Hunting High School

Chapter 184 Proof

Sure enough, the old Huang Li was always right, he shouldn't go out today. Thinking of this, the black cat snorted subconsciously, trying to exhale the bad luck in its body.

But to be honest, hearing that this inexplicable guy keeps his mouth shut is the school rule, Zheng Qing is really interested in what he calls the 'study interest group'.

It's just that Xiao Xiaoer reminds him every day, the young public finance student is no longer a novice who has just entered the wizarding world, and he is 100% wary and vigilant towards any guy who 'can't see his face clearly'.

"I don't even know the name of your club, so why am I interested in it?" The black cat raised its whiskers and refused with a not-so-resolute attitude.

"The Seven Deadly Sins."

The wizard wearing a white mask replied immediately: "The name of the society is 'Seven Deadly Sins'. I am the sinner in the society. Due to personal reasons, I can't continue to hold this position, so I need a are my chosen one." Inheritor."

"Seven deadly sins? Can you be punished?"

The black cat chewed on these interesting-sounding words. At first, he didn't want to talk to the other party, but affected by the cat's curious nature, he couldn't help but ask: "The community in Atlas? Personal reason is you Graduating? Are you a senior? Why me? Do we know each other? Do you know who I am?"

Don't be afraid to say no, just be afraid not to say anything.

The black cat threw out a series of questions, not only did not annoy the wizard, but made him much happier, and quickly replied: "The Seven Deadly Sins is a school-wide club, and the organization is not large. Only including me, there are only eight members in total. , but I can tell you with certainty that every member is an absolute elite in the school...As for whether I am a senior or not, you need to guess for yourself...Everyone in the organization does not know the identity of others, Including me. But mutual guessing is allowed. Of course, there is no reward for guessing."

Such a strange rule makes the cat even more curious.

"These seven deadly sins of you are the seven deadly sins in Catholicism?" It poked its head forward, lowered its tail, and swung back and forth slightly behind it.

The masked man chuckled: "...This question can only be answered after you join in."

The black cat's tail stopped, and its head tilted to one side: "Then what are you guilty of? What kind of crime are you? What job are you responsible for in the seven deadly sins? I don't think I've ever heard of you. Society."

"There are a lot of private clubs in the school, and they don't openly recruit, so it's normal not to have heard of it." Speaking of this, the masked man paused, and repeated his previous remarks with a smile: "As for the duties of the sinner... I can answer that question only after you join."

The black cat stood up annoyed, and lingered twice in front of the tree hole with its tail upright.

"You can't say this, you can't say still cover it up so that no one can see your face!" It said angrily, "Who dares to join this kind of club!"

These words not only did not arouse the anger of the masked man, but instead made him nod repeatedly.


The wizard nodded slightly, and agreed: "If it were me, facing such a guy with unknown background and suspicious identity, I would not easily believe it... On this point, your response is qualified...Be careful, yes The most basic and most important quality of every member of the Seven Deadly Sins."

While speaking, he took out a scroll of parchment from his arms and handed it to the black cat: "...As for our identities, here is a qualification document issued by the school, which can prove to you that the 'Seven Deadly Sins' is a legal official community."

The parchment scroll was sealed with a red wax seal, with the official seal of the student union on it very clearly.

"The First University still issues this kind of document?" The black cat squatted steadily on the spot without moving, but it poked its head forward very hard, carefully looking up and down at the wax seal.

As the captain of the forgiveness hunting team, Zheng Qing has to deal with the student union, and he still recognizes the official seal of the student union. Moreover, the magic fluctuations from the wax seal are real, so it can be confirmed that the wax seal is real.

"As long as it is a reasonable request, let the school help

Producing such certificates is not difficult. "The masked man handed the roll of parchment forward.

It seems to be urging the black cat to open.

The black cat stared at it silently, without moving.

After a moment of stalemate, the masked man suddenly came to his senses and glanced at the black cat's paw: "Oh, it's inconvenient for you to open it, right? Then let me open it for you?"

The black cat looked at him with mentally retarded eyes, but didn't say a word. On the one hand, as a cat, it is really inconvenient to unfold a parchment roll; on the other hand, it is also a very unwise move to open an item handed over by a stranger.

Even that scroll of parchment had the Student Council wax seal on it.

With a slight shake of the wizard's pinky finger, he picked up the wax seal, unfolded the parchment naturally, spread it in front of the black cat, and thoughtfully summoned a few little stars to disperse the heavy night.

"I'm a cat now!"

The black cat didn't appreciate it, its green eyes were shining brightly in the dim moonlight, and it sneered: "You can't see clearly, but it doesn't mean I can't see clearly."

The masked man didn't make a sound, but took two steps towards the retreated, leaving enough space for the black cat.

The moonlight was mixed with the light of the little star, and fell on the parchment, emitting a layer of blue halo. Through the halo, the black cat first noticed the dazzling string of seals under the parchment—— —The first university professors joint meeting, the first university working committee, the first university student union, the first university association, the official seal of the seven deadly sins.

In addition to the "relevant departments", the official seals of several heavyweight institutions of the First University that Zheng Qing knew appeared in front of it, and the magic power fluctuations on them were the same as Zheng Qing's impressions, plus it originated from cats. His intuition and the laziness of that little green snake really dispelled many of his worries.

Then, he carefully read the short certificate——

"Here, the Seven Deadly Sins (society number) is the official registered society of our school (non-open recruitment type). It was established in 1589 in the Western calendar. Its general purpose is to unite and help each other and clean up sins. The rules and regulations, the performance is excellent. I hereby certify. (official seal)”

The black cat snorted again and raised its head again: "Then how do you prove..."

Before the words were finished, the wizard wearing a white mask spread out an unfolded parchment in front of it again——

"This is to certify that (fuzzy name) (add a ray of breath) is an official member of our society (wizard), and has served as a 'convicted envoy' since 2007-2009. During his tenure, he worked hard, performed his duties conscientiously, and did not violate any School rules and regulations and professional ethics. (official seal)”

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