Hunting High School

Chapter 510: After Time Pauses

After time pauses.

The Bone Snake Tail still swayed a few times unconsciously, but the space ripples it stirred up froze behind him as if glued on it.

Only then did the half-shattered eyeball realize what had happened. Boundless blood burst out of His angry eyes in an instant, turning into a red cloud, and the slender pupils tightened, as if a dark gap was split on the red cloud.

"who is it?!!"

He roared angrily, as if urging the 'Great Mill of Heaven and Earth' to continue to operate.

The thunder exploded in the dead world, because there was no time, so the sound was continuous. But the beings like 'Xuanhuang' and 'Taiyi' who have not yet completely detached did not hear the urging of the Sea Demon King—in other words, they might have heard it, but they were not willing to obey the orders of the Sea Demon King, and had no choice to follow the time. Instead of fighting the concept of pausing, the 'paused' came naturally.

that's it.

Stop for a second.

It could be three seconds, or even five seconds.

The Sea Demon King's eyes flashed, and the long and narrow pupil on the red cloud unscrupulously swept in all directions, and in an instant he noticed the young wizard holding a pocket watch with his fingertips on the second hand at the top of the inner castle.

He roared angrily, and blinked his only half of the eyeball vigorously, and a half-moon-shaped black ripple suddenly appeared on the inner castle wall, falling towards the young wizard.

Zheng Qing saw all this.

But there is no ability to dodge at all.

In the pocket watch, the magic power originally stored was consumed in an instant, and then began to absorb the newly born magic power in Zheng Qing's body under the traction of the same source of breath.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

His fingertips seemed to be glued to the dial, and the newly born new forbidden curse power leaked into the pocket watch along his fingertips like flowing water. At the same time, the forbidden curse seeds in his body also absorbed the information flow fed back by the world. With the blades attached, the tender stems are continuously raised while breathing.

It's just that the speed of seed germination and jointing is far behind the speed of magic power.

Almost at the same time that the magic power of the forbidden spell in the pocket watch was exhausted, the magic power accumulated by the seed in Zheng Qing's body was also consumed in the blink of an eye.

But the activated pocket watch was like a greedy glutton, it did not slow down the absorption due to the exhaustion of the magic power in the seeds, but intensified it, and began to draw deeper power.

The newly raised tender stems withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dancing leaves seemed to have been exposed to the hot sun and became wrinkled. There was a huge turmoil in the heart lake, and the soul groaned in the frantic absorption, as if it would collapse at any time.

Zheng Qing has no doubt that when all the magic power in the forbidden curse seeds is sucked away by the pocket watch, his soul must be the next to suffer.

But at this moment, he had no energy to think about the following things at all. The severe headache caused by the exhaustion of mana is like someone chiseling Zheng Qing's skull, adding salt and chili powder into it while chiseling, and stirring vigorously with a bristled brush.

For a moment, he didn't even have the strength to scream. It was all thanks to the magic power of the pocket watch that he hung his whole body on the pocket watch so that he would not fall limply to the ground.

At this moment, the black ripple shot by the Siren King appeared above Zheng Qing's head.

But at this moment, Zheng Qing didn't even have the strength to close her eyes in fright, not to mention avoiding it. He opened his mouth halfway, staring at the black ripples that were close at hand, feeling the powerful magic power contained in the ripples, and for a moment, he hoped that it would fall down quickly and end his pain at the moment.


Five-colored fireworks bloomed above his head, and there was a huge crashing sound from the top of the inner castle, followed by a witch's voice that was familiar but unfamiliar:

"Nice job, young man."

The five-color brilliance finally rushed out of the black hole-like passage, turned into a big hand, withstood the furious blow of the Sea Demon King, and at the same time saved the boy in trouble: "Also... I will borrow your pocket watch."

As the voice fell, there was also a small five-color Lotus flower, which went straight into the pocket watch. In the process of falling, the Lotus flower shook and sprinkled a cloud of crystal clear pollen, which landed on top of the wizard's head.

The lotus flower fell into the pocket watch, Zheng Qing's fingertips stuck to the surface suddenly loosened, and his whole body fell down like a puddle of mud.

He tried his best to open his eyes wide, watching the five-colored brilliance rise from the pocket watch, continuing to maintain the time-stop spell, and another soft screech came from the five-colored Lotus flower, which turned into a rainbow light and fell towards the halfway in the distance. eyeball:

"That's it!!"

"Five Elements seal!!"

Maybe the witch said something later, but Zheng Qing couldn't hear it anymore. The pollen of the five-color Lotus flower nourished his soul and the seeds in the depths of his soul, eliminating the intense headache before, and after a sudden relaxation, the young wizard tilted his head and passed out at the top of the city.



"Don't try to help it."

Silver Snake World.

long river.

On the deck of the boat.

Old Ruoyu stood beside the chairman of the dark council, gave him a warning look, and reminded: "Remember our agreement... There are still many people in your council."

Although there is a Minor World separated, every scene that happened on the battlefield of Hell is clearly reflected in the eyes of the two legendary wizards. If the fight between 'Xuanhuang' and 'Taiyi' was still in their prediction, then the eyeball that appeared suddenly and the pocket watch that paused the time of the entire black prison world were beyond the reach of the two veterans. Wizard's calculations.

That's why they gave up playing chess and instead focused on the battlefield of Hell Prison—adding new information at any time and improving the data in the divination model are skills that every wizard who is good at divination needs to be proficient in.

Therefore, when the five-color Lotus flower rushed out of the 'black hole' following the Sea-Monster King, intending to seal off the last small cluster of remains of the Sea-Monster King, Vice Principal Ruoyu immediately warned the people around him based on the conclusion of real-time divination. The head of the Dark Council, preventing him from meddling in the battle of the other two legends.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I've been staying on the boat honestly."

Under Ruoyu's stern gaze, the Speaker of the Dark Parliament raised his hands, his six fingers danced in the air as if playing a piano, and he laughed strangely:

"Actually, you shouldn't pay all your attention to me...Of course, I know, I'm also a big variable...but maybe because you stayed in school for too long, your vision was limited to this Three acres of land."

"You only see me as a variable, but you don't notice that there is another threat on the battlefield that is more direct, but also more unexpected... Hohohohoho..."

Ruoyu old man's expression changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the battlefield, his fingers twitching quickly. But before he finished his calculations, he suddenly let out a long sigh and let go of his skinny fingers in the sleeves of his robe.

Because even without counting, you can see what happened.

Two pitch-black tentacles broke through the hard cocoon and rushed into the air, one blocked the rainbow light from the five-color Lotus flower, and the other fell on the remaining half of the Sea Demon King's eyeball.

Ah woo.

A big mouth full of fangs opened at the top of the tentacles, and swallowed the half of the eyeball, together with the white bone snake tail attached to the eyeball.

Creak creak.

The sound of that big mouth chewing hard resounded on the battlefield.

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