Hunting High School

Chapter Nine The Annoyance At The Door

There was a long silence in the ward.


On the ceiling, the burnt medicine candle burst out with the last spark and was completely extinguished, leaving only a wisp of residual smoke curling up and hovering under the ceiling.

A few elves rushed into the ward like the wind, replaced the burnt medicinal candles, and then disappeared into the ward like the wind, but they didn't know what they were busy with in the morning.


Zheng Qing said dryly, although his eyes were on the disappearing figures of those little elves, but in his heart these two words were meant to that greedy cat.

Although Huang Huali's previous words were a little old-fashioned, they were a bit of comfort after all, which made Zheng Qing feel better in his heart - of course, it may just be relieved after talking - the nightmare a moment ago was getting farther and farther away, even the sea monsters The singing also nearly disappeared.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Very well, the most deaf is the person who does not want to listen. If you are willing to listen, you will be saved... But thanks should be expressed with practical actions, not verbal expressions."

While talking, the flower cat stretched its paws into the basket, pulled out a few dried fish, then propped itself up, flicked its tail, and motioned: "...Like this."

"It's all for you." The boy waved his hand weakly: "It's all yours... Just take it away. I'm not a cat, who knows why so many people gave me Xiaoyugan."

"You're welcome, I wish you a speedy recovery."

The flower cat shook its beard in satisfaction, turned around and jumped onto the window sill with those small dried fish, before leaving, it hesitated for a few seconds, turned around, and took a last look at the young wizard:

"By the way, young man, I will give you a piece of advice. Next time you have something to confess, you can choose to find a confession hall in Atlas, where there are more professional priests... instead of crying over a cat Runny nose. I'm just a cat after all."

"But having said that, I still like to listen to these Eight Trigrams... It's just that not every cat on this campus is as reasonable and knowledgeable as me. So next time if you want to confess to a cat, you can go to Sanyou Bookstore, I will stay in the store most of the time."

Before the words were finished, the flower cat had already jumped and disappeared on the window sill.

Dropped Zheng Qing's rant in the ward:


"I didn't cry bitterly!!"



As the saying goes, cats have cat ways, and rats have mouse ways. Although the yellow raccoon is an expensive wizard, it still wears a cat's skin after all, so it has naturally acquired the habit of a cat.

After jumping out of the window and leaving Zheng Qing's ward, it familiarly shuttled among the beams, walls, and cornices, turning around three times and five times, and soon left the school and returned to the pedestrian street of Beta Town.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and it was the busiest time for the breakfast shop. But because of the summer vacation, the pedestrian street was more deserted than usual.

The few figures are also old people doing morning exercises.

With its head held high and its chest held high, the yellow raccoon walked through a few fragrant breakfast shops without looking sideways. It walked briskly and with a clear goal, and went straight to Sanyou Bookstore at No. 99 Pedestrian Street, intending to stuff the freshly harvested dried fish as soon as possible. In the depths of the cupboard after entering the bookstore.

This briskness slowed down a little when passing by No. 97 Pedestrian Street.

No. 97 Pedestrian Street is Zheng Qing's d&k, a small shop that sells the specialties of the Rat Clan and the Linzhong Lake Murloc, and also caught mice and bugs for some time last year.

However, compared with other shops on the pedestrian street, Zheng Qing's small shop is very lively today. The shop is full of customers, and there is even a long queue outside the shop.

The yellow raccoon curled his lips and shook the beard at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, this situation has been going on for a long time. Since the end of the Hell War and the Rat Immortal Half step set foot in the legendary Realm, the Rat Tribe under his command who were originally wearing vests have inexplicably become new stars and favorites in the wizarding world.

Many wizards come to this little-known shop just to take a look at the legendary 'ratmen' who are undergoing transformation from mice to real wizards—it is said that this is the only completely transformed rat in the entire wizarding world Humans, other Ratmen were too young and cocooned in the underground of the First University, or died in the Black Prison War, and some adult Ratmen who did not enter the Black Prison Battlefield were robbed during the Transformation Day, lost his life.

Only the two Ratmen in the small shop in front of them were blessed and alive.

Of course, most wizards don't come to the store just to see something strange. There may not be much entertainment in the wizarding world, but all kinds of weird things are not uncommon. There are countless strange species captured from the New World every year.

These ordinary wizards are crowded in this small shop, looking for a chance.

Because it is said—I don’t know which tabloid spread the rumors—the Rat Immortal became a legend by creating the 'Transcendent Rat Clan' and casting the 'ancestor', and walked the same path as the ancestor of the blood clan and the werewolf ancestor, so his subordinates The Ratmen will also become Transcendent forces like the current vampires and werewolves.

The power of the first-generation werewolves and the first-generation vampires is obvious to all in the wizarding world. Although they are all sleeping in coffins deep in the ancient castle, each of the first-generation vampires has the strength of a top wizard.

According to this logic, the first generation of ratmen should also have great potential—even though they still look weak now, but with a legendary ancestor sitting in charge, it may not be possible for these first generation of ratmen to become great wizards in a hundred years.

So during this period of time, the two ratmen working in d&k were entangled by these wizards with ordinary qualifications. These uninvited guests tirelessly followed behind the two shop assistants, hoping to gain the favor of the two 'first-generation ratmen' , can introduce them to the Rat Fairy, and also transform them into the first generation of Rat Man.

But God is pitiful, since the Battle of Hell, the Rat Immortal has suddenly disappeared, not even returning to the ground. If they really knew where their ancestors were, the two Ratmen wouldn't be able to stay safely in this small shop as shop assistants until now.

Therefore, for the requests of the guests, Brother Er can only thank you indifferently.

But this doesn't stop these ordinary wizards from "forging ahead". It's not impossible to become the first generation of rat people, and it's not impossible to become the second or even third generation of rat people. The second and third generation vampire Elders in the council under the moon are also very powerful, and many of them have advanced to the level of great wizards.

Even if there are no advanced wizards, the long lives, strange magic, and wealth accumulated by those vampires of the past generations make these wizards envious.

So in just a few days, the Ear Brothers suddenly gained a lot of loyal fans, and they tried their best to get the "first embrace" of the two Ratmen, and some were even bold enough to anger Dingdang Ears and his friends. Ding Dong's ears, forcing the Ratman brothers to bite them both, hoping to get a powerful first-generation infection.

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