Hunting High School

Chapter 170: The Newcomer Of Ouroboros

Dylan remembered Lin Yan's identity correctly.

The only thing is that Dylan proposed to buy the apology 12 days ago, on the Saturday of the first week of school, when Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao were on their way to the library.

It's Friday of the third week now.

In the blink of an eye, the first week of school was coming to an end, and Zheng Qing felt that he hadn't done anything yet, and suddenly felt a trance like time flies and no time to wait.

But the world doesn't stop because of someone's momentary trance.

When Zheng Qing was distracted, Andrew was pressing Lin Yan's shoulder with one hand, while praising the newcomers of the Ouroboros Hunting Team with a pun, "...As you know, Zheng Qing has a classmate A very good hunting team... His rich knowledge is worth learning, from hunting skills to every secret passage in the school, yes, he knows the secrets of many corners of this campus... including how to find The way back to school."

This is the first time Zheng Qing has heard of such an 'elegant' way of seeing off guests.

He couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"I should have taken off my hat," the young public fee student pulled the hood on his head, put the hat on more securely, then looked at Andrew, then at Lin Yan, and added: "...but I just realized that we all know each other and don't need this red tape."

"Oh, you guys know each other?" Andrew looked surprised, as if he just found out about it.

Zheng Qing bet that he did it on purpose, because Lin Yan's attempt to acquire the Forgiveness Hunting Team caused quite a stir in the circle of the First University Hunting Team. As Alpha's best new-generation hunting team captain, this werewolf boy Impossible not to know.

It's just that he knew that he was talking nonsense, and he also knew that Zheng Qing knew that he was talking nonsense, and the two still maintained a superficially friendly atmosphere.

"I have dealt with you once." The captain of the forgiveness waved his hand, and said indifferently: "A few days ago, student Lin Yan planned to buy the forgiveness hunting team."

"What a brave idea." Andrew turned his head, with a full face of appreciation, and patted the newcomer on the shoulder vigorously.

Lin Yan smiled fakely and said nothing.

Zheng Qing felt that this smile deserved a punch.

"Madou!" He sipped lightly.

The gray dog ​​came out of the void in the blink of an eye, and lay between Jiuyou and Alpha, with its paws curled up, its belly exposed, and its tail wagging happily.

Lin Yan's smile suddenly froze on his face.

He still remembered the last time when this dog stood in front of him, Zheng Qing said "good dogs don't get in the way", he couldn't help but secretly gritted his teeth, trying to restrain his urge to kick that gray dog— —He also doubted that if he stepped down, not only would he not be able to kick the elusive dog, but he might be bitten by it.

Maybe you will be extorted money.

Although I have a lot of money, I shouldn't waste it on rogues. Thinking about it this way, Lin Yan suddenly felt that it was a very wise thing for him to exercise restraint, and his mood improved slightly.

"A very beautiful dog." Andrew's eyes lit up, and he couldn't hide the affection on his face. Zheng Qing was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized his werewolf blood.

Werewolves like dogs, just like Su Ya likes Poseidon. This is the effect of attraction.

"A bit of Tindalos blood, not pure, but in Phuket Island, it's quite rare." Zheng Qing was polite, while trying to think about how to calmly take some good things from the short Fatty on the opposite side.

Otherwise, I am too sorry for the wasted saliva.

He believed that the leisurely and silent companions behind him also had this idea. Earlier, Zhang Jixin was still worrying about the hunting team training funds, and broke through the illegal trade of ouroboros in a blink of an eye.

This is called a windfall.

Valley Miasma Perhaps aware of the evil intentions of the wizard, the captain of the Ouroboros hunting team forced himself to look away from Maodou, and repeated his previous plan: "Such a beautiful dog, should

Go back to rest early, otherwise it is easy to lose hair... After shedding, the dog will not be beautiful. "

As he spoke, he looked at the guests sincerely.

Zheng Qing was not sure for a moment whether the werewolf boy in front of him was really talking about Maodou, or if he meant something—he always felt that Andrew's words were a bit malicious.

“Madou likes the dark night.” Zheng Qing pretended not to understand Andrew’s voice-over.

"Night is really a good time to train."

The captain of the Ouroboros hunting team didn't care, and immediately offered another suggestion: "I have a small suggestion here... There is a camp of Huo Dou more than a thousand meters away from here, and they will be a group of Good prey... you should go there. Quiet, open, unfamiliar hunting grounds, brand new prey, extremely exercise the hunting team's adaptability."

"you've been to?"

"Been there."

"The gang of troubles are still there?"

"They were still there when we left... Don't worry, we're not interested in hunting."

"Huh? A hunting party not interested in hunting?"

"It's too bloody, too mana-consuming, and sometimes it depends on luck. A lot of time is wasted, but the harvest is disappointing. This is not a business I like."

"Treat hunting as a business... If this sentence is heard by the Elder of the Taylor family, you will be chained by the tail in the depths of the cellar by Lake Ontario." Dylan sneered.

"In this world, the golden bean is God, and the jade coin is the real father." A voice with a vague volume but a very clear tone came from the darkness: "Hunting is originally a business."

Zheng Qing followed the prestige and saw a thin figure of a wizard.

He remembered that this was a safari from the Ouroboros Hunting Team. He was born in the Star Academy, and he was classmates with Dylan and Blue Bird. His family opened a restaurant called 'Yota' on the pedestrian street—— Zheng Qing has always wanted to invite Jiang Yu there That restaurant came for dinner.

"It's worthy of being a teammate of a hunting team." The wizard praised, and finally gave up on continuing to entangle with the other party, and decided to be quicker, so he spread his palms at Andrew: "Since you are not interested, then we will help you expel that group of evil spirits." Well... Well, the labor fee is less, and we have seven hunters here, each with one jade coin."

"You are robbing!" In the darkness, Omega's indignant voice came again: "It's just a bunch of trouble, we don't need your help!"

This innocent child thought that Zheng Qing was really talking about hunting.

"No, we need it." In contrast, the captain of the Ouroboros Hunting Team was much wiser. He reached out his hand decisively, grabbed Zheng Qing's open palm, and smiled all over his face: "Seven jade coins can hire The famous hunting team that participated in the Battle of Hell is very cheap, very cheap."

Behind Zheng Qing, Xin Fatty whispered regretfully: "It seems that there will be less."

"I bet those gray cloth bags contained gemstones, otherwise the profits would not have been so lucrative." Dylan analyzed with the same small voice.

"You can't just focus on that little profit." Zhang Jixin also joined in the whispering of the two, but even though he tried his best to keep his voice down, his thick voice was still a bit eye-catching to others: "... the layout should be bigger, this kind of Illegal smuggling, and being severely punished by the school after being caught, is not something that can be solved with seven jade coins."

Unconsciously, Andrew grabbed Zheng Qing's hand and shook it vigorously: "That's it."

"Deal." Zheng Qing also accepted as soon as it was good.

In the clearing on the shore, the other hunters of the two hunting teams breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time, only the murlocs behind Iseni shook their dorsal fins anxiously, annoyed at the sloppiness of the wizards.

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