Hunting High School

Chapter 69 Hunting Plan

An ogre is an ugly, greedy, magical creature with an evil nature.

They are distant relatives of titans and goblins, but instead of inheriting titan's stalwart or goblin's acumen and wisdom, they have inherited goblin's greed and titan's laziness.

An adult ogre is more than three meters tall and weighs more than two hundred kilograms. It lives in groups, is omnivorous, and likes to eat the flesh and blood of other magical creatures (has the habit of cannibalism). It can grow through this, like hyenas on the grassland, and is attracted by other magic creatures. Racial hostility.

Similar to the murloc tribe, the traditional ogre tribe also has its own shaman, who have simple divination and herbal medicine inheritance, and the slightly more powerful ogre tribe shaman can also master some vicious Black Devil curses.

And the group of ogres that suddenly appeared on the edge of the foothills of Eyjafjallah did not meet the general perception of them by the young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

"Normally, a small ogre tribe includes about ten males, six or seven females, and three to five cubs."

Zhang Jixin has been staring at this tribe all morning, and can't wait to share his confusion with his companions: "But the males still have two more heads... What's more, they don't have a shaman, but a two-headed ogre instead."

"Have you seen which kind of two-headed ogre it is?" Zheng Qing asked.

According to the position of the head, the two-headed ogre can be roughly divided into two types. A second head on the shoulders, known as the Yin & Yang ogre, also known as the Bindi ogre; a head under the jaw, known as the hoop-headed ogre, also known as the For the many-headed ogre.

It is called a hoop head because the new head of this ogre grows from under the jaw and begins to grow like a tumor on the jaw. As the ogre grows older, the old head of the ogre continues to shrink, and the tumor continues to rise until it completely lifts up and becomes a new head. The old head turned into a new tumor, which was placed behind the ogre's head. As the force breaks through, new heads continue to grow under the jaws. Then the tumors at the back of the head were arranged one after the other along the spine, like hair in a copper hoop.

"It's a hoop." Zhang Jixin rubbed his hands, his face showed a trace of excitement: "I counted it specially, and it has four tumors hanging on its back. It's very valuable!"

Ogre tumors are similar to Zichehe, both of which are very precious magic medicinal materials.

"Wait a mininute,"

Xin Fatty seemed to have just remembered something, interrupted Elder's dream of getting rich, and asked with a frown: "You just said"

"No, no, I mean a professional shaman similar to the ranks of the Elder."

The apologetic chief hunter immediately realized that his previous description was inaccurate, and quickly changed his words: "Like First University, a professor can be a researcher, but a researcher is not necessarily a professor. A two-headed ogre can be a shaman, but a shaman Not all have two heads."

The words are awkward and cumbersome, which is very in line with the way of thinking of the red-faced wizard.

Zheng Qing looked at it with his brass binoculars for a while, and finally nodded: "Indeed, there are no cubs... and there are no elderly ogres either."

Students always speak so politely.

Xiao Xiao, who was fiddling with the crystal ball and counting chips, replied without raising his head: "It's normal, the death rate of old ogres is surprisingly high, and few tribes can afford the consumption of an old ogre... It's weird not having cubs though."

For any creature—whether normal or magical—survival and reproduction are two instincts. And the external manifestation of reproduction is cubs.

A tribe without cubs has no future.

Cruel as a titan, greedy as a goblin, and withdrawn as a dragon, they all have to succumb to their instincts, wasting their precious energy to feed their offspring.

With this confusion, several young wizards—including Li Meng—take turns to take the brass telescope and confirm the situation in the ogre camp.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, and Xiao Xiao was still staring at the crystal ball in his arms, Li Meng finally couldn't hold back, kicked Xin Fatty, and said anxiously: "Why don't you do it? When are we going to wait?"

The worst experience in the world isn't being killed in the street by a rampaging wild boar, but knowing the next

It will fall into the shit hole in a second, but it never comes in the next second, and it just dangles unhurriedly in front of your eyes.

Although she kicked on Fatty's leg, the little witch looked at Xiao Xiao and spoke clearly. Fatty didn't feel wronged at all, but beamed with joy, looking extremely honored.

Zheng Qing rubbed his forehead, and for a moment didn't know who to complain about.

"Wait a little longer," Zhang Jixin said comfortingly before Xiao Xiao could speak, "Don't worry, we'll start after the hunting ogres in the camp set off."

Just because Li Meng is younger doesn't mean she's stupid.

"Oh, are you trying to defeat them one by one?" A look of confusion appeared on her face: "Wait for the opponent to divide up their troops first, and eat the old, weak, sick and disabled in their camp first... and then wait for the exhausted ones to come back after hunting, and then wait for them to return." Eat the rest at leisure!"

"It's roughly the same idea." Xiao Xiao finally raised his head, glanced at the little witch, and added: "But you also watched it just now, so don't be careless..."


Zhang Jixin interrupted the doctor's words suddenly, and said in a hurried tone: "The ogre hunting team has set off... Seven, eight, nine, a total of nine males and seven females go out. The remaining two males and six females are guarding Camp!"

"Where are the two heads?" Zheng Qing looked anxiously at the telescope in his hand, and could only ask patiently.

"The two-headed ogre is in the hunting party."

Zhang Jixin put down the binoculars, and his tone was a little excited: "It's good luck, after we get rid of the ogre who is watching the house, maybe we still have enough time to set up some traps outside the camp."

"Check your equipment."

Zheng Qing finally found the feeling of being the captain of the hunting team. Looking around, he focused on classmate Li Meng: "Check the scriptures to make sure that the mantras are copied correctly; check the talismans to make sure there are enough spirits; Mana-replenishing potions and hemostatic bandages... don't underestimate any spell, every spell on the battlefield is useful."

Li Meng was a little uncomfortable being stared at by him, and was about to get angry, but Zhang Jixin stretched out his hand and grabbed Zheng Qing, attracting the attention of the young public finance student, making her lose the target of her anger.

He could only kick Fatty bitterly again.

"Well, before I officially start, I want to make a final confirmation."

Zhang Jixin thought about it, and seemed to want to express it a little more tactfully: "Is your treatment at the school hospital effective during the summer vacation? I mean, your magic power is under normal control now, right?"

Zheng Qing's face darkened suddenly.

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