Hunting High School

Chapter 186 The Fourth Saturday

The black cat wanted to ask a few more questions, but unexpectedly, a voice came from not far behind and asked, "Who's there!"

It followed the sound, and saw a light green gleam swaying outside the dark forest, and with that gleam, there was a slight wave of magic spreading in all directions, like a spring breeze.

It's a dead wind lantern for the night patrol.

With just one glance, the black cat can tell where the light green came from. Then he realized that the subtle magic fluctuations should be the patrol members using detection magic. It should be that the wizard on night watch noticed a small movement in the depths of the forest, so he simply checked.

It turned its head, trying to comfort the masked man as someone who had been there, but was surprised to find that the masked man who had stayed in front of him had disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, besides the two parchment papers, there was a long and narrow white note under the black cat's feet. With the cat's eyes flashing slightly, the line of scrawled handwriting on the note was seen by the dim moonlight falling between the treetops. clear and distinct--

"It's still at this place at 11:30 p.m. on Jiaxu day of the Guiyou month."

Jiaxu Day in the Guiyou month is September 26, the eighth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, which is this Saturday. As for 'this place', the black cat raised its head, looked around, looked at the lush trees that looked similar around it, and finally raised its hind legs uneasy, leaving a trail of dampness next to the tree hole where Brother Ear disappeared. Strengthen memory.

Normal cats will not use this strange posture.

But after seeing a lot of black cats in the animal world, I always feel that this kind of behavior is very ritualistic.

The footsteps of the night watch wizards gradually approached.

The black cat flicked a few pieces of thick parchment beside its paws, scooped them up with one paw, stuffed them into the gray cloth bag hidden under its chin, then flicked its tail, turned around and quickly disappeared among the lush bushes.

Behind him, the patrol members murmured in confusion, but everything had nothing to do with the black cat.



The experience of turning into a cat on Wednesday night—especially about the Seven Deadly Sins—was not mentioned by Zheng Qing to anyone, including Xiao Xiao, after returning to the dormitory.

Not that he deliberately hid anything from his companions.

It wasn't that he was more interested in the seven deadly crimes of Na Laoshizi than he was vigilant.

It was because of a reason that even he himself didn't quite believe—forgot—that's right, when Zheng Qing stuffed the two certificates and the note into the gray cloth bag, less than five minutes had passed, It forgot all about the conversation just now and what happened tonight, and turned into a mountain king running amok on the cat fruit tree again.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock on Saturday night, less than half an hour before the time agreed on the note, that the wizard suddenly remembered this incident. At that time, he was the only one in the 403 dormitory.

Although Dylan doesn't need to go to class today Saturday, his body comes from the double blood of vampire and werewolf, which keeps urging him to go out for a walk at night; Xin Fatty was taken to the editorial room of the school newspaper by sister Linda to prepare for the upcoming As for Dr. Xiao Da, he was called to the office by Sima in the afternoon and has not come back until now.

Apart from Tuantuan and the elf, Zheng Qing couldn't find a third living creature to discuss this matter. And he couldn't count on a cat and a group of alchemy beings to provide solid advice on such matters.

"Say, should I talk to Jiang Yu about this?" The young public finance student looked at the ticking hands of the pocket watch in his hand, and looked at the fat cat on the desk with some uncertainty.

Tuantuan lazily licked his paws and let out a whimper.

Zheng Qing turned his head to look at the elves again, the leading elf circled a few times in the air hesitantly, then flew into the bathroom, and returned to Zheng Qing with a warm towel in the blink of an eye.

The wizard sighed deeply, gave up communicating with the cats and elves, and finally didn't give Jiang Yufei a paper crane—he could imagine that the witch's reply letter would use a very firm tone to prevent him from going to the appointment.

"To go or not to go, that is the question."

Zheng Qing put the pocket watch on the desk and looked at the ampoule containing the transformation potion on the left side of the pocket watch

bottle, looked at the exercise book of the philosophy of magic class on the right side of the pocket watch, and analyzed to himself: "...First of all, the seven deadly sins should be a not-so-professional society; secondly, there is no doubt that he was In this case, I used a memory interference magic similar to the Confusion Curse; in the end, I did not explicitly say that I would not go that day... Silence in a sense represents consent... and keeping promises is a good quality recognized by all wizards. Especially I am still a public student at the school, so I should lead by example!"

After some complicated and difficult self-persuasion, Zheng Qing happily opened the ampoule and drank a transforming potion. Of course, during this process, the thick stack of exercise books did not interfere with the wizard's correct judgment at all.

The process of becoming a cat is very short and lackluster.

After transforming into a cat, the black cat put the pocket watch and the box containing the remaining transforming potion into the gray cloth bag, then put the gray cloth bag wrapped in black gauze around its neck, and secured it with the slightly longer cat hair under its jaw. Cover up firmly.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to lift the long hair under his neck and tear off the black veil, no one will be able to see the shrunken gray cloth bag.

Before going out of the window, the black cat propped its hind legs on the ground, with its front legs on the window sill, turned around and yelled into the room: "Tuantuan, if I haven't come back tomorrow morning, remember to ask them to report to the school...then go Look for me at the cat fruit tree!"

After all, regardless of whether the fat cat agreed or not, the black cat pawed vigorously, jumped, and disappeared into the dark night outside the window in a blink of an eye.

That last comment is just in case.

Zheng Qing has already made up his mind, no matter how eloquent the lotus flower is, that guy who calls himself the 'Responsible Envoy' is determined not to follow him out of the school at night. And as long as he stays in the school, with the protection of the talisman gun and the little green snake, the wizard feels that even if a great wizard makes a move, he can make a move.



When the black cat struggled to hide the gray cloth bag under its long fur.

In another corner of the school, in Fort Alpha, Sir Friedman had just stepped out of the Karen family's common room. The Alpha Fort at midnight was exceptionally silent. In the empty corridors, apart from the occasional whispers from the wall charts and murals on both sides, there were not many ghosts wandering around.

Friedman easily found an empty staircase, changed his uniform, put on the ruby ​​ring, crossed the white mist that filled the bottom of the stairs, pushed open the small bronze door, and walked into the meeting room of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Behind the door, the conference table was empty, not a single ghost could be seen.

Only one candle was burning on the ceiling, and its dim light fell on the conference table, covered by a piece of open parchment. Sir Friedman picked up the parchment, which marked the meeting place for tonight.

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