Hunting High School

Chapter 151 Nightmare That Dream

After returning from the Qingqiu mansion, Zheng Qing had a series of nightmares.

At first, when he was walking in the school under the night, there seemed to be many people around him, but he couldn't see them clearly. From time to time, a cold wind would blow into his neck, causing goosebumps all over his body. When he turned his head to look, there was no one there. , It's like the people who get bento boxes in ghost movies.

There are also shadows twisting and circling under their feet, like invisible long snakes. When they look up, they are the shadows cast by a strange big tree in the moonlight. The branches and leaves of that big tree stretch out in all directions, almost across the Throughout the tree-lined road, the trees were covered with large and small white fruits. When the breeze hit, the fruits slowly turned, revealing pale faces, eyes closed, and two tears of blood dripping from them.

All these scenes made the wizard tremble with fear, almost unable to walk steadily.

It wasn't until Linzhong Lake, when the night and tree shadows dispersed, and the moonlight fell, that the wizard saw clearly that it was Jiang Yu who was walking beside him. This made him suddenly relieved, and his mood suddenly turned peaceful.

The witch's crimson dress, the hem of which looked like a blood-colored waterfall, was dragged backwards for a very long time, before finally disappearing into the deep night. With her arms bare and her head tilted, she seemed to be saying something to the boy with a smile, but Zheng Qing couldn't hear clearly for a while, and the two walked side by side, savoring the beauty of the wind under the moonlight.

But immediately, a slender figure appeared in the full moon in mid-air, dressed in gorgeous clothes, slim and moving, with long hair like waterfalls, slender jade legs, and four huge fox tails spinning behind him.

Every time the fox tail turns around, a golden thunderbolt descends from the moon and hits the wizard. Even if he hides under a tree, under a stone, or even under the witch's skirt, he can't stop the golden thunderbolt like a tarsus. Maggots and maggots came after him, smoke was coming from his mouth and nose, and his whole body was scorched black.

There is a little fox chirping around the moon, like a ghost laughing.

After a long time, the thunder and lightning gradually subsided, and the figure in Chinese clothes in the moonlight and Jiang Yu beside him also disappeared long ago.

The scorched 'charcoal' rolled twice on the spot and rolled into Linzhong Lake. When it slowly sank to the bottom of the water, the hazy water vapor around it suddenly dissipated, and the surrounding scenery flew around. It is located in the small open space outside the Cherry Blossom Tavern in the northern part of Beta Town.

Senior Sister Kerma stepped out of the tavern with sonorous steps, kicked the 'charcoal' twice, the black scorched skin rustled down, showing the wizard's bewildered expression.

"Didn't you say to help me explain for Professor Yao?" The great sage of the North District had a dark face and waved the whip in his hand, making the surrounding air crackle.

Accompanied by her yelling, one after another strange and vague figures gathered from all directions. They folded their hands on their chests as if praying. Every time they took a step, the scream of the frog when it died tragically sounded in the air.

"I'm going! I'm going! I'll explain!"

The wizard waved his arms in a panic, trying to prove Own's innocence: "Professor Yao is a big monster...a legendary monster, but he is still very reasonable! I have known for so long, but he still hasn't eaten me!"

Korma put one hand on his chest, pinched his chin with the other, and looked at the boy suspiciously: "So, you already knew that the 'rumor' was true?"

The wizard was at a loss for words and was hesitating for a while, when the First Stage suddenly appeared on his waist, but the Great Wizard of the North District kicked him out of the Cherry Blossom Tavern and into the dark night outside: "Don't make excuses... get lost!" Go find Lao Yao and explain it!"

Zheng Qing hit the ground a few times like a rubber ball.

When he stood up in a daze, his surroundings had turned into a wilderness, and a familiar and heavy pressure surged from all directions, making it suffocating.

The boy raised his head, but instead of seeing the familiar moon, he saw two rounds of blood red.

No, not two rounds.

When this thought flashed through his mind, in addition to the two rounds of blood red, four more rounds of blood red suddenly appeared. At the same time, Liulun Xuehong also reflected a hazy, huge figure in the night.

It is a giant ape with three heads and eight arms!


Zheng Qing waved his arms happily, jumping up and down on the spot, trying to attract the attention of the giant ape: "Professor! I'm here!... Senior sister

Ask me to bring you a sentence! The rumors outside are fabricated! It has nothing to do with senior sister! "

In the wilderness, the sound is easily swallowed by the endless night, night wind and dead silence.

But this does not affect the divine sense of the great ape.

He easily noticed the small but active figure in the wilderness. Six rounds of blood red drew dazzling trajectories in the night sky, and finally landed on the boy's head.

The heavy pressure in his eyes made the jumping wizard slowly stop. He felt the unsettling voice approaching from behind the night, and finally chose to take out the magic book, and threw a lighting spell into the night sky:

"Moonrise shines!"

A golden round moon slowly rises from the Dharma book. It was very small at first, like a fly's head. As it rises rapidly, it becomes bigger and bigger, like a golden bean, like the mouth of a bowl, like a jade plate, like a wheel. , and finally turned into a real moon, hanging in the sky.

Zheng Qing didn't see what the moon that finally transformed from the lighting spell he threw would look like.

Because he was running for his life in the wilderness.

Halfway through the illumination spell, Zheng Qing could see clearly what the uneasy sound was approaching behind the night—it was a huge palm with five fingers spread out, like a hill, covering the wizard's head, slowly falling down.


There was a loud noise behind him.

While fleeing for his life, the wizard looked back, and saw that huge palm landed on the place where he had just stood, and when he retracted his five fingers, five deep furrows were plowed out of the entire land.

Zheng Qing dared to bet with Li Meng's plush bear that if he stood still, he would definitely be crushed into a pulp by that huge palm.

Rumble! Rumble!

A thunderous sound came from the six rounds of blood red. It was vaguely what the three-headed and eight-armed giant ape said, but the sound was too loud to be heard clearly.

The only thing Zheng Qing can be sure of is that it has not given up its plan to capture itself. The eight arms danced like a windmill, and the eight huge palms fell from the sky one after another—boom, boom, boom!

The boy screamed and ran away desperately.

The giant ape behind him roared, exhaled like wind, and sounded like thunder, and the huge fists that fell from the sky were like hills falling down one after another, hitting the place close to the wizard's back one after another, as if The next moment would smash him into a pulp .

While fleeing, a bottomless ditch suddenly appeared in front of him.

The wizard didn't have time to stop, he closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, screamed, accelerated suddenly, and tried to jump over the ditch. But he overestimated own jumping ability after all.


The dark, growing shadow of the moat was the last image in the wizard's dream.


With a scream, Zheng Qing rolled off the bed.

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