Hunting High School

Chapter 68 Before The Foothills

Although they received the report from the blue bird, the attack of the forgiveness hunting team was not smooth.

When the five young wizards left the camp one by one and crossed the fence, a dead crow hanging on the gate happened to land in the middle of the group and fell at Li Meng's feet.

This time, the little witch didn't scream, but quickly squatted down, picked up the dead crow's claw, and showed off in front of Zheng Qing.

"What did I say?"

There was no trace of fear on her face, and she looked triumphantly: "Bad omen! Great omen! Black leather dog hits the street, dead crow falls to the ground, owl snickers, ancestral tablet falls... What could be worse than these phenomena?" Bad sign?"

Zheng Qing stared at the rotten, emaciated dead crow, feeling a little hazy in his heart. In fact, there is no need for the little witch to say anything, the atmosphere in the whole hunting team has become a bit bad.

"Li Meng, drop it!"

Jiang Yu warned in a dangerous tone. Although modern wizards don't pay much attention to the concept of "unlucky" wizards of the classical mysterious school, they are more or less affected by it.

Being free from dirt is one of them.

And dead crows, no doubt, belonged to the category of dirty things.

Hearing her cousin's reprimand, the little witch curled her lips and threw the dead crow back on the gate. Immediately, Jiang Yu tore open a Bixie talisman, and wiped Li Meng's hands with a light blue flame.

"A dead crow or two won't explain anything."

Zheng Qing tried to cheer up his companions, but he couldn't convince himself after some nonsense: "It was just blown down by a gust of wind just now. As the saying goes, the flag moves when the wind blows, it's not the wind, it's not the flag, it's the heart ...the mind is stable, and the external evil will break itself."

"But the dead crow means that there is a high probability that this place has exceeded the jurisdiction of the "Wizard Code."

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and looked back at his captain: "Although I don't think what a dead crow falling to the ground really means... I prefer to believe in own crystal ball. Let's go, let's see if we can meet outside." Find something new."

After all, he raised his arm and made a gesture.

The five teammates cheered up, stood in their respective positions, followed the instructions of the fortune-teller, and uttered soft chants of different heights, and launched this simple hunting array together.


The vibrating halo of light red magic power diffused along with the melodious humming, and the Xu family enveloped the entire hunting team. The five young hunters, Xin and Dr. in front, Jiang Yu and Zheng Qing behind, Li Meng in the middle, lined up, shrouded in a light red halo, like an upgraded earth dragon, controlling the slightly turbulent force field around , under the guidance of the blue bird, slid forward briskly.

Eyjafjallah is not far from the camp of the testers.

The forgiveness hunting team launched the hunting formation with all their strength, and it took less than half an hour to arrive at the edge of the unfamiliar but familiar foothills, where they saw the red-faced wizard waiting there.

At that time, Zhang Jixin was crawling behind a small hill, hiding in the protective barrier of First Stage Oster, carefully watching the chaotic ogre camp in the distance.

"Is this thing useful?" After Zheng Qing got into the barrier, he looked up and down with some concern.

He was impressed by the magic.

The first time he came into contact with the wizarding world, when he followed Thomas to Daming Square to buy school supplies, he had seen the "Guardian of Oster". At that time, the pig demon bumped into him with red eyes at a distance of 800 meters. So much so that since then, Zheng Qing once lacked confidence in similar non-standard magic.

"Don't worry, I've been staring at them all morning. If they can find Oster's guardianship, they won't let me stay here for so long."

Zhang Jixin replied confidently.

Ogres have always been known for being reckless and thoughtless. They are as sensitive as guard dogs to abnormal auras within their territory. If they have any doubts, they will smash around with big bone sticks and stones.

"Do you need to change the guard?" Xiao Xiao squatted beside Zhang Jixin holding the crystal ball and asked.

"not needed for now."

The red-faced wizard turned his head and greeted the fellows who filed in. He immediately saw Li Meng, who was listless standing in the middle of the line.

"Did you not sleep well last night?"

He frowned, said something similar to Zheng Qing, and then took out a blue-black fruit and handed it over: "My brother said that the most important part of any plan is to get a good night's sleep before implementing the plan, I think it makes sense... Hey, this is mustard fruit, which has a great refreshing effect."

Hearing the word mustard, the little witch's face suddenly crumpled.

"I'm sober!"

She replied angrily, and patted the Dharma book hanging on her waist vigorously. A magical halo more than an inch high rose from the cover of the book, as if to make a footnote for Li Meng's defense.

Zheng Qing noticed Zhang Jixin's outstretched palms—or to be more precise, he noticed that the gloves Zhang Jixin was wearing today were different from usual, and looked a bit worn out.

"Did you change a pair of gloves?" The captain of the forgiveness hunting team asked curiously.

"Oh, this one."

Seeing that the little witch didn't appreciate it, Zhang Jixin shrugged his shoulders, put away the mustard fruit with his hands, and then shook the pair of gloves in his hand at Zheng Qing: "...the previous pair was a birthday present from my brother, Huojiaopi Yes, just that piece of leather can sell for five or six jade coins in Jinlingfang, not to mention the magic script carved on it."


"So who is willing to use such a good leather to smash the ogre!" The lead hunter of the forgiveness hunting team said in a natural tone: "It's smelly and ugly, and it's just a waste of things...whether it's a one-headed or two-headed ogre Demons."

"Then what kind of skin do you wear now? It looks a bit gloomy."

"Ordinary yellow leather, the gloves I used in feel gloomy, it's just because it's been used for a long time, and it's a little dead."

"Anyway, for a cow, it is an honor to hit the ogre."

Xin Fatty found out another bunch of fried spiders at some point, chewed them with relish, and commented at the same time: "Merlin, the cow that contributed these skins must be lying in a corner of the world, pointing its hooves at the blood on its body. The dripping flesh and blood, lamenting loudly the value of cattle."

"If I were a cow, I would definitely not have such a high awareness." Li Meng folded her arms, bit her fingers, and shook her head thoughtfully.

Perhaps because of the relaxed chatting atmosphere around her, she lost her sleepy mood in the morning and regained a bit of agility.

"You are a wizard, not a cow."

Jiang Yu raised his hand, and flicked her brains lightly: "Don't bite your finger... and don't stand still, take out the quill, and help me calculate the position of the guardian formation. We need to build a solid foundation before attacking." position."

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