Hunting High School

Chapter 116 Three Things

When he said the last sentence, the professor lowered his voice very softly, but immediately, he winked at the little witch: "...for example, drinking magma when thirsty, chewing some ore soil when hungry, etc. The tolerance of monsters The force is very strong."

Li Meng sat back in her seat excitedly with a satisfied look on her face.

"Professor, the Siren King has become an ancient one, what about our ancient wizard?" Another boy immediately stood up and asked in a slightly excited and hasty tone: "Where is the principal? If he makes a move, he will definitely leave the sea monster behind." Demon King!"

"Yes, definitely no problem!"


"of course?"

Immediately, there was a chaotic sound from the audience, which was mixed with a few 'reasonable' answers: "The principal must have been caught by other ancient monsters! They are always so cunning."

"Isn't there only one ancient monster? It is the ancestor of the monsters... I heard that he has been hiding somewhere, in a deep sleep."

"Maybe the headmaster found his hiding place, so he didn't have time to come back."

"You mean to say that the ancestor of the demon may have been caught by the principal?"

"Using the word 'catch' is too euphemistic. Their high rank exists, and the world will collapse if they move their hands. How could they be like us..."

Zheng Qing subconsciously rolled his eyes when he heard the chaotic analysis around him. He didn't think that the husband would have the trouble of finding the ancestor of the demon. It was more likely that the husband was snoring with the cat in the store during the battle of the black prison.

On the podium, Lao Yao smiled and listened to the thoughts of the young wizards in the hall.

Until the atmosphere breaks down a bit.

He just coughed lightly, took out his pocket watch and looked at the time: "Cough... time is limited, if you have any ideas, you can bring them up to me in class tomorrow. There are still a few minutes, and I will say a few more things."

As he spoke, his expression and tone became serious.

Sensing his attitude, the students also fell silent and sat upright.

"First of all, about the trial before school starts."

Professor Yao was holding a pipe and walking slowly on the podium. His voice was not heavy, but it rang clearly in the ears of every student: "Recently, I heard a sentence from a professor, and I think it makes sense. He Saying 'Good judgment comes from experience, but experience often leads to bad judgment.'”

"This sentence is also very good for you to use this time in the trial of the school."

"Good practical ability comes from trials, but trials often cause you to ignore more basic theories. The new semester has begun. I hope that students who have achieved good results in this trial can calm down and learn from it. Practice back-feeding theory and lay a firmer foundation for your magic learning; students who have not achieved good grades should pay more attention to basic learning in daily courses, so as to better guide your follow-up practice."

"Of course, I will carefully review your trial reports one by one. Every time you walk down the trial ground, hunting ground or battlefield alive, you must carefully review what you have gained and lost between life and death. This is a living A piece of advice from the old man who has been around for a long time to you young people."

Although Lao Yao didn't look at the students in the audience when he said these words, and his eyes fell casually between the podium and the classroom door, but Zheng Qing felt that his warning was especially aimed at himself.

He immediately picked up his pen and wrote the word "Review" in his notebook. He already had a vague idea of ​​the theme of the recent meeting of the Forgiveness Hunting Team - at the end of last semester, the Hunting Team participated in a number of high-intensity competitions in a row. In terms of events, it can be said that the practical experience is very sufficient. What is lacking now is to transform these experiences into more practical things and consolidate the foundation of the hunting team.

Restoration is very necessary.


On the podium, Professor Yao raised his voice slightly to interrupt the reverie of the young public-funded student. He raised his head and looked forward. The professor was looking around the classroom, his eyes sweeping over every student:

"I have read the class schedule you submitted. Obviously, many of you have the idea of ​​being lazy, and reported some students with high credits, low learning difficulty,

The teacher is easy to talk about the course. "

Many students in the audience lowered their heads subconsciously, and some even blushed.

But immediately, the professor added: "...This is human nature, so don't be shy. Since the school has arranged those courses and allowed you to take those courses, it is naturally because those courses are useful and beneficial to you. It is not bad to learn it. will be wrong."

"What I want to emphasize here is that elective courses are also compulsory courses. You can't choose to take classes just because you have an elective in your name. It's wrong to skip classes every now and then. Jiuyou Academy is absolutely not allowed!"


The stick figure behind the door howled dryly: "It's such a wonderful thing to be able to sit in a spacious classroom and listen to a class... there are still people skipping class!"

"Of course, we haven't found anyone who is really skipping class yet."

Professor Yao picked up a piece of chalk from the desk, and threw it on the stick figure in a friendly manner, signaling it to shut up: "...just to prevent problems before they happen, so as to prevent you from getting the bad habits of some senior people .”

Immediately, there was a chaotic sound of promises in the classroom. Many people assured the professor loudly that they would never miss class, even if they were sick, they would still go to class, and so on.

Lao Yao picked up the handouts on the desk, smiled and listened to the students swearing, and then he said: "Remember what you said, these words have been certified by legendary wizards, if you violate them, you will bear the consequences... The last thing, The opening ceremony will be held next Friday, remember to wash your robes, wipe off the school badges and school badges, and leave a good impression on the new students!"

After finishing speaking, disregarding the ugly faces in the audience because of the big words just patted his chest, he strode towards the outside of the classroom. But just as he walked out the door, he suddenly remembered something, patted his head and leaned halfway into the classroom:

"Oh, by the way, starting from this semester, you don't need to continue to write Life reports, but you need to continue to complete your line can largely replace your Life reports. If the regular meeting time Enough, I may choose a certain classmate to come on stage to analyze his line diagram, just like you shared the Life report on stage last semester."

There was a burst of complaints in the classroom.

Zheng Qing had a terrible feeling that he would definitely be dragged onto the podium by Lao Yao.

"Ah, it's over!"

Zheng Qing suddenly remembered something, his face changed, and he looked at the companions beside him: "Old Yao said before that the hunting in the world of Hell is flawed? Then the ones sold in our store..."

"You just realized?"

Xiao Xiao glanced at him sideways and sneered: "By the time you realize it, our store has been shut down forcibly. A few days ago, Fox Five had already reported to me that some customers reported defective product quality...the price has been uniformly adjusted .”

"Why don't I know?" Zheng Qing was slightly dissatisfied.

The doctor rolled his eyes: "When have you ever cared about the specific operation of the store? Is there any difference between whether you know it or not?"

Zheng Qing thought about it for a moment, and couldn't help but admit that what the doctor said was indeed reasonable.

Even if he knows, it doesn't make any difference, it's just an annoyance.

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