Hunting High School

Chapter 35 Before The Class Meeting

Today's class meeting is still arranged in classroom 601 in the east of the main building.

It was also seven thirty in the evening.

The only difference is the arrangement in the classroom. Perhaps because the school has not yet officially started, the layout in the classroom is not so serious and a little casual.

The dark green blackboard is covered with colorful patterns, which seem to describe the hard work of elves. There is no star map reflecting the zodiac on the ceiling, but it is like a wild forest in late summer and early autumn, with maple branches of different thicknesses interlaced, dark green, apricot yellow, and light red maple leaves stacked together, from time to time. The branches trembled slightly, as if there were really small winds passing over the treetops.

If you look carefully, you can also see caterpillars crawling slowly among the branches and leaves.

There are branches above the head, and the lawn is naturally under the feet.

Stepping on it was soft, Zheng Qing took advantage of the opportunity of tying the shoelaces to squeeze it secretly, and didn't pull down a single grass. Then out of the corner of his eye, he accidentally saw the witch shoes Jiang Yu was wearing.

The shoes were red, the same color as the robe on her body. Above the deep v shoe opening is a white ankle, tied with a thin red rope, which seems to be decorated with a few beautiful pearls, twinkling in the dark.

Seeing this, Zheng Qing immediately looked away.

Don't look at evil, don't look at evil, the boy muttered in his heart, standing up while supporting the tree trunk next to him. Like the floor, the desks and chairs in the classroom have also changed. The stumps are used as chairs, and the trunks are used as tables.

Correspondingly, the test bench on the left side of the classroom is covered by a thick layer of moss, but the moss here is not as wet and slippery as the wild moss, and looks dry and clean. The tall floor-to-ceiling windows on the right side of the classroom were half-closed, and there were some suspicious traces left on the window sills, which looked like the excrement of the birds in the school.

After Zheng Qing noticed those traces, he subconsciously remembered the little elves he raised, and sighed slightly. It's not good to let the elves take care of the classrooms. They will only clean up the classrooms in the strict sense very rigidly.

This lack of subjectivity is one of the reasons why many wizards refuse to recognize elves as normal magical beings.

Of course, it has been a long time since Zheng Qing raised the topic of equal rights for elves. The more he knew about the wizarding world, the more humble he became, and he was very satisfied to be able to take care of his group of elves.

blah blah blah.

Duan Xiaojian, who was in the front row, finally handed over the homework to Downton. He stretched out his robe, walked with complacent steps, and looked left and right to leave the podium.

Then Zheng Qing took a step forward.

"Brother scum?"

Downton accepted Zheng Qing's homework with a subtle expression, and greeted with a smile: "Happy summer vacation, welcome back! It would be nice if everyone took their homework as seriously as you do."

As he spoke, he shook the career planning book written by Zheng Qing carefully, feeling very moved.

Zheng Qing gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to punch that thick eyebrow and big eyes in the face - he had no doubt that Downton purposely called that nickname in front of the witches.

"It's not pleasant at all!" The young public finance student burst out a few words through his teeth: "I stayed in the school hospital for the whole summer vacation, and it was not pleasant at all."

"Well, that's such a pity." The class leader of Tianwen 08-1 sighed regretfully: "At the 'Zeus Cup' Madrid Open at the end of July, Doflamingo used a bear summoning technique to turn the tide of the battle. The most exciting hunting match of last year. It's a pity that you didn't go to see it."

The Zeus Cup is a hunting league within the scope of Europa. Together with the World Cup spanning several continents and the First University Campus Cup, they are collectively known as the three major hunting competitions in the wizarding world. Given that it was held in Europe, even if Zheng Qing was not hospitalized, he would not have the opportunity to go to the scene, so Downton's pleasantries sounded a bit harsh to the young public welfare students.

He definitely did it on purpose.

Zheng Qing muttered in his heart, made a haha, turned his head and left. Words are not speculative, even half a sentence

Many, with this skill, he would rather draw a new hat on the head of the stick figure behind the door.

Thinking of the stick figure, Zheng Qing raised his head and looked behind the door.

On the white drawing paper, the stick figure is bouncing around, trying to grab a maple leaf that is close at hand. The hat that a student drew on it last winter vacation has only a faint trace left, Zheng Qing believes , with the arrival of the new semester, it will start crying to the new students again, asking them to draw a hat for it.

History repeats itself year after year.

With this slightly philosophical feeling in his mind, Zheng Qing walked around the thick maple trunks and walked towards the corner of the classroom where his classmates gathered, avoiding the thick cushions floating by his side from time to time.

Because the tables, chairs and benches had turned into rough tree stumps and trunks, it was a bit painful to sit on. Under the protests of the students, the elves in gray uniforms screamed and brought balls of soft cushions to the girls.

Wizards are not treated so well.

"I want to protest!"

Xin Fatty bit the quill pen, smoothed a piece of parchment on the table vigorously, and said angrily: "The school work committee is dereliction of duty! It made a mess of the classroom... It doesn't care about the physical and mental health of the students. To put in one's eyes!"

"I think it's pretty healthy."

Holding the notebook, Xiao Xiao lazily leaned against the tree stump, as if he was on an outing in the wild, with a trace of satisfaction on his face: "Maybe it's not the responsibility of the school work committee... but those little elves, before the start of school and before the classroom function is turned on , and arranged the house to their liking."

"Don't throw the responsibility on the elves every time something happens." Fatty frowned, wondering if it was another prick in his butt: "You know they can't take any responsibility."

"There shouldn't be any accountability." Xiao Xiao snorted.

In contrast, Zhang Jixin looked a little more serious: "How do you plan to protest? For what reason?"

"Publish an article in the school newspaper! Go to Professor Yao's office to protest!"

Xin Fatty waved the quill pen, looking a little excited: "We can't tolerate their unscrupulous behavior! My ass is about to burst, and they still haven't given us a mat! This kind of behavior of changing the teaching environment at will must violate the campus law. Regulations!"

"I'm sure that the article you mentioned is not in the "First University Management Regulations."

Zheng Qing patted Fatty on the shoulder comfortingly, to stop him from complaining——As a student who participated in the night patrol of Linzhong Lake for a year and violated many "First University Campus Management Regulations", Zheng Qing carefully studied Many terms inside, so very sure.

Then he turned to look at Zhang Jixin: "Long time no see, Elder, when did you come over?"

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