Hunting High School

Chapter 88: Paper Mouse

Zheng Qing actually said a little less.

In addition to Poseidon, Maodou, Green Snake and those elves, he also manages a group of cats on the cat fruit tree, and raises two ratmen in the shop on the pedestrian street.

From this point of view, his reasons for choosing magical creatures are more than sufficient, it is simply a matter of course.

Of course, the real reason for the wizard to choose this course is not those cats and dogs. This matter involves privacy and is not humane.

Even the few companions around him are not enough.

Otherwise, if Zheng Qing dared to bet with the tongue in the mouth of the little snake in his ears, they would definitely know about it in a second and the noisy whole teaching building.

Just as the wizard thought of the teaching building, he heard these three words.

"The stinky old nine who misunderstood his children has entered the teaching building!"

The stick figure behind the door yelled loudly, Zheng Qing looked up, and saw that it finally got up from the ground, started rubbing its eyes, and combed the few sparse short hairs on its head.

This time, everyone in the classroom finally heard what it was yelling.

"Is it talking about Lao Yao?" Xin Fatty was a little uncertain, hesitating, and asked his companions.

Zhang Jixin hissed: "Then it is too courageous... Did it say that Lao Yao is a 'monster' before? Aren't you afraid that the professor will tear its mouth?"

"Probably it thinks that the professor won't be as knowledgeable as it is." Xiao Xiao scratched his head rarely.

Zheng Qing unfolded the crumpled mulberry paper again, stared at the cat fruit tree drawn on the paper, and teased Xin Fatty: "It seems that you don't need to draw two tigress beside it."

In the classroom, other students were also whispering and whispering. From time to time, they looked at the lifeless stick figure behind the door with strange eyes, as if they were counting its last remaining days.

Soon, the stick figures confirmed the guesses of the students, and shouted again: "Professor Yao Xiaomi appeared at the entrance of the corridor on the sixth floor!"

The lingering sound was gone, and then, the little stick figure howled with its loudest voice:

"...the great legendary mage is about to visit his loyal classroom!"

The students didn't care to despise the stick figure who was arrogant and respectful. All of them looked up eagerly and looked in the direction of the classroom door, wanting to witness the honor of the legendary wizard for the first time.

The stick figure behind the door poked its belly, held its head high and held its chest high, pacing back and forth in its square inch in a serious manner, as if it was acting as a guard of honor for Lao Yao.

Zheng Qing finally stopped hesitating, crumpled the piece of mulberry paper in his hand into a ball, and quietly threw it on the ground.

After the ball of paper fell to the ground, it hesitated for a moment, then rustled, stretched out its paws and tail, and turned into a chubby little mouse. It raised its slender nose and twitched around. After finding the right direction, it immediately moved its four short legs, and quickly crawled towards the front row of the classroom along the gap between the tables and chairs.

The whole process was very quick, and because everyone's attention was on the door, it hardly attracted anyone's attention.

The reason for saying 'almost' is that Zheng Qing vaguely felt that Dr. Xiao Da next to him seemed to have glanced at him, but when he looked back, he found that Xiao Xiao was staring at the door, as if that glance was his illusion.


The door of the classroom was pushed open. Professor Yao walked into the classroom with big strides as usual, holding the handout in his left hand, and took the pipe from his mouth with his right hand.

"Sit down, sit did you spend your summer vacation?"

The smooth and recognizable back hair, the sallow complexion, the smiling eyes, the familiar tone of voice—everything makes everyone feel as if the professor at this moment has not changed much from the professor in the last class of last semester.

Except for the pipe in his hand, it was replaced with a new wine red one.

The young wizards of Tianwen Class 08-1 raised their heads and looked at the professor on the podium in unison. They didn't seem to have figured out how to speak, so they simply answered his greeting with silence.

Professor Yao tilted his head and blinked: "

This is... After two months, how come you have become reserved? "

"Professor, it just said bad things about you and called you a stinky old nine!" Duan Xiaojian suddenly jumped up from his seat, pointed to the stick figure behind the door, and reported it righteously.

Immediately, he was cursed with madness by the stick figure.

"Liar! Traitor! Scum!" The stick figure grabbed the few sparse long hairs on his head, hopped his feet on the bare white paper, and was heartbroken: "I have worked hard and worked hard to inform you all my life. In exchange for the current betrayal... won't your conscience hurt?!"

Listening to its howling like an opera, the students in the class burst into laughter, and the tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot.

Professor Yao looked at the hunchbacked wizard with a smile: "Calling someone? This is a very serious you have evidence?"

"That's right, do you have evidence!" The stick figure behind the door immediately stopped stalking, stood up straight, and pointed at Duan Xiaojian: "If there is no evidence, I will sue you for false accusations! I want to report to the school working committee, Xiang Dan Harg..."

"I have got!"

Sitting in the first row, Li Meng raised a palm-sized morning glory very actively: "I recorded everything it scolded just now!"

The screaming of the stick figure stopped abruptly, and he looked at the little witch with a ghostly expression.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but laugh too. He didn't expect Li Meng to make such a show, nor did he expect that the simple-lined little face of the stick figure could make such a rich expression.

The little witch skillfully opened the petals of her morning glory, forcing it to repeat what it had heard before. As a result, not only the "stinky old nine" was confirmed, but also the earlier words of "monster" and "unexplainable ogre king" echoed in everyone's ears again.

Even Lao Yao couldn't help being curious.

"How did you record this kind of thing?" He asked everyone in the classroom the aspirations of the stick figure with a loveless face behind the door.

Li Meng replied very honestly: "Oh, I just think it sounds nice, and I want to learn it."

Zheng Qing mourned for the child for three seconds from the bottom of his heart—sitting in the back row, he could clearly see the tightly pursed lips and stern face of Squad Leader Jiang—it was hard to imagine how she would be treated when she went back punish.


Professor Yao stepped down from the podium, patted the little witch on the shoulder in relief, and signaled her to sit down. At the same time, he flicked out a piece of chalk and threw it at the stick figure behind the door.

The chalk turned to ashes when it touched the paper, and it rustled, instantly burying the little man in a sheet of snow.

Li Meng felt that she had made a great contribution, sat down happily, looked left and right, and looked at her cousin with a smug face, as if she wanted to get a few compliments, but seeing Jiang Yu's serious face, she immediately turned into a quail again.

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