Hunting High School

Chapter 67: Aiyafala

When he set off the next day, Li Meng was still a little depressed.

She still didn't want to deal with those stinking ogres.

"Didn't you rest well last night?" Zheng Qing looked at the gloomy little witch, and shook his hand in front of her eyes: "Hey, follow your sister closely for a while, don't get distracted... The ogre's stones are very accurate, be careful The brain is blooming!"

The little witch gave him a sad look.

"I had a dream last night." She glanced left and right, lowered her voice pretending to be mysterious, and her voice seemed a little ethereal because of the erratic: "A very bad, very bad dream. I saw Death, crows, withering big tree..."

"You didn't witness Talent, right." Zheng Qing interrupted the little witch's raving, and made sure.

Li Meng pretended not to hear the wizard's question, and continued to mutter in that dreamy tone: "The only way to avoid Death is to stay away... the crow's cry is mixed with the gravel blown by the wind, barren and dry." , has been soaked into my lungs!"

Zheng Qing doesn't know how the word 'dry' is connected with the word 'qin', just like he doesn't know whether the nerve that Li Meng sent this morning is really purely hating ogres, or some kind of objection A revolt of her cousin's will.

The young public fee student sighed heavily, and raised his hand to brush off a few spider threads on the little witch's shoulder.

"First of all, no one dies."

He said with certainty: "After staying for so many days, you should understand that what the school said before was to scare us. Secondly, I have also been to the dreamland. I can tell you that there are very beautiful things in the dreamland. The scenery, the scary stories, but they're as fragile as soap bubbles. In the end, the really important things happen in the real world when we're awake."

As he said that, he pulled open the curtain of the tent, and a chill that belonged to the early morning came to his face, and the two of them shivered together. Zheng Qing shrunk his neck, looked back at the little witch, and added:

"For example... are you sober now?"

"Thank you, I'm much more awake." The little witch replied stiffly, appearing extraordinarily polite.

Outside the tent, the fortune tellers of the Exoneration Hunting Team had already burned a small pile of hay in the earth pit on the edge of the camp. The bluish-white smoke stirred in the faint morning mist, revealing a kind of distorted liveliness.

Holding the Dharma book, Jiang Yu stood behind Xiao Xiao, carefully observing the shape of the smoke rising from the pit. A large red and black checkered shawl was wrapped around her shoulders, and her long hair was gathered in the shawl. The early morning sun smeared on her hair and shawl, like a layer of sweet orange jam.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but sniffed.

The witch looked back, nodded to the wizard, and then waved to Li Meng, motioning to stand beside her. Zheng Qing followed as if nothing had happened.

Li Meng took two steps, then stopped suddenly, tilted her head and looked at Zheng Qing: "You don't believe in my dream, but you believe in the pile of grass he burned?"

Is there any comparability between these two?

Zheng Qing resisted the urge to complain, pondered for a moment, and finally coughed lightly in Jiang Yu's suspicious eyes, and replied vaguely: "A great wizard once said that'the strong will not bow to fate, but let fate surround them "Follow Him', I think this sentence is very reasonable... We should not succumb to the threats of dreams, but we should not ignore the warnings of fate. At any time, it is never wrong to be more prepared."

"I'm not strong, I'm just a weak girl."

The little witch obviously didn't have much confidence in practicing the mottoes of the 'great wizards', and pointed to the pit: "Like four eyes?"

"You should call him 'Doctor' or 'Dr. Xiao'." Zheng Qing patiently corrected him.

"What is the doctor doing?" Xin Fatty shyly picked his teeth, squeezed out of the tent, and walked over: "Didn't you say to leave before seven o'clock? It's already six fifty now."

"Elder has gone to investigate in advance," Xiao Xiao was still squatting by the pit, poking the grayish-white embers in the pit with a slender straw stick, and replied without turning his head: "If you get up earlier, eat hurry up, don't ask

Such a stupid question. "

Fatty simply ignored the dissatisfaction in the doctor's tone.

He squatted by the pit, looked at the embers with interest, picked up a straw stick, poked it in the ashes, and frowned: "Where are the bones? Are you smoke divination?"

"Not exactly." Xiao Xiao finally turned his head and looked at Fatty - the pupils in his eyes had completely disappeared, leaving only the trembling whites:

"This is an ancient divination method. By burning yarrow, sandalwood, or applying essential oils, etc., it stimulates the senses of wizards and captures some fleeting illusions. It is more accurate than oracle bone or smoke divination. But the requirements for divination skills are also higher."

"It means that a wizard who masters this method of divination will not be able to enjoy the spa for the rest of his life, right." Zheng Qing inexplicably had an idea, and subconsciously mourned for Dr. Xiao Da.

"What's a spa?" Li Meng kicked Zheng Qing curiously.

Zheng Qing's brows twitched, and he said haha: "Oh, a healing method in Baiding's world that is beneficial to physical and mental health...It's not at all comparable to wizards making potions."

Jiang Yu lowered her eyelids, carefully observing the smoke from the burning yarrow, and did not participate in these boring chats from beginning to end.

"Is there any risk observed?" Zheng Qing changed the topic and decisively turned everyone's attention to the fortune teller of the hunting team: "Have you been watching here for a long time?"

"Not yet..." Without saying a word, Xiao Xiao suddenly shut up and stood up.

Several other young wizards also followed his line of sight.

A cyan flame suddenly jumped, appearing in front of several young wizards. When the flames dissipated, a delicate blue bird flapped its wings and sang cheerfully: "I found the ogre tribe, located about 500 meters west of the foothills of Eyjafjalj?kull..."

"Ai what?" Zheng Qing looked at the others in bewilderment.


"Aia Fia Della..."

Xin Fatty and Xiao Xiao uttered two words at the same time, the pronunciations were very similar, but there was a significant difference in length. Fatty glanced at the doctor, babbled, and gave up the right to explain.

"Don't make me repeat that word."

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, Bai Ren'er's eyes returned to normal at some point, revealing black and white pupils: "...Eyjafjaljökull was originally an ice cap volcano located in Iceland. The name originally meant 'island, mountain, glacier', but because the pronunciation of this word is too vague and difficult, many people can't pronounce it, so after the last exploration, I used it here."

As he said that, he took advantage of the opportunity to draw a few lines with a grass branch in his hand, and drew a simple map: "You also know that the foot of the mountain is polluted by the starry sky, and there is an unknown distortion. If ordinary wizards enter without precaution, it is easy to appear." Symptoms such as confusion, difficulty expressing, etc... so it is appropriate to call it 'eyjafjaljökull'1."

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