Hunting High School

Chapter 137: What Kind Of Demon Is The Most Dangerous

Talking about two issues and talking about three things is not a logical contradiction. In reality, there are many things that are bigger than this contradiction, and generally no one will care about such small details.

As for Zheng Qing's concerns, Xiao Xiao just adjusted his glasses and gave possible guesses.

"The school may or may not know, that's not the point."

The apologetic fortune teller raised a finger and said without restraint: "Even at my level, I can think of no less than ten divination methods in an instant to ensure that there are no mistakes in the speech..."

"You mean, the part about the appointment was temporarily erased from the speech because it was predicted that this accident might happen?" Zheng Qing felt a little inconceivable.

"Is it weird?"

Xiao Xiao glanced at him, and emphasized: "That's the principal's speech! He should be regarded as the most powerful existence in the wizarding world, so what's the point of divination? Such an existence like them, every day Every sentence should be correct... Even if it is not correct, it will 'become' correct."

Zheng Qing worked hard to resist the urge to complain.

It was hard for him to imagine that the old man lying on the rocking chair and joking with the raccoon cared about the details in his speech. And he doubted whether the manuscript had really been read by Mr.

"Second, when you mention the school's response, you should think about what we were arguing about just now." Xiao Xiao reached out and nodded to a few people in the room: "Jiuyou belongs to the first university, but the first university is not only Nine have a college...Professor Yao's matter, the school must be in a mess, some want to smooth this matter, naturally some want to see him unlucky, some want to eat melons and watch the show from the other side...the last thing to do is to not deal with it Respond wisely. No one would jump around between the two deans with a big relationship before they figured out the cause and effect of this incident, the ins and outs."

"As for the third point,"

Speaking of this, Xiao Xiao stopped, looked at Zheng Qing, and sneered: "The third point is the least problem. But anyone who is a bit rational will not be entangled in this problem."

Zheng Qing had question marks all over his face.

He still clearly remembered that after he just found out that Lao Yao was a big monster, he couldn't sleep all night, and when he closed his eyes, he saw a bloody mouth full of food. For a long time, he didn't dare to go to Lao Yao's office alone. Every time he saw that sallow face biting a pipe, he couldn't help but shudder.

Therefore, he couldn't understand why several companions showed astonishing 'indifference' in the face of this matter.

"Do you know what kind of demon is the most dangerous?" Xiao Xiao didn't immediately explain his analysis, but instead asked Zheng Qing a question that sounded innocuous.

"What kind of monster?" The young public finance student was stunned for a second, then he came to his senses and tentatively replied, "Liches? Because liches are transformed by wizards, they are very confusing?"

"No, no, the doctor means, which one is more dangerous, a low-level monster or a high-rank monster." Dylan interjected beside him.

This is a bit strange, Zheng Qing can think with his toes that high rank monsters must be more dangerous.

But just a moment before he opened his mouth, he suddenly realized that the question was not that simple, and it didn't make sense for Xiao Xiao to ask himself such a mentally handicapped question.

Seeing that the wizard fell silent, the short wizard glanced boredly at the talkative vampire werewolf.

"Thinking about it, you are aware of the problem." He reached out to ask the elf for a glass of honey water, moistened his throat, and then continued: "For ordinary wizards, low-rank monsters are more dangerous than high-rank monsters. Some low-level monsters lack self-control, and are easily driven by the instinct in their blood to take aggressive actions... while high-rank monsters are so rational that they are almost cold, and they will not do anything because of a dispensable blood meal. Invite a dangerous move."

"Just like old Yao."

"I'm not worried at all about next Monday's Charms class, when Lao Yao suddenly showed his true form and bit off my head... This is not a joke... After thinking about it for a while, you can figure out the tricks in it. First University is nothing Grass Stage Troupe, here is the most powerful magic research team in the entire wizarding world, the most powerful wizard in the entire wizarding world,

It doesn't make sense that everyone is blind, and they can't see a big monster squatting in front of them. "

Flutter, flutter, flutter.

There was a sound of paper cranes flapping their wings, disturbing Xiao Xiao's long speech. Zheng Qing followed the prestige and saw Xin Fatty was writing something quickly on the desk. From time to time, he would put his hands together and throw them up, and a paper crane would rise into the air.

When Zheng Qing looked over, there were already dozens of paper cranes hovering above the fat wizard's head, and the fat cat Tuantuan was staring at them with squinted eyes, ears pulled out like airplanes, looking like it would pounce on them at any time.

"Don't touch them, Tuantuan, this is not the time to play around." Xin Fu was on the table, the quill in his hand was dancing fast, and he reminded without looking up.

His voice was a little hoarse, but his spirit was very excited, and the subtle magic power fluctuations around him made Zheng Qing feel that every hair on his body was exerting force.

Hearing the fat wizard's warning, the fat cat popped its paws, and scratched the fat wizard's pillow dissatisfied, and finally gave up on the group of little paper cranes, turned around, rushed its butt towards the desk, and began to snore.

"Are you asking the editorial department to verify the truth of the matter?" Zheng Qing glanced at the few words written by the quill.


Xin didn't deny it, straightened up, folded out the last paper crane, and murmured: "Also find the acquaintances in the Beta Town Post and ask them if they know the source of the news; find the owner of the milk tea shop on the Pedestrian Street, as long as the official He must have retained the extra numbers issued; there are also the professors' joint meeting, the school working committee, the dean's office, Professor Yi's office... try to see if they accept interviews."

"These little guys will most likely be thrown into the trash can." Zheng Qing watched Xin send a group of paper cranes out of the window and shook his head, disapproving of his efforts.

"Always try, what if luck comes?" The fat wizard has completely recovered from the huge blow of the previous news at this moment, and has become a shrewd reporter again. Xiao Xiao hesitated: "...Do you think there are other ways?"

Zheng Qing thought very simply that he was really brainstorming, and thought about it seriously.

Xiao Xiao became sober.

"Sima won't be interviewed, and neither will I."

He simply broke the illusion of the fat wizard: "Whether it is an observer or a recorder, the most important thing is to maintain objectivity and reason... and the best way to maintain objectivity is to keep a certain distance and not relay what you see and hear." To a third party. Anything that gets relayed loses some of its accuracy."

Zheng Qing suddenly understood, and also refused with a stern face: "I don't accept it, I don't know, I don't know... I'm tired, I'm asleep, I'll talk about it tomorrow!"

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