Hunting High School

Chapter Thirteen The Second Gentleman Discusses Death

Hearing the professor's ridicule, Zheng Qing smiled bitterly.

"I deserve it."

The young public fee student muttered, and the slender red sky pillar on the battlefield of the black prison flashed again in his mind, as well as the inner castle wall that was crushed by the sky pillar, and the crumbling figure under the wall, couldn't help sighing heavily.

"Very interesting gift."

The professor repeated, held the pot of mushrooms in his hands, and took a photo under the sun: "See, this is a shade-loving plant, and the sun will make it curl up its cap, and it will be covered with red spots... It will die in the sun for a while."

Zheng Qing stared at the Death hat slowly curling up its canopy under the sun, without making a sound. The reaction of the Death hat in the sun is a bit like the reaction of the mimosa after being touched, except that the magic plant is more sensitive than the ordinary plant. This is in stark contrast to the changes he has undergone since becoming a wizard.

When he was an ordinary middle school student, he was always very sensitive to slight changes in the outside world; but when he became a wizard and experienced many things, he became a little dull instead.

It's just that the dean of Jiuyou College didn't care about the subtle feeling in the boy's heart. He held up the Death hat for other purposes.

"Mushrooms are very special creatures."

The professor looked carefully at the fungus curled up in the sun, and after speaking, he paused, and then continued: "They grow in the dark underground world, and they are accompanied by the breath of Death all the year round, but they never really die... From birth to death, And growing back from the rotting's an ancient cycle."


Zheng Qing inexplicably thought of a snake with its tail in its mouth, then thought of the fat wizard Soprano from Alpha College, and thought of his Little Brother who turned into a pig demon, the cruel picture he saw when he set foot in the wizarding world for the first time.

"But they really died."

Zheng Qing anxiously and impolitely interrupted the president of Jiuyou College, his voice was a little tired: "Because of my fault, they really died."

"Sorry, I know this is sensitive."

The professor put down the pot of mushrooms and looked at the boy gently: "But I have to tell you, Death is more complicated than you imagine... I won't say it's a great adventure, nor a new journey .I can only say that it is not fixed, and for wizards, Death has a higher meaning."

"Like this pot of Death hat, throughout its life, Life and death are intertwined. Sometimes the beginning is the end, and sometimes the end is also a new beginning...A famous man in the era of Charles II in the late seventeenth century The famous wizard, Joseph Granville, once said a very famous saying - "The reason why people die is not to surrender to the angels, nor to surrender to Death, but because the will is too weak and can no longer support themselves to live". "

"I'm giving it to you today."

"The reason why people are depressed is not that they succumb to the angels, nor do they surrender to Death, but that their will is not strong enough to support their increasingly powerful souls."

"In short, these heavy topics, after you recover, you can go to the library to find the answers yourself."

Speaking of this, Professor Yao patted the boy's shoulder, the seriousness on his face disappeared, and he smiled narrowly: "Now, we can talk about lighter topics...for example, the owner of those two potted flowers, Jiang Classmate Yu, and Councilor Su."

After a pause for a few seconds, he seemed to think of something again and raised his eyebrows: "If I remember correctly, you have a good relationship with classmate Yi Lianna too? I like these girls very much...Of course, the way you like them is different. Same."

Zheng Qing blushed, opened his mouth, and wanted to explain something, but was interrupted by the professor's forceful gesture.

"I understand."

The professor took out the pipe, stuffed it into his mouth, and smiled: "I was young too...Young people have big hearts and active thinking... But I remind you as a person who has experienced it, you must do everything according to your ability. , Enough is enough... Just like Councilor Su, there are not 10,000 or 8,000 outstanding wizards chasing Councilor Su in the wizarding world, if they know..."

"It's not what you think." The boy had to raise his voice

Loud, interrupting the professor's 'nonsense': "There is nothing between us!"

The professor blinked and clicked on his pipe.


He blew out a string of smoke rings and shook his head: "That's boring... Ordinary wizards may not have heard it, but so many great wizards present, including big demons, can testify to what Councilor Su said. I need to call A few memories? Or, do you need me to catch that little fox in front of you? I remember it is called Neptune or Poseidon?"

Zheng Qing was tongue-tied and speechless for a moment.

Fortunately this is the ward.

Smoking is not allowed in the ward.

Less than three seconds after Professor Yao's smoke ring came out, dozens of elves swarmed in, grabbed the old wizard's hair, collar, and robe corners, screamed, and threw him out.

This made the young public finance student breathe a sigh of relief.



Naturally, a group of elves has no ability to throw a legendary wizard out of the ward unless he is voluntary. Looking at Professor Yao's leaving figure, Zheng Qing suddenly felt that the pressure that was originally suppressed deep in his heart seemed to be thrown out by those little elves, and he became much more relaxed.

He turned his head and looked at the professor's red-spotted, nearly dead poisonous capitol on the window sill.

After a long while, I muttered and said to myself: "Death...that's so simple...Death is not frying steak, there is a difference between five dead or seven dead..."

clap clap.

There were a few brisk applause in my ears.

Zheng Qing was taken aback, turned around and found that Mr. Wu had come to his ward at some time, sitting cross-legged on his hospital bed, peeling a plump orange.

When he saw the orange, he immediately smelled the refreshing fragrance in the ward.

Noticing the boy's astonished gaze, Mr. raised the orange in his hand and asked with a smile, "Would you like a piece? It tastes so good, it makes you feel like you've tasted the life pickled by the sun..."


There was a hint of surprise in Zheng Qing's eyes. He wanted to rush up, but felt something was wrong. He raised and lowered his arms, looking a little cautious. Compared with him, the shadow under his feet is much more presumptuous. A few slender black shadows protruded from Zheng Qing's shadow, grasping the corner of Mr.'s robe like an octopus, and a series of ink spots splashed out from the shadow , like spring water, very much like a crying scene in a cartoon.

Mr. Wu stuffed the last few pieces of orange into his mouth.

Then he wiped his hands and patted the shadow hanging on the corner of his robe comfortingly.

"Don't worry, you're still free."

After comforting him, he raised his head and looked at Zheng Qing with a satisfied look in his eyes: "The metaphor just now is good, Death is not fried steak...Dead is dead. It is always very, completely, without any discount. It Not romantic at all, but brutal in its truest form."

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