Hunting High School

Chapter 191: Random Equality

"Add mathematical concepts?" Zhu Si was confused.

For the wizards of her era, spells and potions were the most important concepts. Neither magic philosophy nor mathematics were things that ordinary little wizards needed to study.

During the long journey in the Dreamland, the little witch did not have the opportunity to get in touch with the most cutting-edge and popular dimensional theory in the wizarding world. Naturally, there were not many mathematical studies that occupied a large amount of modern wizarding theory.

Therefore, after hearing what Zheng Qing said, it was inevitable that I was a little confused.

The same but different from her, Zheng Qing only knows a little about mathematics, far from being able to use this subject to deconstruct the concept of fairness - he just vaguely read the "mathematical concept of fairness" in some book Such words.

Throwing out that sentence just now was purely a momentary hilarity out of impatience.

But as soon as the words came out, not only Zhu Si, but also other companions around showed signs of listening—Xiao Xiao put down the red velvet that was wiping the crystal ball in his hand, Dylan stretched his neck a little longer, and Xin Fatty, he Already tucked the fourth quill behind the ear.

More importantly, Jiang Yu also had a gleam in the witch's eyes at this moment, as if surprised that the wizard could mention such a profound concept.

Zheng Qing couldn't ignore that light.

"Yeah, add a little math."

The young public fee student repeated this sentence, buying himself three more seconds. He looked as if nothing had happened on the surface, but his brain was already half boiling, and he had to try his best to maintain a calm tone:

"...Fairness is expressed in mathematical concepts as an 'equation'. The left and right sides of the equation represent different hunting teams. Each hunter in the hunting team is a variable. Each variable can be based on the strength of magic power, grade level, hunting experience, etc. And so on to assign different weights... As long as the balance is carried out in a suitable way to ensure that the equation holds, the theoretical fairness can be maintained."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Qing himself was the first to breathe a sigh of relief, no matter how others reacted.

Although he didn't even know what he said - it seemed to sound reasonable, but when he thought about it carefully, it was meaningless and boring.

A very notable example is that Li Meng yawned a lot after hearing half of it.

Zheng Qing must thank the little witch for this action, because that yawn immediately attracted most of Jiang Yu's attention, and gave the wizard a chance to quickly end the topic.

"Brother Scum said something." Dr. Xiao Da also kindly helped out, he raised his hand to adjust his glasses, and said slowly: "There is a very important branch in mathematics—probability theory and mathematical statistics. ——Any practical issue involving competition, lottery, fairness, etc., can be calculated rigorously and delicately through the data model. From this point of view, deconstructing fairness with mathematics may be the only way to achieve true "philosophical fairness" '."

Well, it's about philosophy again.

Zheng Qing listened to the doctor's discourse with a numb face, and his eyelids felt a little heavy, but his thoughts, following the breath of relief in his heart, had already flown to nowhere.

"Fairness in the philosophical sense?" Xin Fatty seemed to be very interested in this topic. He took out the fifth quill from somewhere, stuck out his tongue and licked the tip of the pen: "...can you briefly describe it? Maybe I can Referring to this topic, apply to the school newspaper for an interview with Lao Yao."

This is called drunkenness, this idea flashed in Zheng Qing's mind.

Apparently, Xiao Xiao also understood the unfinished meaning of the fat wizard, and squinted at him: "Not all philosophies belong to the philosophy of magic... Fairness in the sense of philosophy can be described in one sentence, which can be roughly summed up as 'what is not right to nature. For equal competitors, randomness is the greatest fairness'..."

Zheng Qing chewed on this sentence, faintly feeling that there was a lot of content in it, but it was difficult to describe his feelings clearly after a while.

At this moment, Lin Guo who had been looking around suddenly jumped up from the ground and shouted happily: "Here they come, they come...they are coming!


This shout immediately liberated Li Meng and Zhu Si, who had already been drowsy—especially Zhu Si, who regretted it early in the morning after listening to a few 'old masters' chatting about topics like sawdust for a long time. I took up what Zheng Qing said.

Zheng Qing followed the prestige.

A string of light balls of different sizes emerged in the depths of the dark forest, flickering on and off. He knew that it was because the wizards who maintained the 'Babi Little Star' were negligent in finely controlling the magic power of the spell.

As the string of small stars grew more and more, the figure shrouded in starlight gradually became clearer.

One tall and four short, five, no, six figures? !

"What is it doing!"

Zheng Qing's face turned green when he saw Poseidon's jumping for joy: "The hunting team training is not a game, and when I meet those crazy Getraxis last time, do you want me to violate the school rules and regulations on the spot?"

As if hearing the wizard's voice, the little fox jumped out of Su Ya's arms, like a baseball that had been whipped flying, slid an elegant arc in mid-air, and hit Zheng Qing's arms heavily.

Almost knocked out the old father's stomach.

Su Ya trotted, followed behind the little fox, and saw the wizard gasping for air, his eyes curled into crescents with a smile, his furry ears were wagging happily from side to side, and the big tail behind him slipped out of the skirt involuntarily, hooking hooked.

Behind the little fox girl is the d&k accountant Hank in a crisp tuxedo, nicknamed 'Fox Five', around Fox Five, following two short rat-man brothers, Ding Dong Ears and Ding Dong Ears.

Behind him was the blue bird who was in charge of escorting the little ones. The swordsman from Starry Sky Academy silently stood at the end of the small team, holding a long sword wrapped in gray cloth in his arms, and his pet sable was wrapped around his neck.

"This is the goods that Miss ordered to deliver, please sign for receipt, sir." Fox Five Hank saluted Zheng Qing respectfully, and handed out a small wooden box.

Zheng Qing didn't care to rub his aching chest, and hurriedly opened the wooden box.

Inside the box was a drop-shaped glass bottle sealed with a cork. Inside the bottle was a cloud of crimson liquid floating in mid-air, as if alive, bumping left and right.

As if aware of the sight of the wizard, the crimson ball shrank suddenly, and then stretched out into a human shape, revealing slender limbs and a blurred face, lying on the bottle wall, smashing the transparent glass hard.

Xiao Xiao and Zhang Jixin approached almost at the same time, looking at the crimson ball in the bottle.

"It's indeed Bofu's Blood Essence," the apologetic fortune-teller adjusted his glasses and carefully analyzed the characteristics of the blood: " be able to maintain such excellent vitality after being separated from the body, the purity is very high."

"This means that it will be easier for us to practice the second-tier battle formation!" Zhang Jixin looked excited: "It just so happens that I have a few immature tactical ideas here, and I can share them with you..."

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