Hunting High School

Chapter Fourteen Chicken Soup And Reality

"Many people died because of me"

Zheng Qing thought of the slender red sky pillar he pushed, and what his husband said just now, death is like a lamp going out, and everything is gone after death, and he felt even more sad.

"How do you know it wasn't you who saved more people?"

The husband seemed to disagree with his opinion on own, and asked back: "I said Death is cruel, and I hope you will seriously think about the experience during this period, and don't be too anxious, let alone self-doubt or self-denial."

"In this world, it is very complicated and difficult to evaluate a person or a thing."

"Sometimes, you need to judge the quality of a person, the success or failure of a thing by the result; but sometimes, you also need to judge a person based on the starting point. Observe the world with a dialectical attitude, It is the most appropriate, safest, and relatively neutral attitude."

"There is no pure gold in gold, and no one is perfect. No one is a sage, and no one has faults."

“If someone gives you a position ahead of time when they introduce you to something or a person—for example, this person is bad, this thing is bad, this outcome is very bad, etc.—then you need to Be cautious and vigilant immediately, because what others want you to know is not necessarily the full portrait."

Speaking of this, Mr. did not know where to find two small blue and white porcelain bowls, pushed one to Zheng Qing, and held the other in his hand. The young wizard lifted the lid of the small bowl, and it was filled with warm soup, which was clear and translucent. In the morning light, you could see strings of fine oil flowers rolling and dancing at the bottom of the bowl.

Zheng Qing imitated her husband, picked up the bowl, and took a sip carefully.

The soup is surprisingly refreshing, not greasy at all, and the aroma is just right, without giving people the feeling of eating a mouthful of spices. This reminds Zheng Qing of the sentence that Mr. Zheng said when he ate oranges before—the ones pickled in the sun The taste of life.

"How does this chicken soup feel?" The gentleman put down the small bowl in his hand, and looked at the young wizard in front of him with a smile.

"tastes good."

Zheng Qing felt the warmth and comfort emanating from his stomach, and praised him sincerely. At the same time, he wondered whether the chicken soup was cooked with some precious medicinal materials or advanced magic, and the hand holding the soup bowl couldn't help but be more careful.

At the same time, with this kind of thought, he felt that the place where the chicken soup flowed, his whole body became warmer and his mood became more relaxed.

"Drinking some chicken soup when you are tired is really good."

Mr. nodded, and reached out to take the small bowl that Zheng Qing drank, and in the blink of an eye, the bowl disappeared from Zheng Qing's sight: "It's just that although the chicken soup is good, you can't drink too much... Let's continue the previous topic, back to The accident in the black prison event."

"You know, I know, and many people also know that it was not your intention that the 'Sky Pillar' collapsed and smashed the defensive circle of the Hell Castle. On the contrary, you wanted to protect the world and more wizards... that's enough. Those wizards who died by accident - I won't forgive you on their behalf, and I hope you don't completely forgive yourself - but I want you to realize that you didn't do anything wrong .”

"It happens all the time that good intentions lead to bad results."

"On the battlefield, any accident may happen. If they were restrained because of the possibility of accidents, wizards would never achieve what they are today."

"So, with this heavy heart on your back, keep your head up and keep going."

The generous palm rested on the shoulder of the young wizard, warm and reassuring. Zheng Qing took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled. After feeling the last burden in his heart disappeared, he raised his head and looked at Mr. with a smile on his face. Big smile:

"I'm fine, don't worry."

The husband nodded slightly, noncommittal, and patted him on the shoulder again: "Is there anything else I want to ask? I will be busy during this period, and I may not have time to see you."

Without the psychological burden, the series of encounters during this period immediately sprouted and grew wildly from the depths of Zheng Qing's memory like weeds in spring, bearing a bunch of confusing fruits.

For example, the relationship between the dreamland and reality, how many dimensional are those creatures in the dreamland? What was the guy in the yellow robe that Zheng Qing met when he was dreaming in the dreamland thinking? Has Nicholas, the mother of the black goat of the forest, been coveting the school?

For another example, can the teacher help him revoke the detention for probation on his back? Will he accidentally pierce the school's guardian circle and smash the small white pagoda on the island in the middle of Linzhong Lake? Will the school settle the score? What about the final exam?

Question marks popped up in his mind one after another.

Soon, Zheng Qing identified the biggest and freshest problem:

"Mysterious yellow fruit..."

As soon as these three words were uttered, the gentleman laughed, and raised his hand to make a gesture of calmness: "Xuanhuangguo is the fuse of this black prison war, but it is not the root cause of the war."

"What happened in the black prison this time broke out after many contradictions and many Karmas were entangled together. For example, the contradiction between wizards and demons, the contradiction between ultra-conservative wizards and progressive wizards, and the relationship between monsters and certain existences deep in the starry sky. The contradiction between the wizard and the depths of the starry sky, and so on."

"The most urgent and main contradiction is the contradiction between the continuous expansion of new forces and the over-stabilization of the traditional order. Speaking of which, I also have a little responsibility for this matter."

Zheng Qing opened his eyes wide in surprise.

The gentleman adjusted his glasses and sighed: "Remember to tell you about my advancement... well, you can understand it as a big fish turning into a bird, leaving the sea, and the huge waves rolled up And the tides spread in all directions... and many smaller fish can ride those huge waves and swim to places they would never have been able to reach in their entire lives."

"The power between wizards and demons was originally balanced, but because of the continuous appearance of high rank demons and high rank wizards in a short period of time, the traditional balance has been broken... Those strong new generations need to make their own voices."

Having said that, Mr. shook his head, changed the topic, and returned to the previous question: "So from the beginning, Xuanhuangguo was not the ultimate goal of wizards, nor were the Four Siren Ships and Dark Beasts the goal of wizards."

"The hardliners of the school united with the new generation of wizards, using the black and yellow fruit as an introduction to induce the monsters to enter the home field of the black prison world, trying to 'purify' those monsters who are about to enter the legend through a war."

"The hard-line wizards promote own toughness, the new generation of wizards have obtained the merits of own, and those monsters who are about to enter the legend also need Xuanhuang fruit to increase their chances of success... So, from the beginning, this is a confrontation A war that coexists with compromise."


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