Hunting High School

Chapter 139 Signature

"Did you see the appearance of those extra numbers?" Thomas interrupted.

Dylan frowned, looking like he was thinking hard. After a moment, he shook his head in frustration: "At first, I thought I remembered it quite clearly. It was vaguely a wizard in a gray robe... But when I recalled it carefully, I felt that he was wearing a red robe. Robes, or yellow robes... like a witch again..."

The two black-robed wizards looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"A very powerful confusion spell."

"Basically consistent with other wizard feedback."

"An invalid clue."

"I didn't expect them to provide any effective clues..."

After the two whispered a few words, Thomas looked up at Mr. Vampire Werewolf again, spread out the parchment in Hilda's hand, and pushed it in front of Dylan: "Then, Mr. Potter, you need to sign this document." Words, to confirm what you said..."

Zheng Qing and Xin Fatty came together in no particular order, and accompanied Dylan to read the parchment. The above content is very simple. It is the conversation between the two teaching assistants and Dylan after entering the door, but the words involved in the confirmation of the conversation are marked with cinnabar, such as 'no relation', 'do not remember', 'not involved' and so on.

Dylan looked around nervously, and after getting affirmative answers from his companions, he carefully signed his name at the end of the parchment.

A light blue flame flashed across the parchment, burning away those conversations in an instant.

"very good."

Hilda nodded in satisfaction, rolled up the parchment and put it in her bosom, then took out another roll: "Now let's deal with the second problem."

As he said that, he raised his head, looked around, and asked with a smile: "You probably have heard about the content of the illegal materials that Potter talked about... Don't deny it, the school has a hundred ways to identify your words, in order to save everyone time, cooperate a little bit."

Zheng Qing choked back the words that were going to be denied in his throat.

He carefully looked at the expressions of the two assistant coaches, and it didn't seem that bad. Then he turned to look at his companions.

Dylan tilted his head with a dazed expression; Xin Fatty seemed to have guessed something, puffed up his face and looked reluctant; Xiao Xiao smiled and nodded slightly at Zheng Qing.


The young public finance student pondered the school's plan in his heart, and at the same time made clear his own position, and said angrily: "I don't know which bastard is talking nonsense, how could Lao Yao be that? It's so ridiculous! We just talked about it before going to bed. After discussing, I will complain to the school tomorrow..."

Hilda rolled her eyes, stretched out her index finger and tapped Own's ear.

"Okay, okay, there are no outsiders here."

He raised his right hand, his wrist swung up and down as if it was broken, with a look of disgust on his face: "You don't need to act righteously... I know that rumors spread super fast, and you still don't believe it."

He turned his head and said the last sentence to Thomas.

Thomas ignored Hilda's complaints, took the parchment roll in his hand, took a step forward, stood in front of the four wizards, and unfolded the parchment in his hand.

"This is a contract of silence, standard format, alliance certification, you can take a closer look."

With a straight face, Thomas flicked his fingertips on the parchment twice, da da, and said unhurriedly: "The content of the contract requires you to keep silent about the contents of that illegal material, don't believe rumors, let alone Stop spreading are adults and you need to be responsible for everything you say in public."

This request is not too much, much better than Zheng Qing expected. He had thought that the school would cast a forgetting spell on a few people or feed them some memory-clearing potions.

The contract of silence was transferred from Thomas to Zheng Qing, and then Zheng Qing handed it directly to Xiao Xiao.

As a man with the title of 'Doctor', Xiao Xiao's understanding of various contracts far exceeds that of others.

Protect your poor face in front of the contract to be signed.

Dr. Xiao took the parchment, adjusted his glasses, lowered his head to read it carefully for a while, then raised his head and nodded slightly: "There is nothing wrong with the standard contract, and the content is very clear."

Hilda raised her eyebrows: "Don't you think we are black wizards in the wandering bar, and we will do something about the contract?"

"how come!"

Zheng Qing laughed, while accepting the contract of silence, and quickly signed own's name at the end, he changed the topic: "By the way, since you know that there are black wizards in the wandering bar, why don't you expel them from Phuket Island... our store Diagonally across from the homeless bar, I’m worried every day...Not long ago, just the day before the trial started, two clerks in our store were attacked by a black wizard and nearly lost their lives! Does the school not care about such things? "

"Dark wizard attack?"

"Wandering dark wizard?"

The two teaching assistants looked at each other and asked at the same time.

"That actually is not."

Zheng Qing handed Dylan the signed parchment and the quill in his hand, while looking at the dark wizard he had written in his name...but isn't it a precautionary measure? Opposite our store is always a hidden danger. "

"Didn't you report it to the school?" Thomas looked serious.

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment: "Professor An of the college and Commissioner Andrew of the Three-pronged Sword both went to the scene... Do I need to report this again?"


Thomas blinked, as if thinking of something, and a look of confusion appeared on his face: "Are you talking about the case where the two ratmen were attacked not long ago? They are your shop assistants?"

"When I hired them, they were just two cute little mice." Zheng Qing sighed deeply: "Who knew that after the summer vacation, they would become two ugly rat people... Honestly Said, I prefer them small in waistcoats."

"The school will deal with that matter further, and will definitely notify you if there is any relevant situation."

Thomas ignored the wizard's complaints, and stared at the contract from Dylan to Xiao Xiao, and then from Xiao Xiao to Xin. There is no inscription on the wizard's face, and there is no sufficient evidence, so it is difficult for us to do anything about those wizards who wander in the gray area."

"May I not sign it?"

Xin Fatty held the contract, struggled for a moment, and looked up at the two black-robed wizards: "As reporters for the school newspaper, we have the freedom to withhold any information..."

"Any freedom has a limit." Hilda took out a quill and stuffed it roughly into the hands of the fat wizard, urging: "Even if you are in Alpha Fort, you must abide by this point."

Xin took the quill and signed his name dejectedly.

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