Hunting High School

Chapter 64: The Current Situation Of The Black Prison

At the end of Zheng Qing's first year of university, the war that broke out in the world of Hell had a profound impact on this world that had already fallen into darkness and silence.

The grand blood sacrifice of wizards and demons, coupled with the birth of an ancient and digital legends, has brought a round of energetic magic power to the world of Hell.

When the war ended, and the two suns transformed by Professor Emma and the real body of the giant bird Xiz left one after another, the Siren King, who jumped out of the river of fate holding his star position, left a trace in the sky of the black prison world. Deep traces—centering on the shadow of the blue star of the Siren King when it rose, a naturally conceived 'sun' was slowly born in the void.

Although it is still just a light blue illusory shadow, it can already illuminate the entire world like a moon. And in the foreseeable future, with the slow recovery of the newly promoted old man, the light of this round of 'sun' will become brighter and brighter.

The new sun pulls the rising tide, from the outside to the inside, improving the original almost dead state of the black prison world, just like spring thunder and drizzle on dry land, nourishing the dry world.

A new cycle begins.

New life thus reappears in the world.

But the reason why the Guixu world is called Guixu is not just because it has lost the sun, nor can it be completely saved by one or two rounds of active magic power tides. The many monsters born in the depths of the already desolate world are like vines and insects lying on the big tree, blocking the light of the big tree, and eating holes in it, eroding the world on which the world depends all the time. base.

For example, the rotting Tan that was born in the stagnant place of death, sucks the magic power between the heaven and the earth like a water pump, and produces a poisonous miasma that corrodes the crystal walls of the world; With the help of magic power and abundant dead bodies, it developed rapidly and spread like locusts in the new world.

And the most frightening thing is that when combing the earth's veins, the earth dragon transformed into a kind of god-like creature because of devouring the distorted earth energy. They penetrated into the depths of the earth like poison, and swallowed the newly born magic power like a black hole. The desert is raging everywhere, and no grass grows.

"...The energy dissipated during the magic tidal surge is very beneficial to ordinary wizards, and these pests must be eliminated. So the school finally chose this place as your trial ground."

Elder Verne pointed to the names on the top of the parchment list, and briefly concluded:

"Killing the evil earth dragon can eliminate the distorted earth energy, cleaning up the rot, hunting ogres can make the world healthier... For second-year students, these are very good test objects."

"This magic tide will last for several years. In the initial stage of its surge, which is now, the quality of the dissipated Qi is the highest."

"Feeling them, guiding them, and grasping rare opportunities will allow you to accumulate magic power faster and become stronger. Don't waste the opportunities that the school gave you."

The old man picked up the cup and took a sip of the still steaming tea.

There was silence in the tent, except for the slight breathing of the young wizards, there were only crows faintly coming from outside the tent, making endless noise.

A hungry lantern bug fluttered its wings, fell from the top of the tent, swayed around the shoulder of the gray-robed old wizard a few times, and finally landed between his gray beard, sucking the few seeds hanging from his beard. Dripping tea.

It bulged its belly, slowly flickering a dim light.

It seems to have drawn an end to the old man's explanation.

Li Meng rubbed her fingers, stood on tiptoes, and stared at the fat firefly, as if she wanted to catch it, looking eager to try.

Elder Verne decisively twirled his beard, caught the crawling bug, and threw it to the little witch, so as to prevent his beard from suffering.

This little episode also brought back to their senses the young wizards who were immersed in the events of the black prison.

"So, we don't need to prepare for Fleck because we have gone through the most critical node in the transformation of the black prison world... that is, the time when the Siren King advanced."

Having said that, Zheng Qing glanced at the still alive

The jumping little witch paused and asked abruptly:

"Then what should she do?"

This question seems a bit out of the question. Although he didn't mention his name, the companions followed his gaze and knew the meaning of the wizard's words.

Li Meng was the only member of this team who had no experience in the Black Prison War, which meant that she had to spend some time preparing for Fleck.

"Xiaomeng and I will stay in the camp and prepare some potions for you." Jiang Yu immediately replied, "You can discuss exploring one or two areas first..."

"There are not many exploratory battle formations suitable for four hunters." Zhang Jixin folded his arms and frowned.

"I don't need your company!"

Li Meng suddenly shook Jiang Yu's hand away forcefully, with a sullen face, showing a rare seriousness and seriousness: "I'm going to be a sophomore soon, can't I even take care of myself? You can't be with me forever! "

The slightly strong reaction of the little witch not only exceeded Jiang Yu's expectations, but also shocked several other wizards. It was the first time that Zheng Qing had seen her have the courage to resist the arrangement of Squad Leader Jiang.

He couldn't help but quietly gave Li Meng a thumbs up.

Jiang Yu gave the boy a hard look, then looked at his cousin, with a look of hesitation on his face.

Sensing the witch's worry, the old man Verne coughed lightly, and said in relief, "There is no need to worry about the safety of the camp... I, Stendhal, and a few other old guys will stay in the camp and help you with some logistical work. For example, provide a safe and warm place to sleep, or cook some chickpeas to fill your stomach. Well, just treat us as the kind of NPCs in the game world who issue missions..."

"You guys play video games too?" Zheng Qing's eyes widened suddenly.

The other companions, except for Xiao Xiao, were all confused, apparently not quite understanding what the terms the old man and Zheng Qing mentioned meant.

"Me, only me playing."

The old man Verne corrected in a gentle tone: "I just look older, but I am actually less than a hundred years old... A wizard at my age always has some weird hobbies."

"Playing games is not strange at all." Zheng Qing always felt something strange.

"But it's strange for a wizard." The old man squeezed his beard, chose to end the topic, and turned to look at the other young people: "Before I go out, I need to remind you young people that this is not a hunting ground, but a real hunting ground." Otherworld. Safety is more important than mission."

"Normal teams may need to waste a day preparing for Fleck, but you guys, I think you can go out after a little rest."

"That's a huge advantage."

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