Hunting High School

Chapter 150: Greatness And Mediocrity (Part 2)

A great wizard once said, 'A problem cannot be solved from the dimension from which it arose', in other words, solutions to major problems are always to be found in another dimension.

Ollivander and Grigovich is such a classic contradiction.

It is not so much that the Dharma Book killed the two ancient wand-making families, it is better to say that with the development of dimension theory, the wand has been unable to meet the needs of wizards for stronger and more stable magic power. In this sense, the Dharma Book killed the wand. A solution in another dimension.

The case in Colmar's mind came to an abrupt end here.

She was slightly distracted, carefully erasing some 'disrespectful' thoughts about Professor Yao in her mind, and at the same time, she focused another part of her attention on the classroom.

On the podium, the externally hired old wizard was still reading the thick handouts in his hands that seemed to be endless in a voice that made everyone drowsy. Page.

The great sage of the North District sighed slightly in his heart. Sure enough, this important theoretical course involving worldview and methodology still needs more experienced senior wizards to teach, such as Professor Yao.

The figure of Professor Yao flashed across the mind again, the witch frowned, and was about to erase this thought again, when two wizards from the North District at the back of the classroom chatted softly in their ears——

"I can't understand what he's saying!"

"That's right if you don't understand! I heard that the dean of Jiuyou College, who teaches philosophy of magic at First University! Professor Yao, do you know?"

"I know, the Beta Town Post said that he was promoted to Legend some time ago, but the post seems to have some bad rumors about 'Him' recently?"

"Bad rumor? Do you know what it is?"

"Isn't the school forbidden to discuss? It is said that those who know the inside are required to sign a silent contract. No one knows what happened, but when I bought frogs at the pier last time, I heard that 'that' raised a group of charming frogs at home. magic!"

"Succubus? The ones with very little clothes? Aren't they Life in The Underworld? Also, it's not what I heard."

"What did you hear?"

His companion gave him a very speechless look: "If I knew and could tell you, would I still sit here? You are too self-aware."

The chatting stopped for a while, and the old wizard's ups and downs chanting scriptures echoed again in the classroom.

After a while, the first wizard sighed slightly: "Sure enough, I still don't understand. Why are three-dimensional problems easy to solve in two dimensions, and two-dimensional problems easy to solve in three dimensions? This conclusion is obviously contradictory! "

"We need a real professor." His companion agreed: "Just like Professor Yao from Jiuyou College, he is not only a professor, but also the dean of Jiuyou!"

"It has nothing to do with the professor or the dean." The first wizard shook his head: "In fact, our tavern is a university for wizards in the North District. Fort Alpha"

Kerma didn't continue to listen to the words that followed.

The idea of ​​trying to trouble the two wizards of the North District because they deserted their classrooms also disappeared. The chat just heard - especially the last few words they said - made the great sage of the North District pop up in his mind. A crazy idea that can be called 'great' came out.

She decided to build a college.

Just on Phuket Island, just north of Beta Town.

Build a college that can teach magic to wizards of the right age in the North District, just like Jiuyou, Alpha, Atlas, and Starry Sky! As the saying goes, "if the mountain doesn't come, I will go, and I will move the mountain." Since the First University has always been vague and evasive about the admission of wizards in the North District, then she will build a college that belongs to the people of the North District!

From any point of view, this is a 'crazy' idea.

Regardless of the rich historical heritage, rich teaching resources, and abundant financial support of the four colleges of the First University, just applying for the establishment of a new college on Phuket Island can make everyone who comes up with this idea welcome.

And deterred.

To use an inappropriate analogy, Korma’s idea is like a tabby cat hunting in the territory of a group of lions, or a street peddler selling sugar in front of Shuangtangji and a tailor in front of Luxi Spinning.

The first problem she needs to solve is to obtain the recognition of the First University—after all, the entire Beta Town is shrouded in the protection of the First University's guardian circle.

"Above Merlin!"

The young Gong Fei let out a long sigh: "I'm just a mediocre little wizard. Although I have achieved a little insignificant results, I really can't be the last straw when you are desperate."


The Great Wizard of the North District shook his head slightly, and raised the small teacup in his hand: "No, I am not desperate at all. In fact, I have never been so hopeful as I am now. For the first time in a long time, the wizards of the North District Having real Magic power for the first time, you can walk in the streets of Beta town. You, me, and all the wizards who help advance this cause have the ability to light a torch in a dark world. Why not try What about trying?"

Try and die.

Zheng Qing muttered in his heart, and sighed heavily again: "Compared to the heavy topic now, I still miss the time when you made dirty jokes with us in the Sakura Tavern."

"If you need it." A dangerous smile appeared on Kerma's face, and at the same time, he glanced at the owner of the Qingqiu mansion sitting on the other side.

Su Shijun hugged the little fox and combed her with a blank expression. I don't know if it's because of static electricity, but there is a series of hissing and crackling currents bursting out between the comb and the little fox's long hair.

Just seeing it out of the corner of his eye, Zheng Qing felt scorched all over.

"I did not mean that!"

The wizard immediately raised his hand and surrendered in embarrassment: "I mean, I agree, I have no objection to what you want me to do, just order it!"

Kerma nodded in satisfaction.

Su Shijun's face also eased a little, and the tiny electric sparks on Poseidon's fur disappeared instantly.

"It doesn't need to be at any time, but when you need it." The witch corrected happily: "In most cases, you still have to focus on your studies, study hard, and make progress every day."

"Hehe." The wizard sneered silently.

In a war of words, he never won.

"Oh, by the way." The Great Wizard of the North District paused inadvertently: "Old Yao is still your dean, right? There have been some messy rumors in the school these two days, I can guarantee that that matter has nothing to do with me and the North District None of the wizards matter."

Zheng Qing blinked and hesitated a little: "It's good that it doesn't matter, but why explain this matter to me?"

"Because I can't see him recently." Korma scratched her hair in distress, showing a bit of annoyance: "Besides, it is very inconvenient for me to enter and leave the school. You are his student. I think there should be a way." Gossip with him a few words."

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