Hunting High School

Chapter 100 Discovery In The Laboratory

"There's a lot to see."

The dean of Jiuyou College replied in a brisk voice: "The black robe, the busy figure, the shriveled skull, the scriptures full of mantras, and... oh my God, that is a copy of The Book of Thoth." "Book"? I always thought that your laboratory only studied special bloodlines and high rank runes, but I didn't expect to study tarot cards... Aleister Crowley is not liked by those big figures in the alliance. You Stay away from him."

He stared at a book placed on the edge of the messy desk of the laboratory owner not far away, raised his eyebrows, and his eyes showed a bit of surprise. A certain degree of concern was clearly expressed at Professor Monteria's imprudent behaviour.

Aleister Crowley is a famous Black Devil master, good at all kinds of sorcery and Black Devil rituals, "The Book of Thoth" is a work about tarot divination written by him .

"Playing tarot cards during breaks can help soothe the spirit, and you don't need to see anything from the cards. Of course, Aleister is indeed evil, but that book is not evil."

Professor Monteria handled the corpse on the test bench without raising his head, and replied calmly: "I agree with Crowley's words—'magic is the science and art of changing according to will'— ——I want you to see that in this institute, on this island, and in this world, there are countless focused and earnest eyes exploring the road in the dark."

"As for the darkness, I should know a little deeper than you."

Professor Yao bit his pipe, and smiled and blew out a smoke ring: "Okay, this is not your class, and I'm not your student. I came here today to see you on that special ogre. Did you find any clues..."

"Idiot, do you want to destroy this corpse?"

Professor Montelia interrupted the questioning of the dean of Jiuyou College, and angrily shouted to a black-robed assistant standing on the other side of the test bench: "How many times have I told you that you can only use a brass knife when peeling off the subcutaneous rune?" ! Brass! Not silver! Do you want silver ions to corrode those fragile runes?!"

"Hold, I'm sorry!" The black-robed assistant was sweating profusely, lowered his head, and apologized repeatedly.

"Shut up!"

The owner of the lab said sternly: "I don't need an apology in my lab, I just need to be correct, precise, and accurate! If you make such a low-level mistake again, you won't use it next time... What did you just ask?"

He turned his head to look at Professor Yao again, his tone softened instantly, as if the angry lion just now was another person. The dean of Jiuyou College watched this scene with a smile, and was not affected by Professor Montelia's anger at all, and repeated the question he just asked calmly:

"I'm asking, did you find any clues on this ogre?"

"What do you think of Professor Yi?" Professor Monteria asked back: "Shouldn't fortune tellers be more convenient and accurate than us in finding clues?"

"Old Yi didn't find anything."

Professor Yao bit his pipe, spread his hands, and looked helpless:

"In fact, as soon as the corpse was brought back to the school, we asked the fortune tellers at the school to do the calculation, but the fortune tellers soon discovered that the clues that could be used for divination on the ogre seemed to have been cleaned. It’s as clean as a newborn baby... You should know that this ogre was captured from the Hell, and that world is undergoing drastic changes, so fortune-tellers speculate that this strange situation may be related to that It is related to the special environment of the world... In short, I can no longer expect Professor Yi and the others to see more information about the age of this ogre from the crystal ball or the blackened bones."

While Professor Yao was chattering, Professor Monteria took off the silkworm leather gloves on his hands unhurriedly, picked up a stack of reports hanging on the edge of the test bench, and sketched on them with a quill pen.

The master of the laboratory did not speak again until the guest shut up:

"We have detected some components of hauma, edelweiss, and deer-eating herbivores in it... the inscriptions on the bottom of its skin are very complex, including parts of runes, runes, marajim... and parts

I have seen the symbols in the "Voynich Manuscript", and it is difficult to describe their real effect, but overall, these inscriptions play a certain role of control and restraint. "

"In other words, it is indeed an experimental subject?" Professor Yao interrupted Professor Montelia, his face became a little cloudy.

Professor Monteria's face remained unchanged, and he nodded slightly: "It can be inferred like this."

"Then can you guess who is doing the experiment?" Professor Yao stuffed the pipe back into his mouth and took a deep breath: "Fu... don't worry about making a mistake, just judge based on your experience."

Professor Montelia glanced at the new legendary great wizard beside him, and did not answer immediately, but played riddles like a fortune-teller: "Good judgment comes from experience, but experience often leads to bad judgment." .”

"You just talk, I just listen." Professor Yao exhaled a puff of smoke and waved his hand.

This time, the owner of the laboratory did not refuse again, and reopened the test book at hand, carefully studied the report above, and after a long while, he softly analyzed:

"It's difficult, but we can make a brief guess...Haoma is a herbal medicine commonly used by ancient witches in Persia. In addition to having a stimulating and anesthesia effect, it can also strengthen the user's ability to communicate with nature. In other words In other words, it is a very effective magic boosting potion."

"Haoma has another name, Soma, which is also the god of wine in ancient Indian mythology. Of course, we know that there is no such god there... When haoma is concocted under the moonlight, pressed with a millstone, and then passed through the black After the wool is filtered, it can be called 'Sumo', it is a very powerful recovery agent... Some wizards think that the powerful recovery ability of ogres is due to their eating soma all the year round, I think it is very reason."

"In addition, deer herbivory can prevent necrosis and zombification; edelweiss, or alpine edelweiss, also has a soothing and calming effect."

"...We also found specially processed toads in the lymph nodes of its neck and underarms, wrapped in a very thin white mesh structure, slightly smaller than soybeans...When they were found, these toads were still In a living state, but closer to semi-dormant..."

"We all know that dried or smoked toads can stop bleeding, Bixie, and detoxify, and toads that have been treated with mysterious science are even more popular in Black Devil rituals. Its uses are so wide that even if the Black Devil method is intensively studied in the school The professor may also be incomplete... Of course, for this case, we have issued a letter of assistance in the investigation to Professor Braike of the Kabbalah Life Magic Laboratory, and at the same time sent samples to the Rube-Lake Institute of Magical Biology. "

"So far, no response has been received from them."

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