Hunting High School

Chapter 36 The Three Little Pigs

Before Zheng Qing went to hand in his homework, there were only him, Xin, and Xiao Xiao in this corner.

When he came back, there was another figure in front of Xiao Xiao's table—the main hunter of the forgiveness hunting team, the new Little Brother of the "Lei Zhe", the red-faced wizard, and Zhang Jixin's classmate.

He was not wearing a robe tonight, but a brand new dark red dragon leather jacket, covered with shiny brass buttons, brass rings, and a fringe behind the elbow that looked like an iguana's dorsal fin. The lower body is a pair of hunting trousers of the same color, and the scriptures are packed in a calfskin bookcase and hung on the waist belt. There are also many large and small slim bottles hanging around the belt, which contain potions of different colors. There is a pair of magic boots from the Hermes series on the feet. The small wings that flap from time to time on the back of the shoes are the most famous feature of this series of boots.

Obviously, Zhang Jixin had a good summer vacation.

Hearing Zheng Qing's greeting, the red-faced wizard turned around, nodding his usual carefree expression, "Good evening, Captain!"

Then he took off a pocket watch with a brass case from his belt, looked at the time, and added seriously: "Well, I entered the classroom at 7:03."

Zheng Qing opened his mouth slightly, stared blankly at the red-faced wizard, then slowly turned his neck to look at Xin Fatty and Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao didn't respond, but Fatty opened his mouth and silently mouthed the word 'Sao Bao'.

The young public fee student almost burst out laughing.

He raised his hand, rubbed his stiff face, took a breath, and then looked up at Zhang Jixin again: "Well, good evening, good evening...Have you handed in your homework?"

"It's been handed in a long time ago." Zhang Jixin continued with a serious face: "My brother said that a student should act like a student, and it's a student's duty to hand in homework, so I asked my family's Baihe to take the homework and hand it over to Tang Dun. "

"You still have white cranes at home?"

"Not in Phuket Island, but in the old house. The lake in the yard over there is big enough to support us."

"Wow," Zheng Qing sighed inexplicably, his mind spinning quickly, thinking of something to say to make the scene less awkward: "... This jacket is so beautiful, it fits your temperament very well."

Zhang Jixin's eyes lit up, he reached out and brushed off the non-existent dust on his sleeves, and the seriousness on his face weakened a bit: "Right, I also think... this is my brother bought me... his succession notice On the day we arrived, the whole family was overjoyed, and he smashed the three little pigs to buy us presents."

"Three...little pigs?"

"Oh, it's a kind of piggy bank developed by the Martin-Teacher Company."

The red-faced wizard explained patiently: "...they look like little pigs, and they like to run around. They can always smell the coins you forgot and eat them in places you didn't notice. ...and when they're full they like to hide in corners where wizards can't find them. Of course, if you're willing to 'feed' them from time to time, they'll make a nest very close to you. The three that my brother smashed Piggy lives under his bed."

"This can be regarded as a means of forced savings." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses with great interest, and added: "Since the Wizards United Bank released the 'White Paper on Wizards' Liability Changes in the Hundred Years', the Alliance has paid great attention to the debts of ordinary wizards, Martin The company has received a lot of subsidies for developing this product.”

Although the atmosphere of the chat has become much better, Zheng Qing always feels that the picture is shifting in some strange direction. With a stiff smile on his face, he nodded repeatedly and exaggeratedly wowed from time to time.

Until several people shut up, Zheng Qing finally seized the moment and brought the topic back to the things he cared about: "By the way, I forgot to congratulate your big brother for becoming this year's 'Lei Zhe'... "

Xin Fatty suddenly raised his head, interrupted Zheng Qing's congratulations, looked at Zhang Jixin, and asked impatiently: "So, have you visited the office of 'Will'? Is there really a dragon head in their conference room? "

Zheng Qing turned his head and glared at Fatty.

Fatty twirled the quill in his hand, pretending not to see the angry eyes of the public servant.

"Indeed there are."

Talking about this topic, Zhang Jixin

Immediately forgetting his big brother's piggy bank, the sauce-red face seemed to have a red light, and he looked extraordinarily energetic: "...that is the skull of a Tanggula ice chinchilla, which feels like ice. It is said to be Lei Zhe's trophies from a school hunting party in a certain session were not sold, and have been placed in the conference room."


The onlookers gasped in admiration.

This time, Zheng Qing's praise was sincere. For a moment, he couldn't imagine what the ice-like dragon skull looked like, and whether it would emit white mist from its eye sockets.

After the admiration stopped for a while, Zheng Qing immediately asked, "Did your brother tell you what Sanchajian and the school committee are busy with? There was such a big incident in the pedestrian street in the morning that they were late." So long!"

This question turns a little bit bigger.

But this issue is also what Xiao Xiao and Xin Fatty care about.

After leaving the pedestrian street in the morning, the three of them discussed for a long time without any answer. Now meeting Zhang Jixin who has a 'special news channel', naturally he will not let him go.

Zhang Jixin reacted for a few seconds before wondering, "What happened to the pedestrian street this morning?"

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, Zheng Qing patiently explained the incident on the pedestrian street - including the characteristics of the tattoo on the head of the bald black wizard, and his target was the dap;k ratman shop assistant, etc - in detail .

After listening to Zheng Qing's description, the red-faced wizard frowned, and his slightly relaxed expression became serious again: "I don't know what they are busy with, they have been with my brother for the past two days, but the wizard from the North District It's a bit troublesome, but no one from the Three-pointed Sword or the school work committee came to him, but..."

Hearing the word'but', Zheng Qing immediately pricked up his ears, but he didn't say anything for a long time. When he looked up, Zhang Jixin looked puzzled, as if he was struggling whether to speak or not.


Xin Fatty slapped Zhang Jixin on the shoulder and yelled: "If you can say it, then don't say it, if you can't say it, don't say it, who will show you with a face of embarrassment! I have wanted to say you for a long time, so don't be awkward all night... you Brother becomes Lei Zhe, what does it have to do with you!"

The words were a little harsh, and Zheng Qing was worried that the two of them would be quarreling, but Zhang Jixin laughed dryly instead. Although his face was redder, the smile on his face was much more genuine.

"It's my brother who told me to be careful in what I say and do, and not to cause trouble for him."

He looked around, lowered his voice, and smiled apologetically: "I don't want to, but he will beat me up if I get into don't know, after the incident in the black prison, my grandpa beat up my dad, my dad Beat Dage, Dage beat the second brother, the second brother beat the third brother, the third brother beat the fourth brother... The fourth brother just became Lei Zhe, the most angry... Then he beat me up, I was on the bed Laid down for a week!"

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