Hunting High School

Chapter Eight: The Visiting Yellow Fox

"All pain will pass, only Death is free."

When Zheng Qing was suffocated in the sea of ​​blood and was about to pass out, this sentence flashed in his mind, and he woke up suddenly.

The moment he woke up, the banshee humming in the depths of the blood sea still echoed in his mind, and he could vaguely smell the seemingly endless resentment and fishy smell rolling in the blood waves through his nostrils.

He closed his eyes, suppressed his frantically beating heart, and restrained his urge to gasp for breath.

This is a hospital, and any abnormal reaction of the patient will be detected by the monitoring spell, and then reflected to the therapists. Zheng Qing didn't want to be poured down by the elves with the potion to expel nightmares again.

There was a strong bitter taste in that fishy stench, he had enough to drink it once, and he didn't want to touch it again in his life. Compared to this, he would rather wake up in a nightmare every day.

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It gave him the secret comfort of atonement.

'The more you try to forget, the more you will remember', this is a saying in Sky City. Zheng Qing can't remember when he saw it, but he left a deep impression on him.

This sentence summed up his current situation very succinctly.

Something that happened in Black Hell was an accident and an accident. Zheng Qing has already known the school's attitude through some private channels, and there is a high probability that he will not be held accountable.

But this does not mean that he can face the wrong things he has done with peace of mind.

The more he tries to forget his mistake, the more deeply the harm caused by that mistake is reflected in his dream; the more he tries to ignore that accident, the more repeatedly and clearly the accident caused by that accident is reflected in his dream Reappear in mind.

This is the first time that Zheng Qing woke up from the nightmare related to that incident.

Compared with the other times, today's event has added new elements, that is, the songs of the sea monsters that run through the entire dream, and the theme song of the city of the sky—— Zheng Qing guessed that it might be related to the one that impressed him deeply in his heart. Words matter.

The crazy heartbeat slowly calmed down.

Zheng Qing still closed his eyes, soothing his tense mood.

In summer, the sky gets bright very early, so although the light has already fallen on the boy's retina through his eyelids, Zheng Qing can still judge that the sun has not yet fully risen at this moment by virtue of the slightly cool light.

Or rather, the sun hadn't risen to the height of his window.

It was not yet time for him to wake up.

It was already summer vacation, friends and classmates left school early, and even many therapists and nurses in the school hospital were also on vacation, which made Zheng Qing's life a little more boring than he expected.

The most conservative and safest treatment plan for lack of magic power backlash is to rest—literally 'quiet'—according to the initial opinion of the therapist surnamed Ma, Zheng Qing had better lie in bed 24 hours a day, without moving Stay still and use the inedia potion to stay alive for the best recovery.

For Zheng Qing, who was conscious, this was tantamount to torture. He was not a puppet, and he hadn't lost his ability to move. How could he lie motionless in bed for 24 hours.

Therefore, the therapists finally chose to compromise. Although the "rest" plan was maintained, the patient was given a higher degree of freedom, allowing him to move around the hospital in a small area to maintain physical and mental pleasure.

Correspondingly, the recovery time has been nearly doubled from the shortest twenty days.

That is to say, Zheng Qing will basically stay in the school hospital throughout the summer vacation. The young wizard was very suspicious of whether he had broken another record of Jiuyou Academy, such as the longest hospitalization record for a first-year student.

Just when Zheng Qing closed her eyes and meditated.

Click, click.

There was a strange rustling sound in my ears.

Zheng Qing opened his eyes and looked sideways, just in time to see the raccoon raccoon tearing open the packaging of a gift box, pulling out a small golden dried fish from inside, gnawing on it contentedly, with oil dripping from his mouth.

"What are you looking at, boy!"

Sensing the boy's gaze, Huamao immediately opened its eyes wide, looked over viciously, and said with no confidence: "The small dried fish is placed here, isn't it just for people... and cats to eat? On the dried fish, it says you Got a name?"

The boy blinked.

There seemed to be something about to gush out of the dry eyes, and it looked a little hot, but the thin and tough eyelids tightly held the scorching heat.

His supine posture also helped Own's eyelids very well.

The boy paused for a moment before he came back to his senses and realized what the yellow raccoon was talking about.

"not at all."

He answered in a low voice, paused, seemed to realize something, and then muttered and added: "Actually, the dried fish is for people...or cats to eat."

I probably didn't realize that boys would be so easy to talk to.

The flower cat was stunned for a few seconds with the small dried fish in its mouth, and even forgot to chew the dried fish that was already wet with saliva.

"You look a bit depressed?" It pulled its ears, smacked its lips, lowered its head and started to chew again.

More than frustration.

The slowly falling, slender red sky pillar on the black prison battlefield immediately flashed through Zheng Qing's mind, recalling the collapsed city walls of the inner castle, and the figures of wizards roaring and struggling in their retreat.

The feeling of suffocation in the depths of the sea of ​​blood has gone, but the singing of the sea monsters still echoes in his ears.

The patient slowly closed his eyes.

"I made some mistakes, in Hell." The young wizard badly needs to say something now, even if it's just a cat: "Big, serious makes me sad."

"It's normal, everyone is like this when they are young... It is understandable, you have tried your best."

The yellow raccoon biting the small dried fish naturally needed to do its best, so it waved its oily paws nonchalantly, vaguely comforting, but immediately, its comforting was interrupted roughly by the boy.

"I don't need consolation!"

The young wizard turned his head, looked at Huamao blankly, and spoke quickly: "I know, I know what you want to say... Everyone has a young age, and who doesn't make a few mistakes when they are young? Just like Professor Yao, young When he was young, he also made mistakes and became a monster, but this did not affect him at all to become an excellent professor...Learning, growing, and improving are the key points that young people should care about."

"But these are different. I am not Professor Yao. My mistakes are much more serious than his."

The flower cat leaned its neck up and swallowed a large mouthful of fish meat with great effort, then stuck its head into Zheng Qing's water glass to lick a few sips of water, and finally breathed out.

"Nothing is different."

The cat raised its ears and tail, straightened its body, opened its big yellow eyes, looked at Zheng Qing, and said in a loud voice: "Even if the boat is done, we can find a way to drag this boat to the shore to serve as a theme park, as a Temporary prefabricated houses, even dismantled and recycled. We are wizards, we know magic, magic is to make the impossible possible, and it can always do those incredible things.”

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