Hunting High School

Chapter 127: The New Plan Of The Hemophilia

The side of the newspaper facing Zheng Qing revealed half of the murloc's ferocious face. With the light from the ceiling, one could clearly see the murloc's gills moving slightly, and the dull eyes revealed a ferocious aura, which was very eye-catching. .

Under the photo is a line of big bold words - the Hemophilia has introduced a new plan, what signal does it reveal?

The young public finance student stepped forward with great interest, and pulled out the newspaper. As expected, it was the latest issue of "Beta Town Post".

Xin Fatty, who was lying on the railing, looked back with difficulty, and glanced at who stole the own newspaper.

"Hey, brother scum is here?" He greeted friendly.

Zheng Qing has already been able to 'accept' this title calmly, of course, he habitually gave Fatty a kick, leaving half clear footprints on his fat buttocks.

Then he folded the newspaper again to cover up the ferocious face of the murloc, and continued to read with peace of mind:

"...On September 11th, the new Augustus Mike King Soprano of the Blood Friends Society officially signed the "Anti-Murloc Oppression Plan", prohibiting all transactions between members of the society and the Linzhong Lake Murloc tribe, unless Traders who can prove that the murlocs who provide the goods are treated fairly in the academy, and any club members who deny that they violate the plan will face punishments such as warnings, demerits, removal of positions in the club, and even expulsion.”

"The exception clause of the plan mentions that '(traders) must have clear and convincing evidence that the murlocs who provide magic materials, alchemy products, and other commodities in a broad sense are in the Tribe, Linzhong Lake, and Jiuyou The school is treated fairly, justly and reasonably, '...the plan also requires traders to provide relevant reports'Traders should submit reports to the Moral Hazard Committee of the Hemophilia Society within 30 natural days of determining exceptions, and publish them in public publications ( Such as the school newspaper, the Beta Town Post and other serious media) to explain...'"

"Relevant people from the Hemophilia Society formally told the reporter that this plan is to support the murlocs of Linzhong Lake in their struggle for freedom and justice, and hope that through this move, schools (especially Jiuyou Academy) can improve the management of murloc tribes. Let more murlocs enjoy fair, just, and reasonable treatment..."

"As the largest society of the First University, the Hemophilia not only has a strong trading network inside the school, but also outside the school, including Beta Town, and many large hunting groups based on previous members of the Hemophilia. It has a wide range of interests and influence. Many students, researchers, professors of the First University, shops in Beta Town, magical creature tribes in the Silent Forest, etc., are all in this network..."

"...There is no doubt that the implementation of this plan will not only have a huge impact on the transactions between the Murlocs of Linzhong Lake and members of the Blood Friends, but will also cause other individuals trading with the Murlocs to face a very sensitive dilemma …If this plan is not accepted, any transaction between the trader and the Hemophilia will face unprotected and rigorous investigation at any time; if this plan is accepted, it may incur dissatisfaction with Sacred's will."

"... some members of the Hemophilia in charge of public relations and finance have questioned this plan because they fear that the implementation of the plan will bring unnecessary rifts within the society... According to the source, the Hemophilia's Some members said in an internal closed-door meeting that the manpower and material resources required to supervise this program would overwhelm the executive agency of the Hemophilia, and in an atmosphere where the school required stability and unity, there was a conflict with the will of Sacred, another major society of the First University. Create sharp opposition (because the implementation of this plan will form a de facto 'tripartite jurisdiction' for members of the Sacred will)..."

"... The relevant person of Sacred will said that the plan concocted by Soprano with false descriptions and lies is not supported by the "First University Management Regulations", and interferes with other individuals and fish in the school with the internal management plan of the society. The normal transactions among human tribes are the greatest desecration of the idea of ​​'freedom' of Alpha Academy..."

What followed was some more boring and boring analysis. Zheng Qing glanced at ten lines and flipped through other pages, but there was not much discussion about the Hemophilia's plan.

"What the hell is Soprano doing?"

The young public finance student clattered through the newspaper, his face full of confusion: "And, when will the hemophiliacs meet?"

Another moral hazard committee? "

"When needed."

Xin Fatty had already climbed down from the fence at this moment, and was patting the dust on his robe. Hearing this, he pulled the corners of his mouth and showed a mocking smile: "This kind of **** committee is like paper to wipe the butt. Shit, it’s useless at other times.”

As sharp and sarcastic as ever.

Zheng Qing gave a thumbs up in agreement.

"What do you think of this plan?" The fat wizard took back the newspaper from the boy, folded it in a leisurely manner, and stuffed it back into his pocket: "... Seeing that you read it so seriously, what do you think?"

Zheng Qing shrugged.

"not at all."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he glimpsed the name of the plan in the newspaper again from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help laughing: "However, I suddenly felt that the name of this plan was very clever—the plan against oppressing the murlocs—both It can be read as "anti, murloc oppression plan", understood as a counter plan against murloc oppression; it can also be read as "against, murloc oppression plan", the meaning changes suddenly, and murlocs become the oppressive party; It can also be understood as 'against murlocs, oppression plan', I think this pronunciation is most in line with the wishes of most Alpha people."

"They have always regarded murlocs, centaurs and other demi-human races as servants. When the first school was established, the murlocs were willing to stay in Linzhong Lake instead of the lake outside Alpha Fort because Alpha Discrimination against magical creatures of the sub-human race is very serious, and it often happens that little murlocs are secretly captured for experiments."

The fat wizard was momentarily dumbfounded looking at the eloquent young public fee student.

It took him a while to react.

"It's not as complicated as you think," he waved his hands again and again, denying: "You are over-interpreting. The text in the newspaper you see is different from the text that other people see...The wizarding world is so big, Beta The Town Post is a large-scale media for all audiences. It is impossible to publish a sub-journal in every language, and magic is used on it. The magic attached to the newspaper allows readers to read the content in a language they understand, and does not affect the conveyance of the original meaning."

"So 'against' means 'against', without the phrases you take for granted."

Zheng Qing never realized this.

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