Hunting High School

Chapter 165: River Bend

Outside the hunting grounds.

Downstream of the quiet river surrounding the hunting grounds, by a hidden inlet.

A skinny wizard standing on the shore suddenly turned his head, looking in the direction of the hunting ground with empty eyes, with a slightly serious expression. He was covered in a black robe, with a handsome face, and the dark brown hair under the hood was mixed with a lot of gray and white, and he looked like a young man with premature aging.

His companion immediately noticed the wizard's movements.

"Amber, did you find anything?" A short, burly wizard asked in a low voice, sticking his hands out of the wide sleeves of his robes, his five fingers spread out, and the spread fingers were covered with colorful rings.

At this moment, the gemstones on the rings were emitting a faint cold light.

"Over there," the fortuneteller of the Ouroboros Hunting Team vacillated a little, pointing in the direction of the hunting ground: "There are very striking Karma lines entangled...a period of very violent magic fluctuations just broke out."

"Why didn't I feel it?" The thin and thin hunter Omega jumped onto a big rock next to him, with a suspicious face on his face, and looked into the depths of the Silent River with his eyes wide open, as if he could see the Karma lines that the fortune-teller said .

"Because you're not good at divination." The black-haired and thin-eyed Julian replied gently: "In addition, there is a semi-abandoned hunting ground in the direction Amber pointed... There may be a hunting team preparing for the next month's game. Too nervous."

"Can you not be nervous?" Omega muttered softly, shrinking his neck subconsciously: "If this matter is discovered by the school, it will definitely be punished... Dad will break my leg."

Hearing this muttering, Shuipan suddenly fell into an uneasy silence.

The hunters of the Ouroboros hunting team looked at each other, exchanged glances, and finally all eyes fell on the leader of the hunting team, Andrew Taylor.

The stout captain of the hunting team waved his hand, not paying attention: "What are you afraid of! This is something that His Excellency Augustus personally ordered, and there will be no problem... and the person who is connected is also a member of our hunting team. This is considered a hunting team." Internal transaction!"

This explanation was quite convincing, and made the companions feel a little more at ease.



In the bay, the originally calm water surface suddenly rippled. The rippling water hit the shore covered with gravel and tree stumps, making a slight but continuous crashing sound.

The four hunters of the Ouroboros hunting team became vigilant.

The fortuneteller Amber took a few steps towards the retreat and stood behind his captain; Andrew clenched his fists tightly, and the gemstones on the ten rings shone with faint light. intent.

Julian opened the magic book in his hand, his lips squirmed, and silently activated the magic circle prepared in advance; while Omega, who had just squatted on the boulder, jumped back and disappeared into the heavy night in the blink of an eye. traced.


The movement of water waves crashing against the river bank became more and more loud. Andrew's little finger shook slightly, and a string of light balls of different sizes suddenly burst out from the ring on the little finger with the moon Shiraishi embedded in it, rising into the air.

Those balls of light seemed to be alive. After patrolling along the dark river bay, they finally circled and stayed above the water bay, illuminating the surging silent river.

The four wizards standing on the bank immediately noticed a few dark shadows in the river.

"Is it them?" Julian licked his dry lips, turned his head, and looked at his captain anxiously.

Andrew Taylor didn't answer, but stared at the black shadows intently. After a while, he nodded slightly, and replied in a low voice: "Well... inform the newcomer that a guest is here."

Julian immediately flipped through the dharma book and recited the mantra in a low voice: "Birds chirping, begging for their friends!"

The invisible magic power wave centered on the book in his hand and spread in all directions. The little bugs who were shouting vigorously in the bushes seemed to be choked in an instant and shut their mouths one after another. The world was suddenly quiet.

Crash! Crash!

The noise of the water in the river bend reaches the maximum, and several black shadows break through

The river was restrained, and he strode towards the shore. For a while, the sound of the river splashing, heavy footsteps, and heavy breathing were all intertwined, and the silent night suddenly became noisy.

Looking at the familiar figure at the head, Julian breathed a sigh of relief, but his hands secretly clasped on the Dharma book did not relax in the slightest.

Andrew Taylor strode forward and jumped in front of the guests in a few steps, stretched out his hand, grabbed the leader's arm, and shook it vigorously: " are a little late today."

The young murloc grinned, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Something happened... hiss."

Perhaps because it just came out of the water, its voice has a strong smell of foam: "When I just came out, hiss, there was a little conflict between the murlocs in the lake and the wizard on the shore, hiss, and the longevity turtle in the mud pond to the east. It's related... Hiss, but it doesn't matter, the trouble has been solved, hiss!"

Andrew patted its arm again, and said with concern: "Do you need help? You know, we still have some influence in school..."

"No, no need, hiss!" The young murloc leader immediately shook his head, his cheeks and the fins behind his back slightly swelled, and a fierce light flashed in his slightly dull eyes: "This is troublesome, hiss, there are still people in the lake. I can solve it myself, hiss!"

Andrew was just being polite at first, but when he heard this, he immediately praised him repeatedly: "So, the murloc's affairs should be resolved by the murlocs themselves. Wizards, especially those red robes from Jiuyou Academy, casually interfere with the affairs of Linzhong Lake. It's just not right."

Iseni nodded in agreement, and the blown dorsal fin immediately softened.

"So, have you brought everything?" The captain of the Ouroboros hunting team stretched his neck, looked over the tall murloc figure, and looked behind it.

"Brought it."

Iseni waved his hand and ordered his companions behind him, and his voice became more and more fluent: "Bring all your things... Well, there are 120 discarded Dharma books, which are basically in good condition and can be used by hand; gemstones of all colors Three bags of different sizes, but each one is exquisite, whether it is used for enchanting or medicine, it is no problem; , and so on, all the things listed in your list are also in it, you can take a look at it slowly."

While talking, several tall murlocs dragged three heavy wooden boxes and slowly walked up to the shore.


A few boxes fell on the reddish stone slabs on the shore, making a heavy impact sound. With the sound of impact, the lids of the box popped up, revealing the messy goods inside.

No command from the captain is required.

Julian immediately took out a monocle with a brass frame, held it up in front of him, pointed at the various sundries in the box, and carefully analyzed it.

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