Hunting High School

Chapter 99: Two Magic Laboratories

When the three hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were running wildly on the campus for a mouthful of delicious tiger jelly meat, the two wizards they just mentioned were walking one after the other at the First University of Applied Magic Research In the long, seemingly endless white corridor in the courtyard.

Professor Yao walked ahead, biting his pipe, and Nicholas followed behind with his hands down.

'Enoch Elemental Magic Lab' for studying classical magic, 'Kabbala Life Magic Lab' for researching mysterious magic, 'Druid Magic Lab' for researching transfiguration, 'Totem and Spirit' for researching shaman magic Field theory laboratory' and so on, the names of one applied magic laboratory after another were scanned by Nicholas's peripheral vision, making him dazzled and overwhelmed.

Just when he caught a glimpse of a new nameplate - the two-dimensional evolution laboratory - he felt a little familiar, as if he had heard someone mention it, the professor walking in front suddenly stopped.

Nicholas was caught off guard and almost bumped into Lao Yao.

"Hold... sorry!"

The panicked wizard immediately bowed and apologized to the dean of Jiuyou College: "I was a little distracted just now, I didn't pay attention, I'm really sorry!"

"Small things, small things."

Lao Yao patted Nicholas on the shoulder with his hand holding the pipe, his eyes flicked over the ponytail at the back of his head, and he comforted him: "Who will walk with full concentration? Don't pay attention to such trivial things... 呶, it’s here.”

As he spoke, he pointed to a small black door in front of him.

A brass nameplate was fixed on the door, with a series of beautiful cursive characters engraved on it - Jabir and Valentine's Golden Devil refining laboratory.

Nicholas had never heard of the two names Jabir and Valentine, or he might have heard of them before, but he couldn't remember them at the moment.

But according to the fact that these two names could be engraved on the copper plate and hung on the door of a certain alchemy laboratory, Nicholas could easily deduce that these should be the names of two powerful alchemists.

Just when he was hesitant to ask the professor about the deeds of these two alchemists, the small black door was suddenly pushed open from the inside, and the spiritual leader of the wizards in the North District, the Great Wizard Korma, looked at the door with an annoyed expression on his face. of two wizards.

She was covered with a deerskin protective clothing that was blackened in many places, and she wore a pair of wide protective glasses crookedly on her forehead. Her long silver hair was tied behind her head randomly, her face was pale, with heavy dark circles under her eyes. Looks a little tired.

"You are late!" The witch waved the jade pestle and mortar in her hand, and shouted at the dean of Jiuyou Academy very rudely: "I spent a lot of golden beans to rent this laboratory..."

"The value of knowledge cannot be measured by golden beans."

Professor Yao pushed Nicholas into the laboratory, and replied gently: "Mr. Nicholas needs to finish my Charms class before he can help, I remember telling you in advance...By the way, I prefer you when you are in school, sensible , be polite, and never yell at the professor."

"Politeness can't help the wizards of the North District." Kerma sniffled, and coldly glanced at the former professor: "If you are willing to accept the wizards of the North District, I will behave more well-behaved than in school. By the way, I Just louder."

It's really not a matter of politeness.

The professor smiled bitterly, but couldn't answer for a moment.

"The matter of admission is not that simple," the professor said again after a while: "Objectively speaking, no matter whether the wizards in the North District or the new rat people, it is true that they do not meet the admission requirements of several colleges... It is not about mastering several courses. Forbidden magic can make up for it, and it takes a long time to accumulate."

"That's why I paid a lot of money to rent this laboratory." Kerma smiled self-deprecatingly, and pushed off the protective glasses on his forehead: "As a marginalized person, I shouldn't expect those core benefits... Slow down Let's go, no more."

She waved her hand, signaling that she was about to start working.

Professor Yao stuffed the pipe into his mouth, clicked it a few times, and finally did not smoke, but took it down again, and shouted at the back of the witch who turned away: "You can apply for a subsidy from the alliance for the rent of the laboratory, no

Out of your own pocket... You're not alone, and it's no good for the Northside wizards to wear you down! "

The witch didn't say anything, but turned her back to the professor, raised her hand, and shook it casually to show that she heard it.

The black iron door slammed shut, shutting out the newly promoted legendary great wizard.

The professor stuffed the pipe into his mouth again, stared at the brass nameplate on the door, and looked at the names of the two famous alchemists. After a long while, he mumbled to himself, "What an idiot."



After sending Nicholas away, Professor Yao did not leave the Institute of Applied Magic immediately, but continued to walk along the white corridor at a leisurely pace.

Then it stopped in front of a small bronze door.

The name of this laboratory is also engraved on the brass plate on the door——Montelia Laboratory—but compared with the previous laboratory, the name of Monteria Laboratory is the main research of the laboratory. direction.

Professor Yao bit his pipe, grabbed the bull head ring hanging on the bronze door, and knocked hard. The doorknocker lowered its eyelids, and habitually spit out its blue tongue. It didn't realize the identity of the knocker until it spit out halfway. It immediately rolled up its tongue and obediently opened the door.

Behind the door is a large laboratory.

Dozens of wizards in black robes are busy in front of different test stands. Professor Montelia, who is thin and gray-haired, is standing in front of the test bench with the largest number of people.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, only Professor Montelia raised his head and glanced out in the entire laboratory, and there was no surprise in his blue-gray eyes.

"You seem to be in a good mood."

Professor Yao opened his arms, and the fishskin protective clothing hanging on the hanger beside him seemed to be picked up by a pair of invisible hands, and it was lightly covered on his body, and the ropes and buckles were flexibly inserted and fastened in the gaps.

He shook his shoulders and pulled out a pair of silk gloves from the shelf.


Professor Monteria's thin lips curled up slightly, and the dark yellow skin on the high cheekbones revealed a bit of crystal: "You have sent a wonderful gift. It is very good. When my fingertips When touching the tiny rune engraved under its skin, it seems to touch a beautiful note...a beautiful note that even the Muse cannot play."

"Sounds pretty perverted."

"No, it's not a pervert. Look up and look around, what can you see?"

Professor Yao looked around obediently. The black-robed researchers in the laboratory didn't seem to have heard the chatter of the two bosses, and they were still concentrating on their experiments.

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