Hunting High School

Chapter 140: Rumor Refutation

The next day is Saturday.

Xin Fatty got up early on a rare occasion, and went straight to the pedestrian street after washing up. Before Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao finished their morning class, the fat wizard found his two companions with his breakfast and a freshly baked newspaper that smelled like ink.

"I knew it!"

The chubby school newspaper reporter rattled the newspaper in his hand, with a look of displeasure on his face: "...Beta Town Post is a bunch of eggless cowards with no professional ethics at all! Either don't publish it, or publish it out Just be a little bit tougher... It's not like now, the words you say are like splashed water, and you turn your face and swallow your own saliva back into your stomach!"

This sounds disgusting.

Zheng Qing frowned, stretched out two fingers, and twisted the newspaper in Xin's hand.

In the latest issue of the Beta Town Post, the front page uses a very eye-catching black frame to publish a block of tofu in the corner——

"On September 11th (the 23rd day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, Jiwei Day in the Guiyou month of the Ji Chou year), at about 9:40 p.m., an unidentified wizard in the teaching building of part of the campus of the First University distributed the headline 'Beta Town The post's material. After communication between the post's editorial department and the relevant departments, it was confirmed that the material was not published by the Beta Town Post. The content of the material did not match the facts. Spreading rumors, improving the ability to identify false information, and actively cooperating with the school in pursuing illegal wizards who violated the post’s reputation and legitimate rights and interests, hereby declare. Beta Town Post Board of Directors (official seal) Beta Town Post Editorial Department (official seal) 2009 September 12th (July 24th in the lunar calendar, Gengshen Day in the Guiyou month of the Ji Chou Year)"

"Hey, this reaction speed."

The young public finance student flicked the tofu block statement with his fingers, and praised: "I thought that the reaction speed of a big company like the Post would be closer to that of Thunder will take three to five months to respond after a needle is inserted."

"You should be talking about the legendary candle dragon with a length of millions of miles, not the thunder dragon." Dr. Xiao analyzed very seriously: "Although the reaction speed of the thunder dragon is a little slow, it will not take three to five months. .”

"Understand the spirit, understand the spirit." Zheng Qing waved his hand, not wanting to argue with the doctor on this topic, but turned to look at Xin: "Did you hear any fresh rumors when you went to buy the newspaper?"

"It really is!"

The fat wizard handed the paper bag containing breakfast to his companion, looked around, looked cautiously, and said in a low voice: "According to the street, the extra is that a few temporary employees of the Post secretly printed it out during non-working hours. Of course, this kind of rhetoric has not been officially confirmed by the Post..."

"Temporary workers again!" Zheng Qing was quite speechless: "Don't they have a better reason?"

"No, no, no, that's not the point." The fat wizard interrupted the public fee student's exclamation, and sped up his speech a little: "The point is, it is said that those temporary workers belong to the North District, and were hired by the Post from the North District of Beta Town... because the labor The fee is cheap, and recently many places are recruiting wizards from the North District."

When it comes to the North District, it will naturally involve Senior Sister Kerma. The wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team had a good relationship with the newly promoted great wizard. Hearing this, their attitudes immediately became more serious.

"Are you sure it's a wizard from the North District? It's from Kenny House?"

"Not sure... rumors, how could it be so clear."

"Senior Kerma wouldn't be so stupid to trouble Lao Yao at a time like this."

"She's not really stupid, but that wizard from the North District she met in the alley of the North District during her semester.

His name, Zheng Qing, has been forgotten, but his crazy act of sacrificing his companions and summoning evil beings still haunts the young public finance student until now: "...I always feel that the sacrificial spell cast by Sister Kerma It's a bit biased. If you need to absorb innocent life every time you cast magic, the caster will definitely be affected and become extreme and weird."

"The wizards in the North District are very extreme." When it comes to this topic, Xin Fatty, who did an in-depth report on the wizards in the North District last year, has more say. He shook his head and sighed heavily: "There is no senior sister Kerma. , they will worship more evil creatures and hold more cruel rituals... because only by mastering a certain amount of magic can they walk out of the Silent Forest safely and live in peace.

stay on this island. "

"They should be allowed to leave Phuket Island." Zheng Qing said without thinking.

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and asked calmly: "Then what about the "Wizard Code"? What about the hidden law passed by the Great Wizard Conference? Although magic power is very weak, magicians are after all a group with magic power. The Baiding society will undoubtedly cause another kind of disaster... This has been repeatedly confirmed by the great fortune tellers, and many experts in the history of magic have watched those disastrous timelines."

"Disaster?" Zheng Qing felt a little unbelievable: "A group of magicians?"

"A group of magicians who have the status of wizards stipulated in the "Code", have the ability to obtain the inheritance of wizards, and have Magic power." Xiao Xiao corrected: "I once heard a very simple inference... Magicians enter Baiding society, and it is easy to obtain Wealth and status, which means powerful power. After having power, they will naturally pursue higher-level 'needs', such as longevity, immortality, and immortality."

"If it is a group of ordinary people who pursue those illusory concepts, they will waste money and be deceived at most. But they are wizards, a group of real wizards, and they will use the spirits and flesh of white people—real flesh and soul—to please the depths of the starry sky Or something more sinister, to grant their wishes."

"This is not a fantasy, but a fact that will inevitably happen."

Thinking of those horrific scenes, Zheng Qing shuddered, and his initial dissatisfaction with the alliance's control of the wizards in the North District suddenly disappeared.

He took out a meat bun from the paper bag, took a bite viciously, the scalding meat juice scalded his tears, and his vision blurred a lot.

"Where's the school newspaper?"

The wizard wiped his tears, seemed to think of something, turned his head to look at the fat wizard, hissed, and asked vaguely: "Isn't the school newspaper going to say something about that extra issue? Since you are so rich 'Professional ethics'."

"That extra issue was not published by us."

In this matter, Xin Fatty was particularly 'clever'. He rolled his eyes at Zheng Qing, picked up a meat bun from the paper bag, swallowed it whole, and his voice also became vague: "... ...I guess the school newspaper will also issue a statement to severely condemn those troublemakers."

"I thought you would try hard to verify what was revealed outside the account." Zheng Qing sipped soy milk and looked at the fat wizard with a smile.

"I'm not stupid." Xin pouted, picked up another meat bun, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed viciously.

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