the dharma book has also been integrated into the slender red sky pillar after Zheng Qing 'pulled the trigger', and together they crushed the city wall and the guardian circle of the black prison inner fort.

Right now, only this pocket watch is filled with huge magic power that can be squandered by boys without accidentally injuring them.

Professor Yao was still standing on the edge of the city wall, silently closing his eyes, his whole body surging with energy.

In the ear, the whispered disputes of the other deans are still fierce, and no one can convince the other, but no one has the courage to give up everything, and rushes into the center of the wrestling between two quasi-forbidden spells and a top legendary monster—— It is powerful magic, the more difficult it is to release the magic power, no one knows if the balance between those high-ranking forces will be broken at will, and all other weaker lives on the battlefield of the black prison will be the first to be destroyed.

So, under such circumstances, Zheng Qing opened the pocket watch in his hand.


Press the button with your fingertips, and the case pops open briskly, revealing the clear surface and the ticking second hand. Zheng Qing's mind was blank, he couldn't even see what time it was, he just raised his hand recklessly, trying to stick his finger in like a gentleman.

Until now, he didn't hold out much hope, but just tried it casually.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the forbidden curse seed that had just taken out a few sprouts seemed to smell the smell of the same origin, subconsciously jumped, squeezed out a wisp of forbidden curse power from the seed, and handed it to Zheng Qing's fingertips.

Then, Zheng Qing watched helplessly as own's fingertip easily passed through the transparent glass layer and landed on the second hand.

The second hand was held down and couldn't continue to jump. There was a clicking sound from the gears in the case, which seemed to tell the boy that time should flow and not stop.

Zheng Qing didn't have time to answer the complaints of those gears.

He was raising his head, looking in all directions in shock, caught off guard.

At the moment when the second hand stopped beating, the entire Inner Castle, the entire Hell Battlefield, and possibly the entire Hell World were also held down at the same moment——

Jiang Yu still had that smile on her face, but after the smile stopped at this moment, Zheng Qing noticed a trace of uneasiness and worry hidden between her brows, and noticed the row of tiny teeth marks on her pale lips.

Not far behind the witch, Xiao Xiao held the tortoise shell and tilted his head to look to the other side, as if he was listening to someone; the blue bird was holding a sword, half of his body was hidden in the shadow of the wall, with an indifferent expression; Xin Fatty lowered his head , holding the mortar in one hand and adding herbs to the bowl in the other, a few slender leaves just left his fingertips, and they are fixed in mid-air with the tip of the leaves facing down; Zhang Jixin is clenching his fists, sitting cross-legged on the ground, straight He stared blankly in the direction of Professor Yao, his eyes glowing; Dylan held up a small mirror and a toothbrush, bared his teeth, and took care of his two beautiful fangs.

Scenes of scenes, frames of pictures, every detail, are presented in Zheng Qing's line of sight, a huge amount of information poured in along his eyes like a tide breaking a bank, in the sea of ​​consciousness, the seeds of forbidden spells just germinated Comers are not rejected, and the five leaves are opened, happily converging on every detail presented by the world.

Zheng Qing watched all this helplessly.

The sunlight and the moonlight are mixed together, like a solidified Amber, and the fine dust is embedded in the huge Amber, bit by bit, densely packed, like a sky full of stars in the night sky.

A little farther away, the teaching assistants and the wizards guarding the castle have also turned into sculptures. Zheng Qing can clearly see the folds on their robes caused by running, and can clearly see when a wizard roared. From the spurted saliva, you can see the halo that just bloomed on the book held by a witch.

Looking at the halo, Zheng Qing realized for the first time that light also has shapes and lengths.

Compared with ordinary wizards, the performance of great wizards is not better.

Dean Sun Qi of Starry Sky Academy held his head up, his expression excited, his shiny head became a bit dim after a pause; diagonally across from him, Tilda Strange, the Acting Dean of Alpha, had a sullen face and pursed lips. It was tight, and the chin was raised slightly, as if he dismissed Dean Sun's suggestion.

Urban, the old dean of Atlas, still sat down on the bluestone slab on the ground, motionless, and there was almost no big difference between before and after stopping.

Only Dean Yao, although standing in place, seemed to have left the city and gone somewhere else. The energy surging around him didn't stop, but became more powerful; the small dark eyes narrowed slightly, and the three faces of compassion, indifference and cruelty kept changing like a revolving lantern.

Outside the city, Captain Misty and several other big monsters raised their heads together, looking at the dark sky above their heads, with a bit of ferocity in their serious expressions; below the big monsters, there are almost no ordinary monsters to be seen. The figures of some monsters that were still struggling became extremely pale, like ink paintings splashed with water, or being scrubbed with an eraser.

Members of the Dark Parliament gathered around 'Tai Yi', and jointly resisted the heaven and earth black and yellow formation. With them as the center, a huge amount of green and black air rolled, like a huge millstone.

The dark and yellow qi condensed and sank, while the green and black qi rolled and surged upwards. The two qi mechanisms were entangled, crushing all the existences involved in it, including the eyeballs of the legendary monsters.

At this moment, the Sea Demon King's eyeballs had fallen into the formation eyes of the 'Great Mill of Heaven and Earth', and half of his eyeballs were crushed, but he didn't struggle or get angry at all, instead he was extremely happy, with the bones behind him swaying like a snake's tail, Draw a series of transparent space ripples in the void.

Then, at this moment, Zheng Qing's fingertips passed through the glass on the pocket watch and pressed on the second hand.

Everything in the world is still.

Except for the half-shattered eyeball of the Siren King, and the bony tail wagging happily behind him—as a legend, he has already transcended the shackles of time.

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