Hunting High School

Chapter 70: The Two-Headed Ogre

This is not the first time in recent days that teammates have doubted his ability to control magic power.

"I've been in the proving ground for six days, haven't you seen me use a spell?"

The young public finance student felt aggrieved in his heart, and said in a choked voice, "Even if you didn't see it, you should have seen me fall from the sky... Could it be that the obvious flying spell is fake?"

The red-faced wizard turned his face slightly, as if a little embarrassed: "Well, just to confirm, to confirm habitually, there is nothing bad about it."

"Habit of shit." Zheng Qing cursed in a low voice.

"Normal! Normal! Normal!"

Xin Fatty is like a melancholy poet, looking up at the sky, repeating the word a few times, then shaking his head and sighing: "I must admit, as your team member, I always feel that the word 'normal' is too toothless. Halberd."

Zheng Qing's complexion became darker and darker.

"My magic control has always been excellent."

The young public fee student gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, shook his hands and threw out a binding spell, four or five slender vines shuttled between his fingers like an octopus, looking very gorgeous: "This way It's okay... Do you think this level of spell manipulation ability will still get out of control?"

Regarding this question, the other members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were noncommittal.

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and reminded him with good intentions: "Do you still remember what happened in the freshman competition of the school hunting meeting last year? Your magic power control was no worse then than it is now..."

"That's what the shadow did, it has nothing to do with me!"

Zheng Qing stomped his feet viciously, the shadow originally hiding under his feet stretched out a tail lazily, and greeted several 'comrades in arms'.

With sharp eyes and quick feet, Li Meng stepped on it, and the shadow shrank back suddenly, and emerged from the other side. The little witch immediately stepped on it again. In this way, two brainless people played a game of hide-and-seek and trampling around Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing drooped the corners of his mouth and looked at the little witch circling around him with his nostrils, feeling a little envious for a moment.

"Seprano?" Xin Fatty followed Xiao Xiao, reminding someone that he was still under probation.

"It was the blood talisman bullet that hurt him, and it has nothing to do with my magic power control." The young public finance student straightened his face and corrected him forcefully: "Besides, all my talisman guns were lost on the battlefield of Hell."

When it came to the battlefield of Hell, several companions who had participated fell silent, and Qi Qi sized up the young public finance student with subtle eyes. This annoyed the wizard a little.

Jiang Yu whispered at the right time: "There is also Satogua... Twice."

The first time he blew up the Son of Satogua, and the second time he simply destroyed a Minor World. Of course, Jiang Yu was very kind and didn't mention the glorious deed of someone destroying half a street in the North District of Beta Town.

The young public finance student let out a heavy breath, showing a bit of annoyance: "Who would have thought that a dignified outer god would do something to a penniless little wizard? That was completely accidental, and accidents are always uncontrollable!"

Xiao Xiao made a gesture of understanding: "We can continue to give examples, and you can also continue to argue, but you can only choose one of excuses or facts, like fish and bear's paw, you can't have both. Of course, as a fortune-teller , I am more inclined to speculate on the greatest possibility in the future through facts.”

"As the person involved, I will never promise to give up the excuse." Zheng Qing said angrily.

He knew the facts of what his companions said, and their concerns were justified.

But knowing is one thing, accepting is another.

This has nothing to do with honor or self-esteem, but because the root cause of all 'accidents' lies in the forbidden curse hidden deep in his soul, but he has no way to explain this fact to his companions.

"So, Merlin bless you, you have to restrain yourself a little this time."

Zhang Jixin stepped forward and patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder: "I don't want to go to Linzhong Lake with you after the trial meeting to pick up the feces that the murlocs threw on the shore for a semester."

Zheng sighs


"Merlin may not be able to bless me." He muttered, and finally listened to the opinions of his companions, combing the magic power in his body again: "...If necessary, you should also call 'Mr. Bless'."



After all, Zheng Qing never had the chance to say the words 'Mr. Bless'.

Preparations before the raid were tedious and complicated.

But the fight as a whole was lackluster.

After the six hunters of the forgiveness hunting team used the illusion spell to approach the camp at the edge of the mountain, they only used a few soft leg spells, confusion spells, and binding spells to easily wipe out all the ogres staying in the tent.

An ogre who was drinking soup didn't even have time to put down the bone bowl in his hand, before he was tied into a rice dumpling by vines and hung under the beam of the house.

The Bixie talisman that Zheng Qing prepared for everyone in advance, the magic potion that Fatty prepared for everyone, and the dozens of backup plans prepared by Dr. Xiao Da for the failed raid, none of them were used.

This is a good thing.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yu led Li Meng to survey the earth's atmosphere and prepare for the establishment of the magic circle; Zhang Jixin led Xin, got into the tent, and broke the necks of the prisoners one by one—in fact, the work of twisting necks It was all done by the red-faced wizard, and Fatty was in charge of wielding a silver knife to cut the most valuable trophies from the captives.

For example, the heart of an ogre, this fresh magic material needs to be soaked in absinthe as soon as possible. It can not only become the power source for refining the Golden Devil, but also provide raw materials for many special-purpose potions. For example, Thomas gave Zheng Please take the blood tonic potion.

Another example is the eyeballs of ogres, just like the eyes of murlocs or centaurs. After the death of these demihuman magical creatures, the eyeballs will turn into gems. Compared with natural gemstones, the texture of these gemstones may be a little inferior, but for many students of First University, they don't need precious gemstones with high purity and high brightness, as long as they can meet the experimental requirements, even They can throw the eyeballs of slugs into a mortar without changing their expressions and grind them into powder.

There is also the ogre's spinal nerve, which is an excellent carrier for making magic circuits; the ogre's thigh bone, embedded with magic treasure stones and made into a staff, will become a popular "school item" for students of Starry Sky Academy ; If there is more time, Xin Fatty even hopes to peel a few ogre skins completely. No shop that sells dharma books will refuse such excellent raw materials.

But time is a little tense after all.

Fatty only had time to peel off their scalps and backs, and Xiao Xiao, who was in charge of observing the surrounding environment, sounded an alarm to everyone.

"The ogre hunting party is back!"

The hasty and clear voice of the fortune-teller echoed in the ears of every young wizard: "They have circled around the foot of the mountain...the speed is very fast, and it is estimated that they will approach the camp within five minutes!"

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