Hunting High School

Chapter 115 Not So Correct Answer

It was very quiet in the classroom.

All the students looked anxiously at the professor who had a calm face and a flat voice on the podium. Uneasy about the inconsistency between his rhetoric and the league's official rhetoric, and the word 'failure' that he heard from the professor.

This is a blow to the head of the students from the First University who think that "the sky is the first, the school is the second". It's not a 'huge blow', but it's clear that that harsh word puts people in a bad mood.

Unlike these young wizards, the professor on the stage maintained a surprising calmness and objectivity from beginning to end:

"...Of course, here, I will not use the word 'disgrace' to describe the result of this war, because in this war, there was a 'force majeure'."

"The commander of the coalition forces of the demon side, the Sea Demon King Xiangliu, accidentally broke through during the fight with Vice Principal Shi Hui, and was promoted to the Ancient One, becoming an ancient demon... equivalent to our ancient wizard."

"Everyone should know that the existence of high rank has a strong suppressive force on the existence of low rank, so you should also understand why the monster was able to retreat unscathed in the end."

"During that war, the wizard did not have the same rank to resist the promoted Siren King... Fortunately, the Siren King was very wise, and only took away some of his subordinates who were close to him, and did not massacre on the battlefield. common wizard."

"Speaking so much, the point is also here."

"Because the Sea Demon King's promotion, enlightenment, or attracted a huge tide of magic power - the reason why we say 'attracted' is because the tide of magic power that happened in the world of Hell belonged to a larger tide of magic power Part of it—this tide of magic power has carried out a very deep baptism from the inside to the outside of the already exhausted world of Hell."

"This baptism has continued to this day and is not over, and will likely continue for a long time as far as we can see."

"You can understand it as a 'rebirth' or 'promotion' of the black prison world."

"Before the promotion, the black prison world was already on the verge of death, which is why the wizard chose it as a prison to hold demon prisoners. Because in the world on the verge of death, there is a lack of magic power and inspiration, and the prisoners are naturally added with shackles that cannot be released by the first stage. , which can save the school a lot of money, a lot.”

"Back to the original question."

"Before, some students wanted to ask why the black prison you saw had sun, moon or stars. It was because after the promotion, the magic power reappeared in the black prison world. New ideas, new lives, including the new sun, are all here. Quick recovery."

"This is why you feel that the world is not that different from the ordinary world after entering the trial ground... But if you observe carefully, you can find that the sun of the world of Hell is in a state between illusion and reality, It's a very rare phenomenon."

"During this period, everything born in the world of Hell, whether it is magical plants, magical animals, or other magical materials, is different from those born in a stable state of magic power. Innate has certain defects. This defect is common to wizards. It's hard to tell, and only when you use it will you find that they may be slightly less effective... This is the fundamental reason why the school buys you for a lower price."

So far, the professor's explanation of the Battle of Hell came to an end.

Zheng Qing found that the professor did not mention many details of that war - such as how the dark behemoth broke into the world of Hell, such as who the wizards in the school participated in the war, such as the battle of the sun above the sky, and How did Hell Castle finally collapse, and so on.

And compared with the battle in the black prison analyzed by Mr. Memory, Zheng Qing noticed that Professor Yao also cleverly avoided many sensitive topics, such as Xuanhuangguo, hardline wizards, new generation wizards, alliance compromises, and cross-cutting The dark parliament with one foot, etc., even the few legends involved in this war are vague.

Excluding the above-mentioned messy details, it makes this battlefield sound more 'clean' and 'simple', more like the version of the war between justice and evil that the public often hears on weekdays.

Thinking of this,

The young public finance student turned his head thoughtfully, and subconsciously glanced at Xiao Xiao.

He suddenly remembered what Sima Yangyun had said to them in the first magic history class last semester—history is unknown, and the real history cannot be summed up in a few words. Get a peek into what actually happened in parts of the world.

Noticing the gaze of the young public fee student, Xiao Xiao thought that he wanted to make trouble for himself because of the informant's gossip, and immediately lifted the tortoise shell in his arms quickly, and reminded: "Old Yao is still on want to eat him chalk head?"

Zheng Qing came back to her senses, spat silently on the apologetic fortuneteller, and turned her head to look at the podium again.

On the podium, elves in gray uniforms were holding warm tea and presenting it to the professor. Lao Yao took the cup, drank it down, sighed contentedly, and concluded:

"The process is like this, the situation is like this... So, don't go to the school work committee because of the low purchase price of the school. They are in a lot of trouble now, and they can pinch their noses to take away your hunters. The harvest is good."

There was a messy, low laughter from the audience.

It's just that there are more than a dozen arms of different thicknesses mixed in the laughter, like bamboo shoots that have just been unearthed, holding them up high, trying to attract the attention of the professor on the podium.

"This is not a class, it's a class meeting now."

Lao Yao bit his pipe helplessly, and waved for everyone to put their arms down: "If you have any questions, just ask, and I'll talk if I can, and I won't talk if I don't have time."

"Professor, why did you die before the black prison?" A student asked curiously.

Regarding this issue, Lao Yao did not shy away from it at all: "Because of the greed of wizards...we dig out all the minerals we can, and plunder all the resources we can. When the world's inspiration is taken away, it will naturally slowly Death."

This answer is slightly embarrassing.

Just like the word "failure" mentioned by Lao Yao before, it gives people a feeling that it is not so "correct".

After a moment of silence in the classroom, Li Meng leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "Professor, there is no light. How did the prisoners in the dark prison see other people? What did they eat?"

The little witch's focus is always so peculiar and direct.

"Just like cats can see clearly in the dark, after staying in the dark for a long time, they will naturally adapt to the environment there. As for food...they will eat everything they can eat."

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