Hunting High School

Chapter 157 Training Plan

Compared with Zhang Jixin and Xin Fatty's blatant "rebellion", Xiao Xiao's "moderate criticism" is more severe and puts more pressure on young public finance students.

He coughed twice, his eyes wandered, lingering on the dining table.

The plate in front of the fat wizard was empty, and the young public servant immediately greeted the meal waiter elf graciously, and sent some braised pig's knuckles; Elder's millet porridge was finished, and the public servant hurriedly pushed the white fungus soup next to him.

Xiao Xiao put down the knife and fork in his hand, and at the same time stopped Zheng Qing from adding food to himself, indicating that he was full.

"Do you need me to twist it on the spot?" The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team obediently helped the fortune-teller clean up the dinner plates and cutlery, and asked with a pleasant smile.

Xiao Xiao rolled his eyes and hiccupped.

"I do not need it, thank you."

The short wizard sighed tiredly, took off his glasses, wiped the lenses, put them on, and spoke again: "... Elder is going to find a place for our recovery training."

Zhang Jixin, who had just snatched a braised pork knuckle from Xin Fatty's bowl, was gnawing on the bone while nodding his head with his mouth full of oil, whimpering.


Zheng Qing repeated this simple and easy-to-understand word, hesitated for a moment, and finally raised his own confusion carefully: "I remember that we agreed that the hunting team will have a summary meeting during this period, and there will be a trial meeting in the black prison. Do we still need training?"

In the last rhetorical question, he seemed very confident, and his voice was a little louder.

Xiao Xiao looked at the wizard with an idiot-like look: "A replay is a replay, and restorative training is restorative training. Experience is turned into merit through continuous practice... I want to write it on parchment. It is wishful thinking to truly understand what we have gained on the battlefield of the black prison by writing and drawing pictures."

"Then when are we going to do that, restorative training?" Zheng Qing thought of the pile of homework that had just been accumulated after two classes during the day, and still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"At night, after nine o'clock."

The apologetic fortune teller obviously planned everything long ago, with his hands wet, he swiped a few times on the desktop: "You participated in the night patrol of Linzhong Lake for almost the whole school year, and it didn't affect your homework and studies. So I think it is very reasonable to arrange recovery training at night...and it can also strengthen our hunting team's night combat capability and make up for our shortcomings to a certain extent..."

With that said, he turned his head and looked at the Elder and the fat wizard sternly, and added: "The rest of the team also agree with this arrangement."

Zhang Jixin and Xin hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"I want to sleep a little longer tonight!"

Zheng Qing wailed silently, his lips twitched for a moment, and finally lowered his head helplessly, accepting the fortune-teller's plan in dejection.

"Where is the training ground?" the young public fee student murmured.

"My brother found a small, half-abandoned hunting ground." Zhang Jixin threw the bones aside, wiped his hands, wiped his mouth, and looked reserved: "I heard that it was used by the Judgment Hunting Team in previous training... ...The school is planning to re-schedule, and during the few months of vacancy, we caught up with the coincidence."

"That means, that hunting ground is only used by our hunting team?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows in surprise: "What about the cost? How do you calculate the cost? The store has to stock up for hunting during the peak sales season, which will take up a lot of liquidity!"

It is not easy to find a hunting ground that can be trained at any time before the school hunting meeting begins-even if it is only a small semi-abandoned hunting ground.

"How fresh!" The red-faced wizard rubbed his nose and raised his chin: "If I have worked so hard to find a hunting ground and need to squeeze in with other hunting teams, wait for time, and spend money, then I will find a hunting ground." What's the point of my brother?"

When you hear this, you will cheer up.

"Hard work, hard work!" The captain of the forgiveness hunting team smiled all over his face, grabbed Zhang Jixin's big hand, and shook it vigorously: "Everyone will never forget your contribution..."

"Contribution is nothing." Zhang Jixin pulled his hand back forcefully, scratched his head, with a little embarrassment on his face: "Only one

Point... My brother mentioned it when he arranged the hunting ground for me, let us not destroy the hunting ground... He said that it is the property of the school, and if it is destroyed, it will be punished. "

"how come!"

Zheng Qing swears, and patted his chest: "There will never be any accidents! Besides, just a simple training for the hunting team, how can it destroy the hunting ground?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the other three wizards around the dining table gave him the same glance.

"I don't have that much confidence." Xin Fatty grumbled and hiccupped: "Hi...I just know that if I follow the scumbag, I will always encounter all kinds of bad luck."

"For example, he shot the current Augustus half to death." Xiao Xiao nodded.

"Didn't the Hunting Committee forbid me to use rune guns?" Zheng Qing was a little annoyed. These guys kept talking about this matter in their ears every day. Could it be that he wanted to shoot Soprano to death at that time?

"Another example is the Black Prison Castle..." Zhang Ji was terrified of confidence, and looked at Zheng Qing's hands uneasily, as if the young public finance student in The next moment would grab a touch of bright red in his hands and hit him on the head with a stick.

"I'll emphasize it again," Zheng Qing gritted his teeth, and burst out the words he had repeated countless times: "That was really an accident!"

"That's right, that's right." The red-faced wizard nodded hastily: "That's what my brother meant... don't have any surprises!"

Yep, got caught up.

Zheng Qing glared at him angrily, pushed away the tableware in front of him, got up and urged: "It's all finished? Go to do your homework after eating! There is hunting team training tonight!"

But at the same time, he thought of the little snake hiding in his ears, and when he thought of its 'demonstration' in the ward, he suddenly felt a little guilty again.

"There aren't any dangerous creatures in that semi-abandoned hunting ground." He looked at Zhang Jixin, and his tone was a little gentle.

"Dangerous creatures?"

Zhang Jixin was stunned for a few seconds, then frowned: "Theoretically, there is no... My brother told me that the biggest prey in that hunting ground is a group of Gatraxi, and we will never encounter more dangerous magical creatures than them." .”

"What's the cover?" Zheng Qing didn't hear the strange name clearly.

"Gatetrash, a magical creature native to the north of England, um, around Lincolnshire and Yorkshire." Dr. Xiao Da naturally inserted into this conversation: "It is a dog-like creature with a tail A dark creature with forked, pale skin and hair, fast and dangerous... I've always thought it had some sort of kinship with the Chow."

"Because of its forked tail?"

"It is clear."

"So, the most dangerous thing in that hunting ground is a group of dogs, right." Zheng Qing seemed to be cheering himself up, and nodded: "When the time comes, we will bring Maodou when we has the blood of Tindalos hounds, It has a certain suppressive power against ordinary canine magical creatures Innate!"

"I think it's more reliable to bring Tuantuan than Maodou." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and gave his own suggestion: "I doubt that dog will play with those Getraxi."

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