Hunting High School

Chapter 37: Three Things At The Class Meeting

Hearing Zhang Jixin's tragic experience, the three audience gasped in unison.

Zheng Qing was not sure at the moment whether Zhang Jixin was more pitiful or his old man who was too young to be beaten was more pitiful. At the same time, he suddenly felt that his experience lying in the school hospital was not so miserable.

But since Zhang Jixin was beaten, what about the others?

He subconsciously turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao and Xin Fatty.

"Don't look at me, I wasn't beaten."

At some point, Xin Fatty found a piece of jerky and chewed it vigorously, as if he was suppressing his shock, so his voice was a bit vague: "Except you and the professor, no one knows that I went to the black prison..."

"I'd rather take a beating."

Xiao Xiao sighed heavily, patted the black-covered notebook under his hands, with a trace of melancholy on his face: "But my dad rewarded me with a new notebook instead... I said I had it, and he said he could keep it for him grandson."

Zheng Qing didn't know if he should smile here to show respect.

He thought about it, and decided to replace the impolite laughter with a question: "Why did you give you a reward?"

Xiao Xiao glanced at him in surprise: "Don't you know? As a recorder, being able to witness the battle between wizards and demons, record the downfall of great wizards and even legends, and participate in the promotion of an ancient person is such a great thing." Honorable things..."

The smile on Zheng Qing's face gradually disappeared. While paying attention to the expressions of the other two companions, he tentatively said: "The legend has saw it? You should have passed out like us."

The other two companions didn't seem to hear his question.

Zhang Jixin frowned, as if he was still thinking about whether to tell him what he was struggling with; Xin Fatty seemed to be concentrating on handling the jerky in his hand, but his chewing sound was obviously much quieter.

Xiao Xiao squinted his eyes, glanced at the young public fee student, patted the black notebook on the table, and replied softly: "I don't need to keep my eyes can record things that should be recorded. Compared with the lack of a more comprehensive description, its records will appear a bit dry... For example, in the black prison, the last few lines on the notebook are only "a certain year, a certain month, a certain day and a certain time, a certain legend fell in a certain place; a certain legend died in a certain place; A certain place promotes the ancient'... If I write it myself, I can expand these two sentences into a narrative of tens of thousands of words."

This kid is still the same talkative.

This thought flashed through Zheng Qing's mind, and he forgot the interface for a while.

Fortunately, at this time, Zhang Jixin also made up his mind, gestured to his companions to get closer, and said in a low voice: "I just heard this, don't spread it... especially you, Fatty, if I listen When there is some bad news..."

"Five thunders from heaven! All my snacks are for you! Tuantuan is yours too!" Fatty hurriedly swallowed the jerky in his mouth, raised his right hand, and swore three poisonous oaths in succession.

Perhaps it was to reassure his companions, or perhaps to let his companions see his determination, he even broke the quill in his hand and threw it aside.

Such a clean attitude made Zhang Jixin speechless.

After a pause, he looked left and right, and continued to whisper: "I just heard that, um, in the previous war, someone in the school put those guys from the Dark Council into the black prison, which caused the school's battle plan to fail... Vice President Shi seems to be unable to go further because of this incident, and went to the Great Wizarding Conference."

"I heard that the school has been secretly looking for that traitor for the past few months... I guess Vice Principal Shi is very annoyed now, so it is possible to ask the people from the Three-pronged Sword to help with the investigation."

"What does this have to do with the three-pronged sword?" Xin Fatty asked in a low voice.

"The current director of the Trident Sword, Nude, is a student of Vice President Shi, and was also helped to that position by Vice President Shi himself." Xiao Xiao replied concisely.

Fatty suddenly understood.

bang bang bang! !

The loud sound of the bulletin board hitting the desk echoed throughout the classroom. Several boys subconsciously shut their mouths and shrank their heads, thinking that their "bewitching words" had been exposed, but soon

That is, several people realized that it was the class monitor Downton who was telling the students to be silent.

The four silently cleaned up the tables and chairs and sat down.

Almost at the same time, the noise and hustle and bustle in the classroom gradually disappeared, and everyone turned their attention to the place where the noise sounded in front of the classroom.

On the podium, the two monitors of Tianwen Class 08-1, one on the left and one on the right, with serious expressions.


Downton, who was standing on the left side, knocked on the desk again, paused, and then continued: "Today's class meeting is not a regular meeting, so the professor won't come, and Jiang Yu and I will host it..."

Hearing that the professor would not be there, the solemnity that had just accumulated in the classroom disappeared, and one could clearly feel a sense of solemnity draining away.

"Which professor?" Xin Fatty was the first to raise his hand, and asked the question he was most concerned about: "Is it Professor Yao, or Professor Yi from Divination, or Professor Li from Potions?"

There were countless people in the class who were concerned about this matter, and when they heard the words, they all started clamoring.

Downton was stunned for a few seconds before he could react. He tapped the noteboard in his hand heavily and shouted, "Quiet!! Professor Yao is still our counselor. If you don't want to be deducted points by the professor before the school officially starts, you'd better be honest!"

After pulling the tiger skin, the commotion in the classroom gradually subsided.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Yu, who was standing on the right side of the podium, took a step forward, looked around, and said flatly, "There will be three things in class today. The first thing is to collect summer homework. We can wait until eight o'clock tomorrow morning for students who have not handed in their homework." Before the clock; the second thing, before September 1, everyone confirms the courses they are taking this year, and report the class schedule; the third thing is about tomorrow's trial meeting, please let student Downton explain the relevant arrangements."

"As for the results of the final exam and the number of public-funded students for the new school year, Professor Yao will personally tell everyone at the class meeting on the evening of August 31st after the trial meeting."

After all, she gestured to the wizard beside her with her eyes.

Downton didn't have time to whisper to everyone in the audience, and immediately said: "The trial will start at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and will last until 9 o'clock in the evening on August 31st, a total of seven days; out of fairness, this trial The location is kept secret, the content of the trial is kept secret, and the method of the test is kept secret..."

"Keep it a secret, what are you talking about with us!" Some students immediately booed from the audience.

Downton rarely showed a hint of embarrassment on his face, but he still maintained his usual steady temperament, and continued without changing his expression: "...The assembly point is located in the first hall, and everyone is allowed to bring blank Dharma books, quill pens, cinnabar, and blank amulets. Paper, unprepared potions, no pets, alchemy partners, amulets, vestments... Students who violate the relevant regulations will be eliminated in advance during the trial. Twenty percent deducted."

As soon as the punishment measures were announced, everyone was in an uproar.

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