Hunting High School

Chapter 63 The Familiar Strange World

No one can adapt to a new world naturally.

Even Grand Wizards, and even Legendary Wizards don't have this ability or Talent.

If a wizard arrives in a new world and accidentally finds that he can exchange ventilators and use magic in the new world without Fleck's preparation, then there is only one possibility—he has been to this world before.

And this 'before' should belong to a very short time category. If he was born in this world and then taken elsewhere to grow up, he would need some time to adapt after returning to this world.

With this premise.

Referring to the common experience and recent encounters of several young wizards in the Forgiveness Hunting Team, including Zheng Qing, everyone almost immediately realized where this new world that the school had set as a testing ground was.

"Is this a black prison?"

Jiang Yu, who has always been calm in situations, rarely showed a bit of astonishment on his face. He subconsciously turned his head to look outside the tent, as if he wanted to find some familiar traces in the desolation and desolation outside the fence.

The thick curtain blocked her sight, but did not block her spreading thoughts.

The surprise on the witch's face gradually faded away, but her expression became more serious, her eyes were fixed, as if she had thought of something, and for a moment she forgot the old wizard in front of her.

Compared with this, the other wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were more surprised and excited.

"So that's how it is." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, with a pensive look on his face, and muttered: "No wonder, I always have a strange feeling when I do divination."

"This trial is more interesting than I imagined."

Zhang Jixin cracked his fingers habitually, and chuckled in the crackling sound: "I thought the school just randomly arranged a secret realm hunting garden to send us away... It really is the first university, which is quite bold."

"Damn it, I never thought I would have a chance to come in again in this life." Although Xin Fatty was cursing, he couldn't suppress the excitement in his eyes, and almost subconsciously took out his notepad and quill: "Are the pests hunted in this trial related to the demons who escaped from the Battle of Hell? The school trusts us students to 'clean up'?"

The last time he came was too sudden and he left too hastily, so that he failed to fulfill the obligations of a reporter. This time, he must make a good record to provide enough novelty-hunting material for the school newspaper after school starts.

Zheng Qing is more specific about the situation than the brooding witch and the high-spirited Fatty. He turned his eyes away from the map and looked at old man Verne.

"Is this really a black prison?"

He didn't hide the astonishment in his heart at all, gestured with his hands, and asked a series of questions: "How did the black prison become brighter? Aren't those two suns the real body of the great wizard? They didn't leave after the war? And this climate, The magic power around... Where are the prisoners? Are they all imprisoned in the Black Prison Castle? Or are they all dead?"

Having experienced a difficult journey in the black prison, Zheng Qing has a clearer understanding of the original barrenness of this world than the other wizards. For those who are not afraid to eat their own kind, they can even drink magma for a little magic power, The bone-chewing prisoner was even more impressive.

This time, even though it was within the fence, after monitoring outside the tent before, no monsters coveting flesh and blood were found around, nor were the gray-skinned and emaciated prisoners.

Although there are thick clouds above the head, the light of the sky and the earth is like when it is cloudy and rainy on Phuket Island.

Not to mention outside the fence, the small river is turbulent, and the world is full of magic power, and there is a sense of vitality everywhere.

It is in stark contrast to the dark, barren, and scarce world in Zheng Qing's impression.

It's no wonder that until now he can't be sure of his own guess.

A series of questions rushed to his face. Even the old man who was as experienced as Jules Verne was stunned for a moment. After a while, he came back to his senses, let out a sigh of relief, and looked at the young wizards in front of him with delicate eyes.

"This is indeed the original black prison world."

The old man first affirmed Zheng Qing

and others guessed, but did not immediately answer their questions, but changed the subject and said with emotion: "It seems that the rumors are actually true... There were rumors in the school work committee that some time ago during the Black Prison War, there were A group of children recklessly broke into the battlefield and almost caused a catastrophe. I didn't expect it was really you."

The word "almost" is an understatement.

Thinking of what she did at that time, Zheng Qing became emotional, and his eyes dimmed a bit. The witch next to him keenly sensed the boy's depression, and tugged on his sleeve.

"We were in the black prison back then, why did we adapt to the environment of the black prison without Fleck's preparation?" Jiang Yu didn't simply comfort Zheng Qing, but asked a question he had never thought of.

Zheng Qing smiled wryly, and the depression between his brows was also dispelled by the witch's question: "I didn't notice until you mentioned it... Maybe the doctor knows the answer to this kind of thing."

With that said, he turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao.

But beyond his expectations, Xiao Xiao hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "I'm not sure either... I think it must have something to do with the big battle that happened in the black prison at that time."

Several young wizards looked at old man Verne together.

"This question involves some advanced reasoning in the theory of dimensions."

The old man did not refuse the advice of the young wizards. He raised his right index finger and pointed upwards, like a patient professor: "When you entered the black prison, this world has already turned into a huge battlefield... The degree of change in magic power far exceeds the difference in the ordinary world. From time to Karma, many dimensional lines are soaked by the breath of those great wizards, great demons, and legendary beings. In other words, they subjectively allow you to Free to come and go. And the world objectively refuses outsiders to enter."

It does sound a bit tough.

But Zheng Qing immediately realized another contradiction reflected in this answer.

"According to this reason, what we got used to at the beginning was the aura of those great wizards or legendary wizards, and we didn't really adapt to the aura of the world of Hell?"

The young public fee student frowned, slowly chewing on his own confusion: "This also means that when we come to this world again, we should prepare for Fleck again like everyone else."

"In theory." The old man laughed, looking as if you were still too young: "The question is, do you think the world in front of you is the same as the black prison you came to?"

Of course it is different!

The last time I came to this world, my eyes were full of darkness, the world was like a desert, and the skinny and skinny prisoners were timid and hideous; but when I came to this world again, although the sky was still a little dark and the scenery still seemed barren, there was a vibrant vitality in the world Like seedlings in early spring, they are quite different from before.

"The difference stems from the battle that broke out between wizards and demons a few months ago." Old Man Verne clasped his hands and briefly explained the reasons for these changes.

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