Hunting High School

Chapter 87 Reasons For Course Selection

Merlin the Elder, a powerful wizard who is proficient in alchemy, divination and transformation magic, left countless legends in Europa and many new worlds outside the territory, and is famous for his old-fashioned and wise.

"A die-hard wizard has always been around in the name of the wizard Merlin."

With business in hand, Xin Fatty finally stopped bothering about Maodou's food expenses, and made a serious analysis: "Senior Linda told me that this is not the first time they have done something. The illegal dimension experiments they conduct secretly every year, there is no Eight times out of ten, but they were all quietly suppressed by Dan Hag's people."

"I heard that many members of the Dark Council are also theirs." Zhang Jixin immediately added: "You all still remember what happened on the battlefield of the Black Prison..."

"Has this kind of nameplate been found in the wizarding world before?"

Zheng Qing pointed to the simple pattern drawn on the mulberry paper and asked suddenly. This is the sketch of the nameplate on the spine that he drew just now based on his impression.

"It's not the same." Fatty looked down at the sketch on the paper, and finally shook his head: "The information collected in the editorial department shows that in the past, this kind of matching was mostly carved on stones...and this is the first time that it's engraved on bronze medals."

"Maybe they thought they were revolutionizing."


Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, interrupted the discussion of several companions, and said in a disapproving tone: "Those stubborn wizards read too many old-fashioned knight novels, always thinking that they can become heroes, join secret organizations, assassinate tyrants, and then world peace... … Little do they know that it is order, not violent resistance, that maintains world peace.”

Hearing the word 'order', Zheng Qing pricked up his ears subconsciously, and stopped the quill in his hand—under the quill, a sketch of the cat fruit tree was already drawn on a new piece of mulberry paper. Hair balls of different sizes.

"What about the backward order?"

The young public finance student asked very interestedly: "Isn't it necessary to use violent resistance to improve, change, or even break those old orders, and then establish a new order?"

"Every organization, every hunting team, and every religion is maintained through order, without exception." Xiao Xiao glanced at the captain, and continued: "The change of order must be done step by step. Those who try to establish a new order in the original order are either lunatics or Saints."

"Well, you're reformist." Zheng Qing rubbed his chin, recalled his history textbooks in junior high school, and commented thoughtfully: "This means weakness, compromise and surrender."

Xiao Xiao immediately raised his eyebrows.

But before he could continue to defend himself, the stick figure behind the classroom door suddenly roared loudly: "The monster with the pipe just left its office!"

There was a sudden silence in the classroom.

After a while, someone asked unconfidently: "What is it talking about?"

"Like some monster or something?" Someone immediately replied.

Looking behind the door, the stick figure closed its eyes and lay curled up in the grass without a few weeds, as if it was just talking in sleep.

The noise in the classroom gradually resounded.

Zheng Qing lowered his head, grabbed the quill pen, and started to draw on the mulberry paper again. This time, he drew two hair balls of different sizes under the tree, the big one was painted black, the small one was left blank, and the tail was hooked. Together, form a crooked heart shape.

"What are you doing?" Xin Fatty narrowed his eyes, but looked at the quill pen in Zheng Qing's hand to draw around.

"Boring, draw casually." The captain of the forgiveness hunting team didn't change his face, and changed the subject skillfully: "Have you confirmed your course selection? What did you choose on Wednesday afternoon?"

"Mysterious learning handwriting, my brother said, as long as you are a normal grown-up wizard, you can get high marks in this course." Zhang Jixin slapped his chest with confidence: "Believe me, it is absolutely right to choose it!"

"It's really that simple?" Xin Fatty obviously didn't believe that the school would blatantly put water on the curriculum.

"Of course, there may be a little more homework in class..." Zhang Jixin

Scratching his head, it was rare to say something reasonable: "Whatever you want to gain, you have to be prepared to lose something. The mulberry elm you gain in the east is nothing more than that."

Zheng Qing was noncommittal, and turned to look at Xin Fatty.

The fat wizard didn't speak, but looked at Xiao Xiao with a smile: "Doctor, what did you choose?"

"Magic Universe."

Xiao Xiao pushed his glasses, and replied calmly: "I originally wanted to choose Kabbalah divination, but considering the influence of astrology theory on divination, I decided to lay a solid foundation first... The magic universe belongs to the classic theory of the dimension school. One, it is worth studying seriously.”

"I chose it too." The fat wizard clapped his hands hard.

"Are you sure?"

The red-faced wizard kindly persuaded him: "I've heard of that course, it's very difficult, every year some people fail it... listen to me, choose the mysterious handbook to pass the test easily!"

Xin Fatty was obviously a little hesitant, but after glancing at Xiao Xiao, he made up his mind again: "That's it, study with the doctor, and the final grades will not be too bad..."

"I think you're just too lazy to use your brain and want to copy the doctor's homework." Zheng Qing abruptly interrupted the fat wizard's determination, and said quietly: "It's usually more painful and easier to pass at the end of the term, or it's usually easy and weeping at the end of the term have to think about it."

"The Unexplainable Ogre King has passed Linzhong Lake!" The stick figure behind the door suddenly howled again, which startled everyone in the classroom again.

"What is it going crazy!" Xin Fatty turned his head to look in the direction of the classroom door, but found nothing unusual, and couldn't help cursing: "Turn around and draw a tigress next to it, scratch it to death, and see if it dares." Dare to yell every day."

"Ghost knows." Zheng Qing crumpled up the mulberry paper he had just painted, and replied absent-mindedly.

"What are you going to choose?" The fat wizard looked away, looked at the young public finance student, and resumed the topic just now: "With the Elder or with us?"

He naturally put himself and Xiao Xiao together.

"Not sure yet." Zheng Qing was vague, subconsciously glanced at the front row of the classroom. Unlike the wizards who were noisy and chatting, the witches sitting in the front row of the classroom were all carefully previewing the new lessons that would start tomorrow, one by two, and their learning attitude was embarrassing.

"Not sure yet?" Xin Fatty imitated Zheng Qing's answer in a strange voice, and his two eyebrows seemed to dance, squeezing back and forth on his big pie face, which made Zheng Qing's heart well up immediately. The urge to mow them off.

He took a deep breath.

Then spit it out slowly.

"I mean, I plan to take magical creatures." The young public fee student looked at Fatty kindly, and the reason was very good: "After all, besides a fox, I also have a dog, a snake, and a group of kittens. Elves. There's no harm in learning a little more about magical creatures, is there?"

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