Hunting High School

Chapter 185 No Harmful Choice

The official seal is verified to be correct.

Breath check is correct.

The black cat pressed the two pieces of parchment with its paws, and carefully cross-checked the seals and contents on them.

Theoretically speaking, he can now confirm that the First University does have a small society called the 'Seven Deadly Sins', which has a long history and is quite powerful.

At the very least, it is very difficult for the Knights of Forgiveness to make such an inexplicable certificate issued by the professor joint meeting and the school working committee.

And it can also confirm that the guy in the white mask in front of him should be a member of the 'Seven Deadly Sins', or a sinner.

What a cat-scratching result.

On the one hand, Zheng Qing didn't want to get into such messy troubles before the school hunting competition, which might affect his hunting mood; Hidden things are full of interest, especially the heavy history of the Seven Deadly Sins. Joining it will always give people an inexplicable and solemn sense of historical participation.

The black cat popped out its sharp claws and scratched lightly on the two pieces of parchment.

It wasn't scratched, but it left clear scratches.

After a while, it acted casually, and asked casually: "... Meow, you just said that you want me to replace you as this envoy?"

"Yes." The wizard wearing a white mask nodded slightly.

The black cat tilted its head and looked at him: "...I don't know what to call you yet."

This is indeed a problem.

The wizard sitting cross-legged on the ground held his chest with one hand and pinched his chin with the other. After hesitating for a moment, he replied, "Can you call me senior?"

"I don't ask any questions, why should I call you senior, just because you are standing in front of me?" The black cat tugged at his beard, sure enough, this guy was slippery, and refused to reveal his true identity: "...then What do the rest of the community call you?"

"They usually call me 'Master Condemned Envoy' to my face, and probably say 'that guy' or something like that behind my back."

"It's still the same question as before." The black cat gave up the debate about the name, and repeated what it asked before: "Why did you choose me? Do we know each other? Do you know who I am?"

"Do you know the school roster?" the masked man asked.

The black cat shook the tip of its tail slightly: "Well, it is said to be a very advanced magical work, which can automatically retrieve the identity information of all wizards of the right age in the wizarding world, and preliminarily screen out the list of students who meet the requirements of the first university."

"Bingo!" The masked man snapped his fingers: "Doesn't it sound amazing? In fact, the core magic in the roster is a few divination techniques... Of course, in order to expand the scope of the search, the fortune-teller who is applied to the roster The level is relatively high, probably as high as a legend."

"You mean, the Seven Deadly Sins also have this ability?" The black cat tilted its head and looked at the hidden guy opposite, becoming more and more interested in the so-called small society.

"Of course, the level is definitely not as high as the school roster, but the effect is not far off." The wizard wearing a white mask straightened up reservedly: "...the roster of the club will not show a clear list, but It will guide us to find a suitable position for the tester to appear."

"So, before you saw me today, you didn't know that I was a cat?" Zheng Qing suddenly realized, and only then did he know why he reacted that way when he first saw himself.

Mentioning this incident, the masked man was also very speechless—although through the mask, Zheng Qing seemed to see his troubled face.

"how to say,"

He thought about it, and said slowly: "To be honest, no matter who I meet today, I won't be so surprised... The seven deadly sins will only absorb students with the greatest potential in the school, and the first university says it's not big , there are only a few top-notch names in total. But a cat? It is indeed a bit beyond my expectation."

"Who do you think is the best?" The black cat suddenly felt a little itchy in his heart.

The masked man shrugged: "Since the roster asked me to come to the school, there is a high probability that I will find a student from Jiuyou Academy."

Students... Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao, Tang Dun, Matthew, and Zhang Jixin among the junior students of Jiuyou College are all outstanding. As for the first grade, no seeds similar to that of Alpha Linyan have been found yet. "

The black cat is very satisfied to hear that own name is listed first.

But at the same time, it was also confused by the other party's list: "Only these? I mean, Jiuyou College's chief student, and another public-funded student this year, aren't they outstanding candidates?"

"Liu Feifei and Jiang Yu?" The masked man stretched his head in surprise, as if he wanted to look at the black cat's tail

This is a bit offending.

The black cat suddenly became angry, and Bai Sensen bared its sharp teeth again.

"Just kidding, just kidding, hahahaha." The masked man waved his hands and laughed exaggeratedly: "Come back to you agree to join our Seven Deadly Sins?"

The black cat pondered for a few seconds.

"Is there any benefit after joining?"

"The Seven Deadly Sins have a very large trading network, from the Blood Essence of the great demon to the magic learning experience of the great wizard, from the first-level protected mermaid cub to the extremely dangerous Tindalos hound, from the evil mage Crowe From the complete works of Leigh to the flesh and blood remains of the undead Kosiche, from the large number of corpses to the pure virgin souls... We have channels for all the magical resources you can think of. In this regard, even the Wandering Bar is not as good as us efficiency. Of course, more importantly, there is no harm in joining the Seven Deadly Sins."

"What do you mean there is no harm?"

"Just like the literal meaning...except for the transaction, the seven deadly sins will not force members to perform any obligations, you can understand yourself as a customer sitting in a strange cafe...because you join or not, no one Know, except yourself. It is absolute freedom under strict restraint."

This sounds very attractive.

"What if I regret it after joining?" the black cat asked, "Can I quit at will?"

"As long as you find a suitable successor, you can quit at any time." Having said that, the masked man paused before adding: "But as far as I know, every wizard who has the opportunity to join the Seven Deadly Sins rarely Voluntarily withdrawing, this leads to a very slow generation replacement in our association... Often the student union changes twice, and we are still full of old faces behind the conference table."

"Old faces? Didn't you say you don't know who they are?"

"This is just an analogy. We can always deduce many facts from the subtleties of daily life." The wizard wearing a white mask said this, suddenly stopped, looked into the distance, and then smiled: " Sorry, if you are interested in more about the Seven Deadly Sins, you can learn more about it in the next assessment...We can only talk here today."

Chapter 185 No Harmful Choice

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