Hunting High School

Chapter 169 About Serious Media

"The exception clause of the "Program Against Murloc Oppression" states that '(traders) must have clear and convincing evidence that the murlocs who provide magical materials, alchemical products, and other commodities in a broad sense are in tribes, temporary Zhonghu and Jiuyou Academy are treated fairly, justly and reasonably,'...and require traders to provide relevant reports'Traders should submit a report to the Moral Hazard Committee of the Hemophilia Society within 30 natural days of determining the exception, and Explain in public publications (such as school newspapers, Beta Town Post, etc. serious media)..."

It can be seen that Andrew has put in some hard work on this clause, and he can memorize it very fluently.

After reciting the detailed rules of the bill, the captain of the Ouroboros hunting team paused slightly, and smiled slyly at Zheng Qing: "Do you think we can get permission from the Moral Hazard Committee of the Society of Hemophilia?"

Zheng Qing used a lot of strength to prevent himself from spitting out the little green snake in his ears and eyes when he snorted coldly.

"Sure enough, if you let the dog guard the meat buns, there is no possibility of guarding them." Xin Fatty's undisguised disdainful voice came from behind.

Andrew pretended not to hear.

"Seprano entrusted you to take care of his small business. He really has a bit of sense." Zheng Qing couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Are you going to take over the school next month?" 'Gambling hunting' at a hunting game?"

This time, Andrew didn't pretend not to hear.

On the contrary, looking at his smiling face, he seemed very happy that others realized that he was valued by Soprano. Even so, he remained cautious enough: "Gambling? There is no gambling in the first university!...Only based on luck Some small games with vision. I heard that you made a lot of gold in this small game last year, how about it, are you interested in playing a bigger game this year?"

Watching the other party do their business to themselves.

Zheng Qing had to laugh twice, interrupting Andrew's sales promotion - he just went through the somewhat boring legal clause in his mind and realized a little detail: "... So, what about public publications? Your " Doesn’t the Act require that it be stated in a public publication? We haven’t seen reports about your transaction in the recent school newspaper or the Beta Town Post!”

With that said, he looked back at Sim Fatty.

The fat wizard shook his head decisively, affirming the captain's thoughts.


Andrew quickly took out a pair of magazines from his arms, held them in both hands, and brought them to Zheng Qing with a smile on his face: ""Horseman Weekly", Issue 20090913, page 7... Well, here, did you see one? Pretty standard announcement."

The corners of Zheng Qing's mouth twitched, instead of reading the announcement that was sure to be flawless, he turned to the cover of "Horseman Weekly". On the cover, a centaur with a painted face is standing up on two hind legs, trampling down heavily. In the soil under its feet, a saddle saddle that has been crushed and a broken French book rolled down. Book.

A quill pen was clamped in the Dharma book, half of the body was exposed, and a drop of bright red was stained on the bare tip of the pen. It was trembling in mid-air, and it was about to drip, but it was not known whether it was a drop of blood or a drop of cinnabar ink.

The cover article is full of Killing intent - "Sorcerer's Mule or Free Warrior, Why We Reject the Book of Laws!" "

Zheng Qing tapped the horse man with his fingertips, and received threats from the other party who yelled curses and brandished a sword. From this, he was convinced that this "Cattleman Weekly" was indeed a magical publication.

"This is...serious media?" Zheng Qing raised his head and looked at Andrew with a wooden face.

The captain of the Ouroboros hunting team smiled brightly: "Of course, it's a genuine and serious media, an open publication for the centaur tribe... Of course, its audience is a little insufficient. At present, maybe, um, how many subscriptions are there? coming?"

He pretended to turn his head to look at his assistant hunter.

The black-haired and thin-eyed Julian smiled gently: "The data was the highest last week, reaching thirty-two."

"Yes, thirty-two copies!" Andrew suddenly realized, slapped hard, and then made a regretful expression: "Maybe you don't care much about these demihuman magical creatures, so

This publication was not noted. If you ask me, this is the biggest failure of Jiuyou Academy’s education, it always keeps students locked in textbooks, forgetting that there is a vast world beyond the academy..."

Zheng Qing felt that he no longer had the energy to be angry.

Responding to Wuxin with intention, the other side is too well prepared.

"So, we must not hunt on other people's home courts." The young public fee student turned his head, looked at his team members, and warned earnestly: "Today's incident clearly illustrates this point—when you try to hunt in other people's home courts." When you defeat the opponent according to the standards and rules set by the opponent, you have already lost half of the battle."

"It's so ugly to talk about defeat or not." The little Young Master of Taylor's family laughed dryly: "It's all communication, mutual communication, and mutual learning."


There was the cracking sound of branches being trampled off in the forest, mixed with the rustling of bushes, interrupting the atmosphere of 'friendly communication' among the young wizards.

Zheng Qing followed the prestige.

There was no light in the dark woods, but from the corner of the eye of the little magical stars above the water bay, a vague, tall and thin figure could still be seen walking towards the outside of the woods.

Gradually, as the figure got closer and closer, more and more light fell on him, and his image became clearer. The captain of the forgiveness hunting team and the fortune teller raised their eyebrows together, looking at the newcomer in surprise.

It was a black-haired and black-eyed wizard, tall and straight, handsome, wearing a moon-white robe from the Alpha Academy, covered with mysterious rune embroidered with gold and silver silk, floating a layer of shimmer in the night.

When the newcomer walked out of the woods and stood at the edge of the open space on the shore, he stopped cautiously and looked at the three groups of people facing each other in confusion: "This is..."

"Oh, allow me to introduce."

Andrew enthusiastically raised his hand, greeted Zheng Qing, and then pointed to Zheng Qing with a gentle tone: "Nine You Academy's public-funded student, winner of two Merlin Medals, owner of the wand 'World' title, classmate Zheng Qing , and... this is Alpha Academy's public-funded student, a talented potionist, a trainee hunter of the Ouroboros hunting team, and the sponsor of this small event tonight, classmate Lin Yan."

While speaking, the captain of the Ouroboros Hunting Team walked to the sidelines naturally, grabbed Lin Yan's arm, and pulled him to the center of the court. At the same time, he pointed to the young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team and briefly introduced each hunter. His identity and how this hunting team that had been training all night appeared here, and so on.

"Lin Yan? I seem to have heard of this name before."

Zheng Qing heard Dylan and Xin Fatty whispering softly behind him: "Ah, that's right, it's the newcomer who lost his head a few days ago and wanted to buy forgiveness."

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