Hunting High School

Chapter 164: Beyond The Hunting Ground

When the upgraded Getraxi launched a tragic charge like a cavalry.

Beyond the path of light illuminated by the 'Baby Little Stars', in the dark night at the edge of the hunting ground, several figures in black robes and crow masks were silently watching the young hunting team—someone was holding a notebook The board recorded the reactions of Gatrashis, some held instruments to measure the fluctuation of magic power, and some held up crystal balls to record every frame of the scene.

Everyone has something to do, except one short guy.

"Why did you have to refill the potion just now?" The slightly shorter crow mask asked the companion beside him in a low voice: "I remember that No. 3 potion is valid for four hours."

"If you carefully observe the senior's operation, you will find that what we just replenished is not No. 3 potion." The companion bit the tip of the quill pen, frowned and looked at the distance, and then looked at the content on his note board, very impatient replied.

"Hey? Is that so?" The short crow's masked voice was full of surprise, and at the same time he immediately took out a small notebook and a quill pen from his pocket, and quickly recorded it.

The other crow masks breathed a sigh of relief and continued to work.


The short crow mask just said two words, but was interrupted by the tall crow mask in the lead: "Just now we replenished the No. 7 potion, the effect is to strengthen the body and magic power, and the cost is to double the life loss again... ...which means the group of Gatrassies have only the last two hours of their lives left."

"Ah... oh." The short crow mask was stunned, and quickly recorded these words in his own notebook, and drew an emphasis under the label of the medicine with a quill.

Close the notebook and look up into the distance.

In the depths of the hunting ground, at the end of the extended light path, seven young wizards were quickly throwing spells of different colors one after another, trying to block the charging Getraxis.

But no attack could stop the horses and beasts from advancing crazily.

The exploding spell and the shattered talisman complement each other, vaguely mixed with the loud cries of those young wizards. The night wind blew, and even though the crow mask was on his face, the short wizard still felt the fluff on his cheeks blowing up one by one.

But he didn't know whether it was the subtle magic power mixed in the night wind, or the chill of the night soaked through the mask on his face.

When the young hunting team at the end of the light path was forced to retreat again.

The short wizard wearing the crow mask finally couldn't help it, looked around anxiously, and spoke again in a very low voice, asking the companion next to him: "This time... why did you let the experimental subject attack the students in the school?"

"It was just an accident." The tall wizard at the head replied softly: "They just appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time and chose the wrong prey."

Speaking of this, he frowned slightly: "Theoretically, such a mistake should not occur... The fortune-teller in the laboratory has confirmed before that those young wizards should not have any intersection with Gatraxi."

"Since it was a mistake... we can come back at another time!" The short wizard's voice showed a hint of urgency: "...such as tomorrow? Tomorrow is Saturday, those students will definitely not come."

"There is no time." The leader turned his head, the eyes under the crow mask were very bright: "We have no time, the professor has no time...the school will not give us time. I thought that the revelation of the newly promoted legendary wizard could Let the school be in chaos for a while, but I didn't expect the school to deal with it so decisively. No chance was given."

Hearing this explanation, the crow masks were all silent.

In the night wind, only the slight rustling of the pen tip falling on the parchment could be heard.



"zap! (smash)"

The tall black giant opened its ferocious mouth, revealing staggered sharp teeth. An evil curse came out from its throat, and the tips of the teeth gleamed with a palpitating cold light.

The spells and flying talismans of the wizards shattered under the cold light, turning into bits of streamer.

Although it is

A little frustrated, but it can't shake the determination of the young wizards of the forgiveness hunting team to fight back.

"Ge Zhitanxi, give it to this dog!"

"I'm Ma Xuanhuang!"

"Wolf stalks its beard, carries its tail!"

"Walking and walking, the center shakes!"

Colorful spells emerged one after another, and thick vines sprang out of the void, surging with fluctuations of magic power of different natures, intertwined with each other, like a net of heaven and earth.

Another blue titan roared like thunder, picked up huge boulders and logs, and smashed at the pursuers; from time to time, a black shadow or a sword ray flashed in the darkness, cutting off the legs and feet of the runners.

"e! (anger)"

"devolve! (decay)"

& hen might! (Power of the Earth)"

The upgraded Gatraxis charged furiously, while roaring and spitting out curses full of dark power.

The sky and earth net woven by spells was easily torn apart.

The severed legs and feet grew back again during the attack, as flexible as before.

The battle formation of the Forgiveness Hunting Team kept changing its direction, several times and three times, trying to disengage and leave the hunting ground, but they were all stopped by those crazy Gai Laxi.

With the passage of time and the consumption of magic power, the young hunters gradually became restless.


"Is this going to let us go out?"

When Zheng Qing reached into the gray cloth bag again and did not touch the talisman, but touched the cold body of the talisman gun, he couldn't help gritting his teeth, with a sneer on his face, and turned his head to look at the exit of the hunting ground: "Originally, I only planned to grow old Just get out there and give them to the school... that's best for them."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and touched Own's earlobe again.

The little snake in the ear hole seemed to be about to move.

The young public finance student twitched the corners of his mouth: "...But since they are too aggressive and don't want to be honest, then it's no wonder we have them all!"

The other six young wizards all looked at Zheng Qing with their hands slowing down.

The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team raised his breath and shouted: "...the room dormitory array was changed to the shin dormitory array, and we walked with our backs, crossed the Silent River, and headed away from the school's guardian circle...Since they don't want to be in the school Solve this matter, then we will go outside to solve it!"

The other hunters of the forgiveness hunting team exchanged glances and nodded slightly.

A red light flashed in Mr. Vampire Werewolf's eyes, and he chuckled lowly: "I like this attitude."

"As long as you don't have to lose money to the school, you have the final say." The red-faced wizard tugged at the gloves on his hands, and let out a sigh of relief - he had been worried that Zheng Qing's brain would get hot just now, and he pulled out his rune gun and shot around.

As always, the fortune tellers of the Forgiveness Hunting Team were in charge of the battle formation.

"The Jisu formation belongs to water, and the formation is borrowed from the Jishui leopard."

Xiao Xiao straightened his glasses, and a calm voice sounded in the ears of every hunter: "This point is completely in conflict with the Shihuozhu in the Shisu formation. Therefore, this time, the squad leader will take the lead, and the gentleman will stand with me." In the position of Prime Minister, the swordsman is at the front, Fatty defends the heavy pressure, Elder supports the left and right, and the captain roams is convenient for you to do what you like to do."

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