Hunting High School

Chapter 163: Blockers

"Bah bah?"

"That's the sound of a mule... Gay Tracy doesn't sound that way."

"Then what do you say they're called?"

"I remember it as...hehe?"

"...Why don't you say Haha."

"There is indeed a 'hey' sound, but it's not complete. It seems that there is a coughing sound behind it... Hey cough cough, hey cough, hey cough, like this... Are they choked?"

Zheng Qing listened to the discussion between Dylan and Xin Fatty with a blank face, and always felt that it was somewhat unwise for Xiao Xiao to bring up this topic.

Different from him, Xiao Xiao listened to the analysis of the two very seriously.

In the end, the apologetic fortune teller nodded: "Almost, I heard these two sounds too. At first I thought it was an illusion, but it seems that I heard it right... But the 'hey cough' you said is not accurate, it is accurate. For example, they yell 'hex'."

"hex?" Zheng Qing frowned, wondering where he had heard this word before.


Jiang Yu immediately showed the style that a schoolmaster should have, and replied without thinking: "A very rare curse of the Black Devil method, which is part of shaman magic... But under normal circumstances, this kind of curse will only make the powerful The sorcerer turned into a weak lamb or a frog. Also, I never heard that Getraxi can use shaman magic!"

Hearing the keywords of shaman magic and frog, a lightning flashed in Zheng Qing's mind, and he immediately remembered where the damn familiarity came from.

A few weeks ago, at the start-of-second-year trial, the Exoneration Hunt had dealt with a berserk two-headed ogre. It had cast the Hex curse back then.

"Very correct." The apologetic fortune teller looked at the squad leader appreciatively, and added: "Theoretically, Getraxi can't cast shaman curses, but also, theoretically, Getraxi shouldn't be so fierce ..."

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth.

Indeed, the group of upgraded Gatraxis seemed to have turned into a group of black beasts——after the eyes of the leading black 'big dog' turned from green to red, the black smoke condensed body suddenly swelled, the face was elongated, and the corners of the mouth changed. Wide, with a long mane pulled out from the back of the neck, flying with the night wind, only the sharp claws on the four feet remained, and did not become horseshoes together with the body.

Immediately after the leader, the rest of the dozens of Getraxi also turned into ferocious tall horses amidst the roars. They raised their heads and neighed loudly, suppressing the curses of the young wizards; rushing down from the hillside At that time, he was as fast as the wind, and with just a sprint, he easily tore through the siege circle set up by the forgiveness hunting team.

Not only that, when the young wizards tried to use their spells again to attack these upgraded Getraxi, the tall horse beasts not only stopped dodging, but bravely launched a countercharge.

Then, in the shocked eyes of the hunters, the fierce curse light was crushed by the sharp teeth of the horses and beasts, and turned into various streamers, scattered in all directions.

Intangible spells can still be crushed by those monsters, let alone talismans, magic circles and other means with entities. The magic circle collapsed under the sharp claws, and the talisman turned into pieces between the fangs. Even the blue titan, who revealed his true body, was inevitably stretched left and right when faced with the attack of a mad dog, and he missed frequently, falling all over his body. scars.

The most terrible thing is that these monsters are 'immortal'.

When the upgraded Getraxi that the blue bird killed at the beginning reappeared on the battlefield with red eyes, the fortune teller, main hunter and hunting team leader of the forgiveness hunting team wisely made the same decision - to retreat .

Although a bit embarrassing, choosing to transfer under the attack of this monster is not Losing face.

What's more, this hunting ground is located on Phuket Island and belongs to the First University. The retreating young wizards have no doubts. As long as they leave the hunting ground and send an alarm to the night training team of the school working committee, the school will be able to settle them in the blink of an eye. disgraced monster.

So even if they were defeated, these young hunters still showed enough calmness.

"...Since the 'theory' has deviated, then we have reason to make any possible assumptions." Xiao Xiao's voice appeared again in the year

Fei Sheng's ears interrupted his recollection: "For example, because of some special reasons, those Getraxi mastered the 'magic'."

Including Zheng Qing, the expressions of other young wizards also became serious.

If this inference is correct, then who is it that allows these Getraxis to master the 'magic'? Does he have anything to do with the two-headed ogre on the proving ground?

Since they can master 'black magic', does that mean they can also master other Black Devil methods? Now that the hunting team stopped here, where did the upgraded Getraxis behind them go?

While these thoughts flashed through her mind, Zheng Qing subconsciously stood up straight and looked around.

The effect of the little star has not dissipated, and seven or eight wheel-sized light balls are suspended in mid-air, illuminating a piece of light for several miles around. The real moon in the sky is also eclipsed by the magical contrast, hiding the curved body behind the night.

Occasionally, colorful light flashes in the air, which is the guardian magic cast by Jiang Yu, which is invisible to protect the pure land under the night.

Xiao Xiao put down the crystal ball, sat cross-legged on the ground, lit a small bonfire, and threw dry branches and grass blades into the fire with a serious face. Next to his hand was a clean tortoise shell. Many large and small holes have been drilled with a carving knife according to the trajectory of the sun and the moon.

Beyond the fire, the pure land, and the starlight, the dark night became more and more intense, as if the darkness between the heaven and the earth gathered together at this moment.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zheng Qing always felt that there were a few pairs of prying eyes in the darkness, greedily looking at the young wizards in this small piece of pure land.

The hunter becomes the prey is the worst thing in this world.

"Don't stop, leave the hunting ground first." Zheng Qing made a decision immediately.

The fortune-teller, who was about to throw the tortoise shell into the fire, was stunned when he heard this, and quickly jumped up, stomping around to extinguish the small fire, and at the same time put the tortoise shell into his arms.

"It's just right, I saved a piece of spiritual armor." The short wizard smacked his lips regretfully: "At first, I wanted to see who was behind the trick..."

While speaking, the seven hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team have resumed their room formation.

The formation is complete, the orange-red afterbirth slowly rises, and it vaguely has the appearance of a fire pig, which is much improved compared to the previous meatball-like appearance.

Sure enough, practice is the best means of mastering magic.

The 'Baby Little Stars' hovering in mid-air formed a line, extending from the heads of the young wizards to the outside of the hunting ground, illuminating a path of light like a jade belt in the dark night.

The 'Room Fire Pig' dashed forward along the light path, but stopped abruptly after traveling only a few hundred meters.

Because the dozens of upgraded Getraxi appeared in front of them again, blocking their way out of the hunting ground. Compared with the previous ones, the Getraxis seem to be bigger this time, with scales clearly visible on their bodies, and Qu's temper seems to be getting more irritable.

Seeing the young wizard on the opposite side, they didn't hesitate at all, let out a long hiss, buried their heads together and charged.

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