Hunting High School

Chapter 138: Illegal Materials

After Zheng Qing refused Xin's interview temptation, he immediately jumped into the six-poster bed, got into bed, and snored loudly within a second.

The other three people outside the tent looked at each other in blank dismay.

"I didn't say what must happen." The fat wizard spread his hands innocently: "Brother scum is just too sensitive...everything is a surprise."

The snoring in the tent stopped abruptly, and then there was the sound of grinding teeth.

Xin Feili shrugged and turned to look at Dylan.

"Are you still going to class?" He asked eagerly: "Is it possible to get another extra account and come back... If you don't go out at this time, you will be beaten by Mr. Ni, and I won't bother you."

The vampire werewolf took off his cufflinks, threw them to the elf, and curled his lips: "If something like this happened, who would still go to class...Evening classes are not mandatory, and missed classes can be made up during the day."

Xin sighed, and when he turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao, he found that the short wizard had also changed into pajamas.

Faster than magic.

It was very polite to refuse again, Xin Fatty was wise not to speak again, and sat back on his bed obediently. The solid six-poster bed let out a heavy groan, and the snoring group that had been snoring comfortably flicked its tail violently.

Diagonally opposite.

At the last second before lying in the coffin, Dylan put his elbows on the coffin board and stared at Zheng Qing's curtains. After a long while, he suddenly asked, "Brother scum, you are indeed a wizard, right?"

The snoring in Zheng Qing's tent stopped for a few seconds.

Even through the curtain, others seemed to be able to see the young public finance student in a daze.

"Replacement as fake!"

Zheng Qing's face was dark, and he sneezed very hard through the curtain: "Even if I were a monster, I wouldn't worry about your unevenly hot and cold blood... The doctor's brain seems to be tastier."

"Ogres are easily infected with prions. It is said that they like to eat the brains of their own kind." A calm voice came from Xiao Xiao's bed: "Are you sure you still want to hit my brain?"

Xin Fatty let out a half-smile whimper from the bed, as if wondering why his companions were still in the mood to joke on such a bad night.



The four young wizards in dormitory 403's attempts to get a good night's sleep had come to naught.

Just as Zheng Qing was lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep, hesitating whether to drink a cup of talisman water to help sleep, there was a very loud knock on the door of the dormitory.

bang bang bang!

"Who's outside!"

Dylan's coffin boards were the first to be lifted—it was not the time for him to sleep at night, so his voice was full of air—the vampire werewolf yelled loudly: "If you don't sleep at night, what are you knocking on!"

The knocking on the door stopped, and then became more forceful.

boom! boom! boom!

This time, including Zheng Qing, everyone in dormitory 403 got out of bed. Apparently, everyone is still sleepless over the bad news.

The lights come on.

The copper mirror hanging from the ceiling didn't respond to the Bixie symbol, so it was clear that there was nothing dirty knocking on the door. Of course, at First University, even if there is something dirty, you can't touch the student dormitory.

The dormitory door opened.

Outside the door stood two wizards in black robes, wearing wide hoods.

Noticing the vigilant eyes of the young wizards in the room, the two black robes immediately took off their hoods without hesitation, revealing two familiar faces.

Thomas and Hilda of the Teaching Assistants.

"Mr. Thomas?"

"Ms. Hilda!"

Surprised greetings sounded at the same time.

Zheng Qing put his hands behind his back and quietly stuffed the stack of talisman papers back into his pocket; Xin Fatty's blue face quickly dissipated;

I don't know what kind of mentality it is to hold a ball under the bed at night.

"Good evening, everyone."

Thomas greeted everyone gently, his eyes swept over the faces of the young wizards one by one, and finally landed on Dylan's large black coffin, and added: "Good evening, Mr. Potter."

"Good evening, Mr. Thomas...Mr. Hilda." The vampire werewolf slid out of the coffin, saluted gracefully, with a look of curiosity on his face: "What's the matter?"

Thomas fell silent, several young wizards looked at each other, and the dormitory fell into a subtle silence for a moment. Only the long snoring intermittently sounded, which made the silence a little less awkward.

Zheng Qing keenly sensed that the night visit of the two black robes was related to the special issue of the Beta Town Post.

There was a moment of silence.

Hilda pulled out a roll of parchment impatiently, and said to the four young wizards in the room one by one: "He, he, he, he... Do you think any of them don't know about that? You were young too." , know how hard it is for a young man to keep a secret!"

"This is prejudice, sir!" Xin Fatty shouted, waving his arms. "You have to trust the integrity of a reporter, we will strictly protect the secrets that need to be protected!"

"Listen, this is their ethics." Hilda turned her face sideways and looked at Thomas, with a hint of humor on her face: "They only protect the secrets that need to be protected."

Thomas cleared his throat, interrupting the small interaction between the two activists.

"At 9:43 tonight, criminals distributed illegal promotional materials... According to the confirmation of the divination team, Mr. Dylan O'Brien Potter is at the scene of the incident." The black-robed wizard looked at Dylan quietly. : "Entrusted by the school, the first university divination team is responsible for confirming the relevant matters. Here is the authorization letter and ID card..."

He took out a parchment power of attorney covered with various seals, and hurriedly waved it in front of several young wizards. The speed was very fast, and Zheng Qing only caught a glimpse of a few words such as "authorized", "first university assistant team", "assistance", "no error".

Thomas put away the parchment, and continued to ask unhurriedly: "Then... May I ask Mr. Potter, have you participated in the activities of distributing illegal propaganda materials?"

"Does the 'illegal material' you mentioned refer to an account issued by the Beta Town Post?" Dylan cautiously confirmed.

"There is no extra number!" Hilda shook her head and interrupted angrily: "That is an illegal material! It is certain!"

"Of course, that material is very confusing, and it was distributed in the form of the Beta Town Post." Thomas added gently, reconfirming: "So, Mr. Tower Potter, would you please..."

"No, it has nothing to do with me!" Dylan quickly defended himself: "I just go to class, you know, I have the blood of vampires and werewolves, and the general class schedule is at night, I go to class, Then someone brought a bunch of extra accounts, and everyone was curious, so they went up to have a look..."

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