Hunting High School

Chapter 156: At Dinner

On the battlefield of Hei Prison, Zheng Qing once heard Vice Principal Ruoyu say a word.

The general idea is that when ordinary people face legends, they often choose to look up. After looking up for a long time, ordinary people lose the ability to be equal to legends—this is why, in reality, only legends can fight against legends.

back to school.

Facing the genuine legendary existence, even if it is just a projection of him, it is difficult for the students of class 08-1 of Tianwen to muster up the courage to resist.

Therefore, the classroom atmosphere of embarrassment and doubt that Zheng Qing expected did not exist. The whole spell class ended steadily in a kind of efficiency and calm that is rarely seen in ordinary times, without causing any waves.

This atmosphere even spread to the talisman class in the afternoon. It was not until dinner that Zheng Qing heard some students sigh with emotion: "Today's learning efficiency is unexpectedly much higher. You need to worry about not being able to get a registered wizard certificate after three years."

"You're thinking of Taozi!" Someone immediately complained: "Only a real nerd like you can ignore the weird atmosphere in the school, and his mind is full of study efficiency and exams. If it happens every day in the future, the first student of the Wizards Union The first university should be renamed the first university of the Demon League."


"Shut up, don't you want to live?"

Several other voices spoke at the same time, suppressing the voice that complained. There was a small piece of unexpected silence in the cafeteria, but it only lasted for a short time, and the collision sound of spoons, chopsticks, forks and plates and dishes sounded one after another, and the chat among the young wizards became noisy again ——and a little more enthusiastic than before.

Zheng Qing didn't look back, but he could vaguely feel a dozen or so prying eyes from other tables around him cautiously wandering around, as if looking for the figure who complained.

It was in this atmosphere that Zhang Jixin came to the cafeteria.

"good evening!"

With an unconcealable exhaustion on his face, the red-faced wizard sat down on the empty seat next to Zheng Qing, almost pushing him down, his eyes lingering on the dining table: "Is there anything to eat? I'm starving to death." .”

"A little later, and the northwest wind will be left." Zheng Qing shook his head, dragged a large plate of bacon, scrambled eggs, and a plate of sliced ​​bread from Xin Fatty, and pushed them to Zhang Jixin's nose

"That's my bacon!" The fat wizard knocked on the spoon angrily diagonally across.

"You still have something else to eat." Zheng Qing comforted calmly.

"Hungry and hungry?" Zhang Jixin devoured the food on the plate without raising his head, and asked vaguely, "Evil laughing, are you talking about building a house?"

"Swallow it down before you talk!" Dr. Xiao Da, who was sitting opposite him, pushed a bowl of millet porridge in front of the red-faced wizard with a look of disgust.

Zhang Jixin grabbed the bowl of porridge, gurgled and gulped it down several times, then stroked his chest, and hammered it several times before he regained his strength: "Thank you! I almost choked to death. I was just asking, there are still starving ghosts in the school." A monster?"

"There must be in the laboratory." Dr. Xiao Da gave a definite answer.

"That's just an analogy." Zheng Qing rolled his eyes, tapped the plate in front of him with his chopsticks, and attracted the attention of other companions: "I mean, I want to ask Elder, why was he in such a hurry just now?" went."


Zhang Jixin rolled up some pieces of bacon on bread, took a bite, and then tilted his head to look at the young public fee student: "You don't know?"

Zheng Qing blinked innocently, unsure: "Should I know?"

The red-faced wizard puffed out his cheeks and bit hard. Zheng Qing looked at him, worried that he would crush his teeth. It wasn't until he stretched his neck to swallow what was in his mouth that Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next month will be Moon Hunting!" Zhang Jixin put another fried egg in the bread, while emphasizing his tone: "School Hunting Competition! Doesn't this make you realize something?"

Zheng Qing looked at Zhang Jixin, then turned to look at Xiao Xiao.

"Are we still participating in the school hunting competition this year?" He asked tentatively.

"What are you talking about!" Zhang Jixin slapped the 'sandwich' just handed to his mouth on the dinner plate, and looked angrily at the captain of the forgiveness hunting team: "Aren't you going to participate in the hunting competition?"

"No, no, no," Zheng Qing leaned back carefully, lest the food on the table would be splashed on his robe, and at the same time denied repeatedly: "I mean, didn't the hunting committee prohibit us from participating in the hunting competition?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Xiao Xiao.

This news was passed by Dr. Xiao Da to him a few days ago when he was sorting out various application materials for the Forgiveness Hunting Team before going to bed.

Hearing Zheng Qing's rhetorical question, Zhang Jixin's eyes widened in surprise: "Where did this rumor come from?"

"He got it wrong." Without waiting for Zheng Qing to evade, Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and glanced at the young public fee student rather speechlessly: "What I told him before was that the hunting committee forbids him to participate in the school hunting competition." Use Rune Gun'"

One is to ban hunting teams from participating.

One is to prohibit a certain hunter of the hunting party from using a certain weapon.

The difference between the two was so great that Zheng Qing felt his own face swelled up again, and subconsciously muttered: "Don't let me use the rune gun? It's not fair."

"Letting you use the rune gun is the biggest injustice." Xin Fatty, who was sitting sideways, finally found a chance to fight back, and complained unceremoniously: "Have you forgotten what happened to Soprano last year? School registration Of these hunters, one counts as one, who can stand up to your gun?"

Zheng Qing was speechless for a moment.

After a pause, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Jixin again: "So have you submitted the application form for the school hunting competition?"

Zhang Jixin was not angry this time.

He slowly ate the sandwich he just made, and then looked up at Xiao Xiao with a sincere face: "Doctor, let's change the captain."

"Okay! I support with both hands and feet!" Xin Fatty echoed loudly, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Xiao Xiao raised his eyelids, cast his eyes from the top of the glasses frame, glanced at several companions, and snorted: "Remind me, most of the hunting team's expenses are now paid by dap;k The donation also has a 'clear purpose'. If the captain is changed, who will be responsible for these expenses?"

He put the word "clear purpose" very seriously.

The two warlocks who had just started to rebel immediately stopped and lowered their heads silently. One started to eat the own bacon again, while the other stirred the pumpkin porridge in front of him with a spoon.

Then, Dr. Xiao looked at Zheng Qing: "I handle the work of preparing materials and submitting application forms in the hunting team. Elder is in charge of outreach, including hunting team training, hunting ground borrowing, finding and guiding the hunting team, etc. .Although you are a hands-off shopkeeper, you can’t be ignorant of everything. Even if you want to be a mascot, you should twist a few more times in the cover to show your dedication.”

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