Hunting High School

Chapter 126 The Second Opening Ceremony

Waking up the next morning, Zheng Qing had already forgotten the forgiveness he had given Momonosuke before going to bed the night before.

Momanosuke is still going to die.

But Zheng Qing also absolutely can't tolerate the shadow of troubles happening one after another.

Only for a while, he still couldn't find a better solution - ordinary spells to send away ghosts and curses had no effect on Zheng Qing's shadow, and it was nonsense to step on it or spit on it .

The shadow didn't even bother to pay attention to the wizard's various attempts, but when it was bored, it responded with various rude gestures at Zheng Qing's feet to show its disdain.

If the more dangerous Black Devil method is used, on the one hand, it may cause harm to Zheng Qing himself, and on the other hand, it will also attract the attention of the school, which is not worth the candle.

After repeated discussions with Dr. Xiao Da, Zheng Qing finally decided that the only thing he can do at this stage is to stay in the shadow of other things as much as possible in the next few days, cover up the shadow of own, and curb its random tossing Ability.

For example, when walking, walk in the shade of a tree, walk along the wall, or sit away from the window in class and sit in a place where the light does not shine, and so on.

In Sim Fatty's words, this is equivalent to putting Shadow in prison.

In this way, he barely regained a little initiative.

Dylan said with emotion that Zheng Qing made himself look like a medieval ghost and vampire.

It was the first time that the young public finance student was so eager for the arrival of the weekend, because according to the agreement with Su Man last week, Su Shijun would definitely stay in the laboratory this Saturday and Sunday to help him cut off the shadow.

Time flies by Zheng Qing's thoughts and heavy studies.

In the blink of an eye, the second weekend of the sophomore year at No. 1 University is just around the corner. It's just that before enjoying a moment of leisure on the weekend, these young wizards still have a very important task to participate in.

That is the opening ceremony of the 2009-2010 school year.

Last year's opening ceremony was delayed until the end of September due to a series of factors—including the restlessness in the Silent Forest, the accident of the admission plane, and the absence of high school officials.

This year is half a month earlier than last year, but compared with the opening ceremony of the first week of school in a normal year, it still seems a little late.

The students had all kinds of guesses in private.

Some said that the one-week delay was to accommodate the trial of the second grade, because a very small number of students were injured in the trial field and needed time to recuperate; others speculated that it was because of changes in the school's high-level personnel. After the resignation of the vice principal Shi Hui, he has not confirmed the new students. The vice-principal and the joint meeting of professors may be discussing urgently on this matter to confirm the list of persons who will preside over the "soul baptism" at the opening ceremony; some people think that the unrest outside the school is the most important reason for the delay of the opening ceremony.

For example, the wizards in the North District who have been arguing for affirmative action, for example, the rat people who are being investigated by the alliance, and for example, in the Silent Forest where two black tides broke out last year, there seems to be some disturbing signs due to continuous disasters.

Of course, the school did not give a specific reason as always, and only pointed out in the announcement that due to "technological reasons", this year's opening ceremony was fixed on September 11, the Friday of the second week of school, which is today.

Early in the morning, various clues before the ceremony were revealed everywhere in the school——

There was a light rain in the early morning, and almost everyone saw the huge rainbow hanging between the teaching building and the library; In addition to common magpies, orioles, swallows, and pigeons, there are also flocks of swan geese, colorful peacocks, and light swans, etc.

Xin Fatty told Zheng Qing in the alchemy class that before he came to the classroom, he saw a green luan stopping on the rockery in front of the library to comb its feathers. Its long tail dragged on the ground, brightening the shadows on the ground. What's more, this Luan Bird is allowed to be petted by the school's young wizards, male or female!

"If it wasn't for the limited time, I definitely wouldn't just touch it!

"The fat wizard showed off to his companions the gleam of light left on his hands, which was the evidence that he stroked Luan Bird's tail feathers.

"It's not a unicorn, so it's worth showing off?" Although Zheng Qing refused to admit defeat, his heart was like a cat's paw, itching to be scratched.

He has never had close contact with that magical big bird. After class, I couldn't wait to rush out of the classroom. It's a pity that when he came to the lake, the rockery had become empty.

Not only young public finance students sighed in front of the rockery, complaining about their bad luck. Many students did not give up and searched around Linzhong Lake, hoping to see traces of other magical creatures. It's a pity that apart from the buffalo and longevity turtle in the grass, they only found a few piles of dung thrown ashore by the murlocs.

This emotional restlessness continued into the afternoon, causing the order of the practical class to become extraordinarily sloppy. The students gathered together in twos and threes, discussing the Ratmen, the wizards of the North District, the great battle in the black prison, the trials before the school started, and who would be the new vice principal of the school.

At the beginning, Hilda tried to maintain order, but when several wizards discussed the performance of several hunting teams in the Zeus Cup, and some famous fortune-teller's comments on the hunting teams, the assistant teacher finally gave up. In order to work hard for own, he happily joined the chatting of the wizards.

Of course, Zheng Qing suspects that the main reason for him doing this is that the school has just started, and the students haven't learned many new spells yet, and the students in the class last year had excellent practical results and deserve to be rewarded; Big drop, simply sell it to everyone.

The opening ceremony was scheduled at 6:00 p.m., and the venue was the same as in previous years, choosing the first hall behind the Huamen entrance of Phuket Island.

Zheng Qing didn't have time to get serious about dinner, so he took two chicken rolls and hurried to the pet garden.

Because pets also need to participate in the opening ceremony.

And unlike last year, as a second-year 'old student' and an 'old pet' who has been in school for two years, Poseidon needs to stay on the second floor of the first hall with Zheng Qing, keeping enough distance with the freshmen on the first floor distance.

"Why is there no Turin goblin this year?"

When Zheng Qing appeared in the corridor on the second floor with Poseidon in his arms, he happened to see Xin Fatty sticking out his fat buttocks, leaning half of his body out of the railing, and heard him complaining loudly about this year's arrangement: "...I feel like last year The hula dance they danced at the ceremony was very distinctive, and I originally planned to write a small topic this time!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, I'm not late!" Zheng Qing let out a sigh of relief, left the little fox behind, watched it sneak into the group of witches, curled his lips, and looked at the fat wizard's buttocks again.

To be precise, it was a newspaper stuck in Sim Fatty's pocket.

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